
Mediclinics пеленальные столики BABYMEDI

Mediclinics пеленальные столики BABYMEDI

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• Vertical surface-mounted baby changing station made of bacterial-resistant polypropylene.

• BabyMedi® changing stations offer a very high level of safety and cleanliness being the ideal solution for public spaces such as, shopping centers, airports, public buildings, childcare centres, etc. Models suitable for high traffic facilities with high strength and durability.

• Their trendy and stylish design, allow these baby changing stations to blend into any space perfectly.

• Biocote® antimicrobial additive, based on ion silver technology, is embedded into its own surface, promoting an easy cleaning and reducing the growth of odor causing and staining microbes.

• BabyMedi® baby changing stations are supplied (inside the packing box) with child protection straps made of nylon.

• A pair of bag hooks (one at the right side and the other one at the left) help to keep personal belongings close and at hand.

• BabyMedi® units fully comply with the EN 12221-1 and EN 12221-2 standards that require baby changing stations be able to support a 50 Kg static load test during one hour.

Артикул: MCP0016V ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
445,50 € (10%)
495,00 €

• Vertical surface-mounted baby changing stations made of bacterial-resistant polypropylene and with AISI 304 stainless steel exterior.

• BabyMedi® changing stations offer a very high level of safety and cleanliness being the ideal solution for public spaces such as, shopping centers, airports, public buildings, childcare centres, etc. Models suitable for high traffic facilities with high strength and durability.

• Their trendy and stylish design, allow these baby changing stations to blend into any space perfectly.

• Biocote® antimicrobial additive, based on ion silver technology, is embedded into its own surface, promoting an easy cleaning and reducing the growth of odor causing and staining microbes.

• BabyMedi® baby changing stations are supplied (inside the packing box) with child protection straps made of nylon.

• A pair of bag hooks (one at the right side and the other one at the left) help to keep personal belongings close and at hand.

• BabyMedi® units fully comply with the EN 12221-1 and EN 12221-2 standards that require baby changing stations be able to support a 50 Kg static load test during one hour.

Артикул: MCP0016VCS ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
1104,30 € (10%)
1227,00 €
Vertikaalne pinnale paigaldatav beebivahetusjaam, mis on valmistatud bakterikindlast polüpropüleenist ja AISI 304 roostevabast terasest välispinnaga, mattmust viimistlus
• Bakterikindlast polüpropüleenist ja roostevabast terasest välispinnaga AISI 304 vertikaalsed pinnale paigaldatavad laste vahetusjaamad.
• BabyMedi® riietusjaamad pakuvad väga kõrget turvalisuse ja puhtuse taset, olles ideaalne lahendus avalikes kohtades, nagu kaubanduskeskused, lennujaamad, avalikud hooned, lastehoiukeskused jne. Suure tugevusega ja vastupidavusega suure liiklusega rajatistele sobivad mudelid.
• Nende trendikas ja stiilne disain võimaldab neil beebivahetusjaamadel ideaalselt sulanduda igasse ruumi.
• Biocote® antimikroobne lisand, mis põhineb ioonhõbedatehnoloogial, on paigaldatud oma pinnale, soodustades hõlpsat puhastamist ja vähendades lõhna põhjustavate ja määrduvate mikroobide kasvu.
• BabyMedi saab soovi korral tarnida ionisaatoriga ("Ion Hygienic" tehnoloogia), mis neutraliseerib viiruse ja bakterid tänu negatiivselt laetud osakestele (anioonidele), mis aitavad hoida beebivahetuspunkti lapsele kahjulike mikroorganismide eest. tervist. Ionisaatori tõhusust viiruste ja bakterite vastu on testinud ja heaks kiitnud TÜV Rheinland (mikrobioloogilise katse aruande number 60329708-001).
• BabyMedi® beebivahetuspunktid (pakendikarbi sees) on varustatud nailonist lastekaitsega.
• Paar kotikonksu (üks paremal ja teine vasakul) aitavad hoida isiklikke asju lähedal ja käepärast.
• BabyMedi® seadmed vastavad täielikult standarditele EN 12221-1 ja EN 12221-2, mis nõuavad, et beebivahetuspunktid toetaksid 50 kg staatilise koormuse testi ühe tunni jooksul.





