17 EUR
7167.5 EUR

Аксессуары для Туалетов Общего Пользования | PEGU.ee

Аксессуары для Туалетов Общего Пользования | PEGU.ee

Общественные Туалетные Принадлежности: Комфорт, Гигиена и Стиль

При обустройстве общественных туалетов правильный выбор принадлежностей играет ключевую роль в обеспечении комфорта, гигиены и стиля. В интернет-магазине Pegu мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент качественных и функциональных товаров для общественных туалетов. Независимо от того, где находится ваш туалет - в отеле, ресторане, офисе или другом общественном месте, у нас вы найдете все необходимое.

  1. Ванная Комната: Элементы Декора, Бумага и Аксессуары TORK: Предлагаем разнообразные качественные продукты от TORK, которые добавят удобства и стиля вашему туалету.

  2. Диспенсеры для дезинфицирующих средств и средства для дезинфекции: Обеспечьте безопасность и гигиену с нашим широким выбором диспенсеров и средств для дезинфекции.

  3. Фены, Фены для использования дома (для отелей): Предлагаем фены различных типов и ценовых категорий для вашего удобства.

  4. Фены профессиональные PRO (для бассейнов, SPA и т. д.): Профессиональные фены для использования в бассейнах и SPA, обеспечивающие качественное сушение.

  5. Фонтаны для питьевой воды: Предлагаем удобные и надежные фонтаны для доступа к свежей воде.

  6. Держатели для перчаток и дозаторы: У нас есть практичные решения для хранения перчаток и других аксессуаров.

  7. Дозаторы для бумажных полотенец и держатели для бумажных полотенец (для листовых бумаг): Обеспечьте комфорт и гигиену с нашими диспенсерами и держателями для бумажных полотенец.

  8. Дозаторы для бумажных полотенец и держатели для бумажных полотенец (для рулонных полотенец): Предлагаем практичные и стильные решения для использования в вашем туалете.

  9. Электрические сушилки для рук: У нас есть эффективные и экологически чистые сушилки для рук.

  10. Столики для пеленания, Скатертницы для крепления на стену и Маты для пеленания: Предлагаем удобные решения для смены подгузников и ухода за младенцами.

  11. Санитарные держатели и гигиенические аксессуары: У нас есть все необходимое для поддержания чистоты и порядка в вашем туалете.

  12. Диспенсеры для жидкого мыла и дозаторы: Предлагаем удобные и гигиеничные решения для мытья рук.

  13. Бесконтактные диспенсеры для мыла: Современные диспенсеры, обеспечивающие безопасное и гигиеничное мытье рук.

Независимо от ваших потребностей, мы предлагаем широкий выбор качественных и стильных товаров для вашего общественного туалета. Посетите наш веб-сайт и ознакомьтесь с нашим ассортиментом уже сегодня!


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WC paberi suure rulli hoidik

R/V teras AISI 303, satiin

Wagner Ewar 

Артикул: WAG-WP163S ,   Время доставки: 14 päeva
399,86 € (5%)
420,90 €

WC paberi suure rulli hoidik

R/V teras AISI 303, satiin

Wagner Ewar 

Артикул: WAG-WP163P ,   Время доставки: 14 päeva
515,76 € (5%)
542,90 €

WC paberi suure rulli hoidik

R/V teras AISI 303, satiin

Wagner Ewar 

Артикул: WAG-WP163V ,   Время доставки: 14 дней
504,17 € (5%)
530,70 €

Питьевой фонтан AFO04 настенный механический Н/Р сталь AISI316 (для бассейнов)

AFO 04

suspension drinking fountain

AFO 04 is a stainless-steel drinking fountain of a modern design. It is manufactured with a double surface finish: matt bowl (blasted with ballotini) and brushed casing. Thanks to its interesting appearance, it particularly suits public spaces, such as sports facilities, parks, squares, business centres, fitness and wellness centres, but also schools and kindergartens.

