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Delabie 512111P антивандальный электронный дозатор для жидкого мыла, или пены, 0.5L Н/Р сталь

Артикул: DE-512111P
Единица: шт
Время доставки: 14-21 день
427,00 €
Kuumakse alates: 36,46 €
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Delabie 512111P антивандальный электронный дозатор для жидкого мыла, или пены, 0.5L Н/Р сталь

Delabie 512111P antivandaalne elektrooniline vedel- või vahtseebi dosaator,  harj. rst

Electronic liquid or foam soap dispenser

Seinale paigaldatav elektrooniline seebi dosaator.
Vedel- või vahtseebi dosaator.
Vandaalikindel mudel ristseinale (TC) kuni 110mm.
Käsitsi kontakti pole: infrapunarakk tuvastab käed automaatselt.
Kroomitud 304 roostevabast terasest tila.
Iseseisev elektrooniline seade paigaldamiseks valamu alla või teeninduskanalisse.
Automaatne seebi dosaator: vooluvõrk 230/6V trafoga.
Taimepõhise vedelseebi jaoks maksimaalse viskoossusega 3000 mPa.s või spetsiaalsele vahtseebile.
Tila kogupikkus: 115 mm.
Tarnitakse 1,20 m painduva toruga kaugpaakide jaoks.
Настенный электронный дозатор для мыла.
Дозатор для жидкого или пенного мыла.
Антивандальная модель для поперечной стены (TC) до 110 мм.
Нет ручного контакта: инфракрасная ячейка автоматически обнаруживает руки.
Носик из хромированной нержавеющей стали 304.
Независимый электронный блок для установки под умывальником или в канале обслуживания.
Автоматический дозатор мыла: питание от сети с трансформатором 230/6В.
Для жидкого мыла на растительной основе с максимальной вязкостью 3000 мПа·с или специального пенного мыла.
Общая длина носика: 115 мм.
Поставляется с гибкой трубкой длиной 1,20 м для удаленных резервуаров.



Ref. 512111P

Wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser. 
Liquid or foam soap dispenser.
Vandal-resistant model for cross wall (TC) up to 110mm. 
No manual contact: infrared cell detects hands automatically. 
Chrome-plated 304 stainless steel spout. 
No waste pump dispenser.
Independent electronic unit for installation beneath the washbasin or in a service duct.
Automatic soap dispenser: mains supply with 230/6V transformer.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Total spout length: 115mm. 
Supplied with 1.20m flexible tube for remote tanks. 


Electronic liquid or foam soap dispenser

Ref. 512111P
Supply Mains supply 230/6V
Connector 1/2"
Technology Infrared detection
Height 115mm (electronic unit)
Length 115mm
Spout length 98mm
Finish Chrome-plated 304 stainless steel
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matt , R/V teras AISI316L

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86 x 257 x 120 mm
700 ml tank

  • Sensor disinfectant dispenser in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 316L).
  • All-stainless steel housing with rounded vertical corners, visible surfaces satin finished and brushed.
    Further available surfaces: see below.
  • With EWAR® eModule touch-free operated disinfectant pump with 700 ml tank. 
  • Designed for standard disinfectants for hands.
  • Inspection slot to indicate fill level. 
  • Accessible for refilling through lockable, hinged housing. 
  • Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
  • eModule battery-powered with two 1.5 V Baby/LR14 batteries.
    Power supply available as an option.
  • Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
  • Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall. 
  • Delivery includes fixing material and batteries.
  • Weight (in kg): 1,8
satin finished (standard) 727817
highly polished 731817
(coloured) plastic powder - coating 728817



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  • economical aerator, rate of flow 6 l/min
  • function of automatic water stop after 5 minutes of continuous flow
  • water is flowing as long as hands are in the active range (max. range to 0,3 m)
  • water stops flowing after removal of hands from the active range of sensor after adjustable time delay from 0,25 to 7,75 sec
  • possibility of changing of time delay, active range and switching off by SLD 03
  • SLU 45 is destined for cold or premixed water under the washbasin
  • START/STOP program
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Wall mounted soap dispenser. 200ml. The different finishes make it easy to match with existing bathroom or kitchen interior or to brighten up a classic room with small spots of color and personality.
Height: 196mm
Width: 63mm
Depth: 100mm
Diameter: Ø63mm
Weight: 1 kg.
Designer: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
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