Аксессуары для ванной комнаты Haceka IXI чёрный

Ixi вешалка для полотенец 63CM Н/Р сталь чёрная
Product features Haceka IXI Towel rail single short
Product titleHaceka Ixi towel rail single mat black 63cm
Product descriptionIXI, the decorative range of accessories from Haceka, has it all. The series is made of brushed stainless steel. The products look hip and industrial thanks to the visible screws. The design is robust, slim, simple and stylish. In other words, timeless accessories for a modern interior.
Width635 mm
Depth62 mm
Height20 mm
MaterialStainless Steel - Inox
Surface finishPowder Coated
Gloss levelMatt
46,00 €
Ixi держатель для туалетной бумаги Н/Р сталь чёрный
Product features Haceka IXI Toilet roll holder without cover
Product titleHaceka Ixi toilet roll holder without cover mat black
Product descriptionIXI, the decorative range of accessories from Haceka, has it all. The series is made of brushed stainless steel. The products look hip and industrial thanks to the visible screws. The design is robust, slim, simple and stylish. In other words, timeless accessories for a modern interior.
Width157 mm
Depth26 mm
Height90 mm
MaterialStainless Steel - Inox
Surface finishPowder Coated
Gloss levelMatt
37,00 €
Ixi держатель для туалетной бумаги с клапаном Н/Р сталь чёрный
Product features Haceka IXI Toilet roll holder with cover
Product titleHaceka Ixi toilet roll holder with cover mat black
Product descriptionIXI, the decorative range of accessories from Haceka, has it all. The series is made of brushed stainless steel. The products look hip and industrial thanks to the visible screws. The design is robust, slim, simple and stylish. In other words, timeless accessories for a modern interior.
Width157 mm
Depth26 mm
Height123 mm
MaterialStainless Steel - Inox
Surface finishPowder Coated
Gloss levelMatt
46,00 €
Ixi держатель лля запасного рулона Н/Р сталь чёрный
R/V terasest
Product features Haceka IXI Toilet roll holder spare rolls
Product titleHaceka Ixi toilet roll holder 3 spare rolls mat black
Product descriptionIXI, the decorative range of accessories from Haceka, has it all. The series is made of brushed stainless steel. The products look hip and industrial thanks to the visible screws. The design is robust, slim, simple and stylish. In other words, timeless accessories for a modern interior.
Width20 mm
Depth105 mm
Height345 mm
MaterialStainless Steel - Inox
Surface finishPowder Coated
Gloss levelMatt
37,00 €
Ixi поворотная вешалка Н/Р сталь чёрная
Product features Haceka IXI Towel rail swing
Product titleHaceka Ixi towel rail double swing mat black 39cm
Product descriptionIXI, the decorative range of accessories from Haceka, has it all. The series is made of brushed stainless steel. The products look hip and industrial thanks to the visible screws. The design is robust, slim, simple and stylish. In other words, timeless accessories for a modern interior.
Width20 mm
Depth395 mm
Height112 mm
MaterialStainless Steel - Inox
Surface finishPowder Coated
Gloss levelMatt
62,00 €
Ixi подставка для мыла, Н/Р сталь чёрная
Product features Haceka IXI Soap holder metal
Product titleHaceka Ixi soap holder mat black
Product descriptionIXI, the decorative range of accessories from Haceka, has it all. The series is made of brushed stainless steel. The products look hip and industrial thanks to the visible screws. The design is robust, slim, simple and stylish. In other words, timeless accessories for a modern interior.
Width180 mm
Depth86 mm
Height20 mm
MaterialStainless Steel - Inox
Surface finishPowder Coated
Gloss levelMatt
45,00 €
Ixi стеклянная полочка 60cm Н/Р сталь чёрная
R/V terasest
Product features Haceka IXI Glass shelf
Product titleHaceka Ixi shelf glass mat black 60cm
Product descriptionIXI, the decorative range of accessories from Haceka, has it all. The series is made of brushed stainless steel. The products look hip and industrial thanks to the visible screws. The design is robust, slim, simple and stylish. In other words, timeless accessories for a modern interior.
Width600 mm
Depth112 mm
Height36 mm
MaterialStainless Steel - Inox
Surface finishPowder Coated
Gloss levelMatt
57,00 €
Держатель для полотенец 33 cm Haceka Ixi чёрный 1208567
Materjalid: Roostevaba teras
Mõõtmed: 330 x 63 x 20mm
34,00 €
Душевая полка Haceka Ixi чёрная 1208578
Materjalid: Roostevaba teras
Mõõtmed: 235 x 86 x 102mm
81,00 €
Крючёк 2-ne Haceka Ixi чёрный 1208553Materjalid: Roostevaba teras
Mõõtmed: 50 x 20 x 45mm
24,00 €
Крючёк Haceka Ixi чёрный 1208512
Materjalid: Roostevaba teras
Mõõtmed: 40 x 40 x 75mm
23,00 €
Настенный стаканчик Haceka Ixi чёрный 1208555
Materjalid: Roostevaba teras
Mõõtmed: 134 x 81 x 20mm
39,00 €
Ручка для ванной 34 cm Haceka Ixi чёрная 1208577
Materjalid: Roostevaba teras
Mõõtmed: 340 x 74,5 x 20mm
46,00 €
Скребок для душевой стенки IXI нержавеющая сталь чёрный
Product features Haceka IXI Wiper short with hook
Product titleHaceka Ixi wiper with hook mat black
Product descriptionIXI, the decorative range of accessories from Haceka, has it all. The series is made of brushed stainless steel. The products look hip and industrial thanks to the visible screws. The design is robust, slim, simple and stylish. In other words, timeless accessories for a modern interior.
Width258 mm
Depth24 mm
Height192 mm
MaterialStainless Steel - Inox, Rubber
Surface finishPowder Coated
Gloss levelMatt
46,00 €