Similarly to AFO 01, the drinking fountain is operated with a push valve. Water is flowing while the valve is pushed and for a preset time after its release, in which way the nozzle is rinsed. 

The water inlet is through a flexible hose; siphon trap is made of a flexible coupling. The flexible design of the water inlet and outlet enables variable and trouble-free connection of the fountain as well as its simple dismounting.

The AFO 04 drinking fountain is made from stainless steel of the AISI 304 class; the AFO 04.CL drinking fountain is made from steel of the AISI 316 class.

Package contents

  • stainless steel casing
  • press valve
  • corner valve with filter
  • fixing bar
  • siphon
  • connecting hose
  • anchoring material
Water inlet G 1/2"
Water pressure 2 - 6 Bar (recommended 3 Bar)
Outlet d = 40 mm
Inner dimension of the fountain d = 245 mm
Weight 4 kg
  • Set-up water inlet - pipe G1/2“.
  • Set-up drainage d = 40 mm.


Артикул: AZP-AFO04.CL ,   Время доставки: 3-4 недели
1226,00 €

Питьевой фонтан напольный/настенный с наполнителем для бутылки ,механический Н/Р сталь AISI304


drinking fountain with spout for filling bottles designed to stand and to be attached to wall

AFO 01.SL is a drinking fountain with spout for filling bottles designed to stand and to be attached to wall. Water runs for the time for which the valve is pressed plus the pre-set period after it is released; thus the jet can be rinsed. Second pressure valve serves for bottle filling.

In standard version the fountain is produced with a niche suitable for filling the bottle of 0.7 l. Fliountain with a niche for filling the botlles of 1.5 l can be made on order. 

Water supply is provided by a flexible hose, trap comprises an elastic flexible couple. Flexible design of water supply and outflow allows variable and easy connection of the drinking fountain as well as its dismounting. 

TAutomatic drinking fountain (with a sensor) can be supplied per order.

AFO 01.SL is manufactured from the stainless steel AISI 304. Other materials (e.g. AISI 316) possible on order.
For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1). 

Package contents

  • Stainless housing with cone
  • Pressure valve with jet
  • Pressure valve for bottle filling
  • Flexible hose outflow
  • Fixing and connecting material
dimensions 330 x 900 x 365 mm
water outlet d = 40 mm
water inlet G 1/2"
water pressure 2 - 6 Bar, recommended 3 Bar
weight 12 kg


  • Set up water outlet d = 40 mm
  • Set up water inlet G 1/2"


Артикул: AZP-AFO01.SL ,   Время доставки: 3-4 недели
1917,00 €

Питьевой фонтан настенный сенсорный  для бассейнов Н/Р сталь AISI316(бассейны) 12V/50Hz

AFO 01.Yst. steel sensor controlled drinking fountain

AFO 01.Y is st. stainless wall hung drinking fountain controlled by sensor. Water runs after disrupting the scanning zone.

Fountain is made by welding all components together. 

Fountain is suppplied with safety power 12 V, 50 Hz from power supply ZAC (AFO 01.Y) or with 4x AA battery (AFO 01.YB). 

Material is standardly st. steel AISI 304 or can be AISI 316 (AFO 01.Y.CL or AFO 01.YB.CL).

St. steel driking fountain AFO 01.Y is based on favourite model AFO 01 with manual control. 

The sensor, located on the right side of the fountain, is reacting on the approach of the user. Water starts to run from the nozzle, located in the middle of the fountain bowl, and runs over the time when the user´s head is in the scanning zone (max. 30 sec.) + preset time (max. 4 sec.) to clean the nozzle. 

