33 EUR
955 EUR

Kosmeetikapeeglid, Meigipeeglid, Suurendavad Peeglid, LED valgustusega | PEGU.ee

Kosmeetikapeeglid, Meigipeeglid, Suurendavad Peeglid, LED valgustusega | PEGU.ee


Kosmeetikapeeglid ja meigipeeglid – täiuslik lahendus ilurutiiniks

Kosmeetikapeeglid on hädavajalikud aksessuaarid igale naisele, kes soovib saavutada täiusliku meigi ja hooldada oma välimust professionaalsel tasemel. PEGU.ee e-poes on lai valik LED-valgustusega ja suurendusega meigipeegleid, mis tagavad täpse ja veatu tulemuse igas olukorras.

Meie valikus on nii seinapeeglid kui ka lauapeeglid, mis sobivad ideaalselt igasse vannituppa või buduaari. Valgustusega peeglid pakuvad ideaalset valgustust, vähendades varje ja parandades nähtavust meigi tegemisel. Suurendusega kosmeetikapeeglid aitavad keskenduda detailidele, muutes meigi pealekandmise ja nahahoolduse veelgi lihtsamaks.

Vali PEGU.ee e-poest kvaliteetne kosmeetikapeegel ja loo endale professionaalne meiginurk!


Kosmeetikapeeglid, suurendavad peeglid LED

Kaasaegsed ja klassikalised lahendused

Paigaldus: seinale, põrandale
Värvid: must, valge
Viimistlus: harjatud, poleeritud, kroom, kuld, messing, vask, harjatud vask, harjatud kuld jne.
Materjalid: roostevaba teras, messing, Zamac
Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d1000mm harjatud kuld ALU
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4141
Depth: 30mm
Diameter: Ø100mm
Weight: 9 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU4141-BMG ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
907,25 € (5%)
955,00 €
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d1000mm harjatud vask ALU
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4141
Depth: 30mm
Diameter: Ø100mm
Weight: 9 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU4141-BOC ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
907,25 € (5%)
955,00 €
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4141
Depth: 30mm
Diameter: Ø100mm
Weight: 9 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU4141-B ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
694,45 € (5%)
731,00 €
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4141
Depth: 30mm
Diameter: Ø100mm
Weight: 9 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU4141-W ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
694,45 € (5%)
731,00 €
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d600mm harjatud kuld ALU
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4140
Depth: 30mm
Diameter: Ø600mm
Weight: 5 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU4140-BMG ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
500,65 € (5%)
527,00 €
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d600mm harjatud vask ALU
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4140
Depth: 30mm
Diameter: Ø600mm
Weight: 5 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU4140-BOC ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
500,65 € (5%)
527,00 €
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4140
Depth: 30mm
Diameter: Ø600mm
Weight: 5 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU4140-B ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
384,75 € (5%)
405,00 €
UNU circle mirror with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145mm and narrow frame. Available in black and white. Mirrors for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. 4140
Depth: 30mm
Diameter: Ø600mm
Weight: 5 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU4140-W ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
384,75 € (5%)
405,00 €
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d800mm harjatud kuld ALU
UNU round Mirror 4147, Ø800 mm, with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145 mm, and with narrow frame. Mirror for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. Compatible with LED Mirror Backlight 4142.
Depth: 30 mm
Diameter: Ø800 mm
Weight: 5 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke MDD
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU4147-BMG ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
698,25 € (5%)
735,00 €
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d800mm harjatud vask ALU
UNU round Mirror 4147, Ø800 mm, with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145 mm, and with narrow frame. Mirror for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. Compatible with LED Mirror Backlight 4142.
Depth: 30 mm
Diameter: Ø800 mm
Weight: 5 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke MDD
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU4147-BOC ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
698,25 € (5%)
735,00 €
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d800mm must ALU
UNU round Mirror 4147, Ø800 mm, with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145 mm, and with narrow frame. Mirror for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. Compatible with LED Mirror Backlight 4142.
Depth: 30 mm
Diameter: Ø800 mm
Weight: 5 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke MDD
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU4147-B ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
551,00 € (5%)
580,00 €
Frost ümmargune peegel+kosmeetika peegel raamiga d800mm valge ALU
UNU round Mirror 4147, Ø800 mm, with built-in magnifying mirror Ø145 mm, and with narrow frame. Mirror for hallway, bedroom or bathroom. Compatible with LED Mirror Backlight 4142.
Depth: 30 mm
Diameter: Ø800 mm
Weight: 5 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke MDD
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU4147-W ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
551,00 € (5%)
580,00 €

Kallutatav peegel 600x540, käepide matt must

Range 801 Adjustable mirror

  • rectangular crystal glass mirror with rounded edges and integrated anti-splinter film

  • mirror adjustable by max. 28° using cranked cord control and therefore usable in standing or sitting position

  • for wall mounting

  • 600 mm wide, 540 mm high and 6 mm thick

  • mirror is made of plate glass

  • holding elements and crank made of high-quality matt polyamide in HEWI colours 99 (pure white), 98 (signal

    white), 97 (light grey), 95 (stone grey), 92 (anthracite grey), 90 (jet black), 55 (aqua blue) and 36 (coral)

  • with cord re-routing suitable for prewall installation


Tootekood: HEW-801.01B100-90 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
610,00 €