Vertical surface-mounted baby changing station made of bacterial-resistant polypropylene and with AISI 304 stainless steel exterior, matte black finish


• Vertical surface-mounted baby changing stations made of bacterial-resistant polypropylene and with AISI 304 stainless steel exterior.

• BabyMedi® changing stations offer a very high level of safety and cleanliness being the ideal solution for public spaces such as, shopping centers, airports, public buildings, childcare centres, etc. Models suitable for high traffic facilities with high strength and durability.

• Their trendy and stylish design, allow these baby changing stations to blend into any space perfectly.

• Biocote® antimicrobial additive, based on ion silver technology, is embedded into its own surface, promoting an easy cleaning and reducing the growth of odor causing and staining microbes.

• BabyMedi can be delivered, optionally, with an ionizer ("Ion Hygienic" technology) that neutralizes virus and bacteria thanks to the negatively charged particles (anions) it emits, helping to maintain the baby changing station free of these harmful microorganisms for the baby health. The effectiveness of the ionizer, against virus and bacteria, has been tested and approved by TÜV Rheinland (Microbiological Test Report number 60329708-001).

• BabyMedi® baby changing stations are supplied (inside the packing box) with child protection straps made of nylon.

• A pair of bag hooks (one at the right side and the other one at the left) help to keep personal belongings close and at hand.

• BabyMedi® units fully comply with the EN 12221-1 and EN 12221-2 standards that require baby changing stations be able to support a 50 Kg static load test during one hour.


ВЕРТИКАЛЬНАЯ Пеленальная станция
Пеленальный столик для открытого монтажа, вертикальный, из устойчивого к бактериям полипропилена, снаружи из нержавеющей стали AISI 304, матово-черный цвет.
• Вертикальные пеленальные столики для открытого монтажа из устойчивого к бактериям полипропилена с внешним покрытием из нержавеющей стали AISI 304.
• Пеленальные столы BabyMedi® обеспечивают очень высокий уровень безопасности и чистоты и являются идеальным решением для общественных мест, таких как торговые центры, аэропорты, общественные здания, детские сады и т. Д. Модели, подходящие для объектов с интенсивным движением, обладают высокой прочностью и долговечностью.
• Их модный и стильный дизайн позволяет этим пеленальным столикам идеально вписаться в любое пространство.
• Антимикробная добавка Biocote®, основанная на технологии ионного серебра, встраивается в ее собственную поверхность, облегчая очистку и уменьшая рост микробов, вызывающих запах и окрашивающих.
• BabyMedi может поставляться, по желанию, с ионизатором (технология «Ion Hygienic»), который нейтрализует вирусы и бактерии благодаря испускаемым им отрицательно заряженным частицам (анионам), помогая поддерживать пеленальный столик свободным от этих вредных для ребенка микроорганизмов. здоровье. Эффективность ионизатора против вирусов и бактерий была протестирована и одобрена TÜV Rheinland (номер отчета о микробиологических испытаниях 60329708-001).
• Пеленальные станции BabyMedi® поставляются (внутри упаковочной коробки) с ремнями для защиты детей из нейлона.
• Пара крючков для сумок (одна с правой стороны, а другая с левой) помогает держать личные вещи под рукой.
• Установки BabyMedi® полностью соответствуют стандартам EN 12221-1 и EN 12221-2, согласно которым детские пеленальные станции должны выдерживать испытание статической нагрузкой 50 кг в течение одного часа.
Артикул: MCP0016VCSB ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
1229,40 € (10%)
1366,00 €

Пеленальный столик Mediclinics горизонтальный пластик с ионизатором + AISI304

Mähkimislaud Mediclinics horisontaalne plast ioniseerijaga + AISI304

Seinale klapitav mähkimislaud; horisontaalne, ioniseerijaga;

materjal-polüpropüleen / AISI 304, roostevaba teras-harjatud; 

kaal 12,3 kg; 

mõõdud: L 860 x S 570 x H 100 (klapituna seinale 565) mm


Horizontal surface-mounted baby changing station made of bacterial-resistant polypropylene and with AISI 304 stainless steel exterior, satin finish. It also assembles an ionizer that eliminate microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.