Package contents

  • st. steel drinking fountain
  • nozzle
  • sensor and electronic
  • electromagnetic valve
  • connecting flexible hose
  • corner valve with filters
  • siphon
  • mounting material
water inlet G 1/2"
water pressure 1 - 10 Bar (AFO 01.Y; AFO 01.Y.CL)
  2 - 8 Bar (AFO 01.YB; AFO 01.YB.CL)
outlet d = 40 mm
bowl inner dimension d = 245 mm
weigth 4 kg
suppply 12 V, 50 Hz (AFO 01.Y; AFO 01.Y.CL)
  6 V - 4 x AA battery (AFO 01.YB; AFO 01.YB.CL)
power supply ZAC 1/20 (max. 3 x AFO 01.Y ; AFO 01.Y.CL)
Артикул: AZP-AFO01.YCL ,   Время доставки: 3-4 недели
1159,00 €


Reframe | Toilet paper holder

Toilet paper holder Brushed steel

The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Артикул: UN-7050 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
159,62 €


Reframe | Toilet paper holder

Toilet paper holder Polished steel

The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Артикул: UN-7051 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
183,00 €


Reframe | Toilet paper holder

Toilet paper holder Brass

The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Артикул: UN-7052 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
183,00 €


Reframe | Toilet paper holder

Toilet paper holder Copper

The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Артикул: UN-7053 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
183,00 €


Reframe | Toilet paper holder 

Toilet paper holder Black

The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Артикул: UN-7054 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
183,00 €


Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder 

Spare toilet paper holder Brushed steel

The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Артикул: UN-7060 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
158,60 €


Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder 

Spare toilet paper holder Polished steel

The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Артикул: UN-7061 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
183,00 €


Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder 

Spare toilet paper holder Brass

The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Артикул: UN-7062 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
183,00 €


Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder 

Spare toilet paper holder Copper

The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Артикул: UN-7063 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
183,00 €


Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder 

Spare toilet paper holder Black

The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Артикул: UN-7064 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
183,00 €

Bin TORK 5 L B3, мусорное ведро, белый пластик


Värvus: valge


Length 16 cm

Width 19 cm

Height 33.8 cm

Артикул: TOR-564000 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
65,55 € (5%)
69,00 €

Bin TORK 5 Ltr B3, san. prügikast, must plasticMaterjal: plast.

Värvus: must.


Length 16 cm

Width 19 cm

Height 33.8 cm

Артикул: TOR-564008 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
65,55 € (5%)
69,00 €


The wall mounted dispenser for paper towels is a practical and hygienic solution for commercial sanitary facilities. BJÖRK dispensers have a functional, modern design and perfectly complement the award-winning BJÖRK baby changing station.

BJÖRK dispensers provide one-at-a-time dispensing that reduces paper consumption and improves hygiene. The paper towels offer surface protection of the baby change unit.

This paper dispenser holds about 30 multi-fold paper towels, which can be ordered directly from DAN DRYER (refills to fit the dispenser).

When you choose to purchase a BJÖRK paper dispenser you receive a stack of paper towels free of charge.



• Practical and hygienic solution securing a clean changing surface at all times.

• Equipped with safety lock

• Holds multi-fold paper towels 34 x 20.3 cm.

• Get your paper towels from DAN DRYER, item no. 3265

• Available in white, matt black and all RAL-colours

• 2-year product warranty


Product number: 3250 / EAN no. 5-709818-032504
Technical data:
BJÖRK paper towel dispenser in 1.5 mm powder coated stainless steel. Holds 34x20.3 cm paper towels. With safety lock.
Dimensions H: 211 mm, W: 290 mm, D: 62 mm
Weight: 2.5 kg
Colour: White, RAL 9003, gloss 75
Артикул: DAN3250 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
546,25 € (5%)
575,00 €


The wall mounted dispenser for paper towels is a practical and hygienic solution for commercial sanitary facilities. BJÖRK dispensers have a functional, modern design and perfectly complement the award-winning BJÖRK baby changing station.

BJÖRK dispensers provide one-at-a-time dispensing that reduces paper consumption and improves hygiene. The paper towels offer surface protection of the baby change unit.