• Horizontal wall-mounted baby changing station made of white polypropylene and AISI 304 stainless steel satin finish, with built-in antibacterial additive and an ionizer that eliminate microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.

• BabyMedi® changing stations offer a very high level of safety and cleanliness being the ideal solution for public spaces such as, shopping centers, airports, public buildings, childcare centres, etc. Models suitable for high traffic facilities with high strength and durability.

• Their trendy and stylish design, allow these baby changing stations to blend into any space perfectly.

• Biocote® antimicrobial additive, based on ion silver technology, is embedded into its own surface, promoting an easy cleaning and reducing the growth of odor causing and staining microbes.

• This model of baby changing station is supplied with an ionizer ("Ion Hygienic" technology) ) that neutralizes virus and bacteria thanks to the negatively charged particles (anions) it emits, helping to maintain the baby changing station free of these harmful microorganisms for the baby health. The effectiveness of the ionizer, against virus and bacteria, has been tested and approved by TÜV Rheinland (Microbiological Test Report number 60329708-001) .

• BabyMedi® baby changing stations are supplied (inside the packing box) with child protection straps made of nylon.

• A pair of bag hooks (one at the right side and the other one at the left) help to keep personal belongings close and at hand.

• BabyMedi® units fully comply with the EN 12221-1 and EN 12221-2 standards that require baby changing stations be able to support a 50 Kg static load test during one hour. Moreover, units tested in our own laboratories have withstood loads over 100 kg.


Артикул: MSC0016HCS-I ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
1169,10 € (10%)
1299,00 €

• Horizontal surface-mounted baby changing station made of bacterial-resistant polypropylene and with AISI 304 stainless steel exterior.

BabyMedi® changing stations offer a very high level of safety and cleanliness being the ideal solution for public spaces such as, shopping centers, airports, public buildings, childcare centres, etc. Models suitable for high traffic facilities with high strength and durability.

• Their trendy and stylish design, allow these baby changing stations to blend into any space perfectly.

• Biocote® antimicrobial additive, based on ion silver technology, is embedded into its own surface, promoting an easy cleaning and reducing the growth of odor causing and staining microbes.

• BabyMedi® baby changing stations are supplied (inside the packing box) with child protection straps made of nylon.

• A pair of bag hooks (one at the right side and the other one at the left) help to keep personal belongings close and at hand.

• BabyMedi® units fully comply with the EN 12221-1 and EN 12221-2 standards that require baby changing stations be able to support a 50 Kg static load test during one hour. Moreover, units tested in our own laboratories have withstood loads over 100 kg.

Артикул: MCP0016HCS ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
1103,40 € (10%)
1226,00 €
Пеленальный столик Mediclinics горизонтальный пластик+AISI304 матовый чёрный



Horizontal surface-mounted baby changing station made of bacterial-resistant polypropylene and with AISI 304 stainless steel exterior matte black finish

• Horizontal surface-mounted baby changing station made of bacterial-resistant polypropylene and with AISI 304 stainless steel exterior.

BabyMedi® changing stations offer a very high level of safety and cleanliness being the ideal solution for public spaces such as, shopping centers, airports, public buildings, childcare centres, etc. Models suitable for high traffic facilities with high strength and durability.

• Their trendy and stylish design, allow these baby changing stations to blend into any space perfectly.

• Biocote® antimicrobial additive, based on ion silver technology, is embedded into its own surface, promoting an easy cleaning and reducing the growth of odor causing and staining microbes.

• BabyMedi® baby changing stations are supplied (inside the packing box) with child protection straps made of nylon.

• A pair of bag hooks (one at the right side and the other one at the left) help to keep personal belongings close and at hand.

• BabyMedi® units fully comply with the EN 12221-1 and EN 12221-2 standards that require baby changing stations be able to support a 50 Kg static load test during one hour. Moreover, units tested in our own laboratories have withstood loads over 100 kg.

Артикул: MD-CP0016HCSB ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
1229,40 € (10%)
1366,00 €
Артикул: MCP0016H ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
445,50 € (10%)
495,00 €