This paper dispenser holds about 30 multi-fold paper towels, which can be ordered directly from DAN DRYER (refills to fit the dispenser).

When you choose to purchase a BJÖRK paper dispenser you receive a stack of paper towels free of charge.



• Practical and hygienic solution securing a clean changing surface at all times.

• Equipped with safety lock

• Holds multi-fold paper towels 34 x 20.3 cm.

• Get your paper towels from DAN DRYER, item no. 3265

• Available in white, matt black and all RAL-colours

• 2-year product warranty


Product number: 3255 / EAN no. 5-709818-032559
Technical data:

BJÖRK paper towel dispenser in 1.5 mm powder coated stainless steel. Holds 34x20.3 cm paper towels. With safety lock.

Dimensions H: 211 mm, W: 290 mm, D: 62 mm
Weight: 2.5 kg
Colour: Matt black, RAL 9005, gloss 10
Артикул: DAN3255 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
546,25 € (5%)
575,00 €


The wall mounted dispenser for paper towels is a practical and hygienic solution for commercial sanitary facilities. BJÖRK dispensers have a functional, modern design and perfectly complement the award-winning BJÖRK baby changing station.

BJÖRK dispensers provide one-at-a-time dispensing that reduces paper consumption and improves hygiene. The paper towels offer surface protection of the baby change unit.

This paper dispenser holds about 30 multi-fold paper towels, which can be ordered directly from DAN DRYER (refills to fit the dispenser).

When you choose to purchase a BJÖRK paper dispenser you receive a stack of paper towels free of charge.



• Practical and hygienic solution securing a clean changing surface at all times.

• Equipped with safety lock

• Holds multi-fold paper towels 34 x 20.3 cm.

• Get your paper towels from DAN DRYER, item no. 3265

• Available in white, matt black and all RAL-colours

• 2-year product warranty


Product number: 3250 / EAN no. 5-709818-032504
Technical data:
BJÖRK paper towel dispenser in 1.5 mm powder coated stainless steel. Holds 34x20.3 cm paper towels. With safety lock.
Dimensions H: 211 mm, W: 290 mm, D: 62 mm
Weight: 2.5 kg
Colour: White, RAL 9003, gloss 75
Артикул: DAN3260 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
674,50 € (5%)
710,00 €


BJÖRK centrefeed paper towel dispenser in a contemporary design. This durable dispenser made of powder-coated stainless steel is the ideal choice for installation in commercial and professional areas where both hand and surface wiping is required.

The paper dispenser is designed to have the same height as the hand dryer and the soap dispenser in the same range. That forms a stringent band in toilet interior design and supports the harmonisation, which is one of the key words behind DAN DRYER’s award-winning range of toilet equipment.

Choose between six different top plates and customise the BJÖRK centre pull towel dispenser to blend with your interior design.



The popular BJÖRK product range is designed with focus on colours and shape having long-term design relevance. Each product can stand alone as a sober object, yet looks strong when part of a collection of products alongside each other. The range includes several sanitary products such as hand dryers, soap dispensers, diaper change units and toilet roll holders.

  • Holds paper rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm
  • Top plate available in six different designs
  • One-handed operation
  • Easy refilling and use
  • Available in white, black and all RAL-colours
  • 2-year warranty


Product number: 3280 / EAN nr. 5-709818-032801
Technical data:

Paper dispenser for centre pull paper towels. Holds rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm. Powder-coated stainless steel. Equipped with top plate in laminate.

Dimensions H: 330 mm, W: 205 mm, D: 187 mm
Weight: 3.7 kg
Colour: Optional RAL-colour
Артикул: DAN3280 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
815,00 €


BJÖRK centrefeed paper towel dispenser in a contemporary design. This durable dispenser made of powder-coated stainless steel is the ideal choice for installation in commercial and professional areas where both hand and surface wiping is required.

The paper dispenser is designed to have the same height as the hand dryer and the soap dispenser in the same range. That forms a stringent band in toilet interior design and supports the harmonisation, which is one of the key words behind DAN DRYER’s award-winning range of toilet equipment.

Choose between six different top plates and customise the BJÖRK centre pull towel dispenser to blend with your interior design.


The popular BJÖRK product range is designed with focus on colours and shape having long-term design relevance. Each product can stand alone as a sober object, yet looks strong when part of a collection of products alongside each other. The range includes several sanitary products such as hand dryers, soap dispensers, diaper change units and toilet roll holders.

  • Holds paper rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm
  • Top plate available in six different designs
  • One-handed operation
  • Easy refilling and use
  • Available in white, black and all RAL-colours
  • 2-year warranty


Product number: 3270 / EAN no. 5-709818-032702
Technical data:

Paper dispenser for centre pull paper towels. Holds rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm. Powder-coated stainless steel. Equipped with top plate in laminate.

Dimensions H: 330 mm, W: 205 mm, D: 187 mm
Weight: 3.7 kg
Colour: RAL 9003, gloss 60


Артикул: DAN3270 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
677,00 €


BJÖRK centrefeed paper towel dispenser in a contemporary design. This durable dispenser made of powder-coated stainless steel is the ideal choice for installation in commercial and professional areas where both hand and surface wiping is required.

The paper dispenser is designed to have the same height as the hand dryer and the soap dispenser in the same range. That forms a stringent band in toilet interior design and supports the harmonisation, which is one of the key words behind DAN DRYER’s award-winning range of toilet equipment.

Choose between six different top plates and customise the BJÖRK centre pull towel dispenser to blend with your interior design.


The popular BJÖRK product range is designed with focus on colours and shape having long-term design relevance. Each product can stand alone as a sober object, yet looks strong when part of a collection of products alongside each other. The range includes several sanitary products such as hand dryers, soap dispensers, diaper change units and toilet roll holders.

  • Holds paper rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm
  • Top plate available in six different designs
  • One-handed operation
  • Easy refilling and use
  • Available in white, black and all RAL-colours
  • 2-year warranty


Product number: 3275 / EAN nr. 5-709818-032757
Technical data:

Paper dispenser for centre pull paper towels. Holds rolls max. Ø150 x H225 mm. Powder-coated stainless steel. Equipped with top plate in laminate.

Dimensions H: 330 mm, W: 205 mm, D: 187 mm
Weight: 3.7 kg
Colour: RAL 9005 Gloss 10
Артикул: DAN3275 ,   Время доставки: 7-14 дней
677,00 €


Countertop Mounted Paper Towel Dispenser

Satin-finish stainless steel. Flange has 90° return. Towels load into top of dispenser. Dispenses 300 C-fold or multifold towels. Unit 12 ¾" W, 6" front to back depth (325 x 150mm); 17" (430mm) min. clearance below mounting surface is required. Rough Countertop Cutout: 12 ¼" W (310mm), 4 ½" front to back depth (115mm), ¾" to 1 ½" (19 to 38mm) mounting thickness. Housing below countertop to conceal dispenser is not included.
Артикул: BOB-526 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
643,00 €

Pebble spare toilet roll holder 

Ø20, 159x111x60 mm, Satin finish

Артикул: DL-128002R9002 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
178,93 €

Pebble spare toilet roll holder 

Ø20, 159x111x60 mm, Satin finish

Артикул: DL-128002R8002 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
178,93 €

D Line Pebble WC держатель для запасной туалетной бумаги нержавеющая сталь

Pebble spare toilet roll holder 


satin stainless steel AISI 304


Ø20, 159x111x60 mm, Satin finish

Артикул: DL-12800202002 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
188,08 €

Pebble toilet roll holder 


174x101x60mm, Satin finish

Артикул: DL-128002R9001 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
199,27 €

Pebble toilet roll holder 


174x101x60mm, Satin finish

Артикул: DL-128002R8001 ,   Время доставки: 14-21 день
199,27 €