Kallutatav peegel 600x540, käepide matt valge

Range 801 Adjustable mirror

  • rectangular crystal glass mirror with rounded edges and integrated anti-splinter film

  • mirror adjustable by max. 28° using cranked cord control and therefore usable in standing or sitting position

  • for wall mounting

  • 600 mm wide, 540 mm high and 6 mm thick

  • mirror is made of plate glass

  • holding elements and crank made of high-quality matt polyamide in HEWI colours 99 (pure white), 98 (signal

    white), 97 (light grey), 95 (stone grey), 92 (anthracite grey), 90 (jet black), 55 (aqua blue) and 36 (coral)

  • with cord re-routing suitable for prewall installation


Tootekood: HEW-801.01B100-98 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
610,00 €

Kosmeetikapeegel (x5) d150mm Frost NOVA 2 1982 harjatud kuld RST

Hand mirror. (x5 on one side). Hook for hanging is purchased separately. Availalbe from summer 2023

Depth: 16mm
Diameter: Ø156mm
Height: 281mm
Width: 156mm
Weight: 0,8 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FRON1982-BMG ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
86,45 € (5%)
91,00 €

Kosmeetikapeegel (x5) d150mm Frost NOVA 2 1982 harjatud must RST

Hand mirror. (x5 on one side). Hook for hanging is purchased separately. Availalbe from summer 2023

Depth: 16mm
Diameter: Ø156mm
Height: 281mm
Width: 156mm
Weight: 0,8 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FRON1982-BCB ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
86,45 € (5%)
91,00 €

Kosmeetikapeegel (x5) d150mm Frost NOVA 2 1982 harjatud teras RST

Hand mirror. (x5 on one side). Hook for hanging is purchased separately. Availalbe from summer 2023

Depth: 16mm
Diameter: Ø156mm
Height: 281mm
Width: 156mm
Weight: 0,8 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FRON1982 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
67,45 € (5%)
71,00 €

Kosmeetikapeegel (x5) d150mm Frost NOVA 2 1982 harjatud vask RST

Hand mirror. (x5 on one side). Hook for hanging is purchased separately. Availalbe from summer 2023

Depth: 16mm
Diameter: Ø156mm
Height: 281mm
Width: 156mm
Weight: 0,8 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FRON1982-BOC ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
86,45 € (5%)
91,00 €

Kosmeetikapeegel (x5) d150mm Frost NOVA 2 1982 matt must RST

Hand mirror. (x5 on one side). Hook for hanging is purchased separately. Availalbe from summer 2023

Depth: 16mm
Diameter: Ø156mm
Height: 281mm
Width: 156mm
Weight: 0,8 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FRON1982-B ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
67,45 € (5%)
71,00 €

Kosmeetikapeegel (x5) d150mm Frost NOVA 2 1982 poleeritud kuld RST

Hand mirror. (x5 on one side). Hook for hanging is purchased separately. Availalbe from summer 2023

Depth: 16mm
Diameter: Ø156mm
Height: 281mm
Width: 156mm
Weight: 0,8 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FRON1982-GO ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
86,45 € (5%)
91,00 €

Kosmeetikapeegel (x5) d150mm Frost NOVA 2 1982 poleeritud RST

Hand mirror. (x5 on one side). Hook for hanging is purchased separately. Availalbe from summer 2023

Depth: 16mm
Diameter: Ø156mm
Height: 281mm
Width: 156mm
Weight: 0,8 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FROO1982 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
67,45 € (5%)
71,00 €

Kosmeetikapeegel (x5) d150mm Frost NOVA 2 1982 poleeritud vask RST

Hand mirror. (x5 on one side). Hook for hanging is purchased separately. Availalbe from summer 2023

Depth: 16mm
Diameter: Ø156mm
Height: 281mm
Width: 156mm
Weight: 0,8 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FRON1982-C ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
86,45 € (5%)
91,00 €

Kosmeetikapeegel (x5) d150mm Frost NOVA 2 1982 valge RST

Hand mirror. (x5 on one side). Hook for hanging is purchased separately. Availalbe from summer 2023

Depth: 16mm
Diameter: Ø156mm
Height: 281mm
Width: 156mm
Weight: 0,8 kg.
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FRON1982-W ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
67,45 € (5%)
71,00 €

Töötab 3AAA patareidega

Tootekood: 411710 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
67,10 €
Tootekood: 417010 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
60,00 €

Töötab Akkudest

LED valgustusega

1 ja 5X suurendus

360 kraadi pöörduv

Kroomitud messing


Valgustuse töötaimer 10 min


Tootekood: DI417510 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
330,00 €


Tootekood: 457310 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
45,00 €


1x ja 5X 

360 kraadi keeratav


Tootekood: 412210 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
160,00 €

Töötab 3AAA patareidega

5X suurendus

Kroomitud messing

Tootekood: 411210 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
235,00 €
Article No.
  • On/off switch at wall mount
  • Illuminating edge in satined acrylic
  • No direct power supply required
  • No disassembly required for charging
  • Switches off automatically after 10 minutes
  • Wall mounting: adjustable and retractable
  • Covered screws
  • EU AC/DC adapter (1,70 m)
  • Includes rechargeable batteries
  • Coloured control light
  • LED light: long-lasting and energy-saving
  • 5x magnification
  • Rustproof
  • With enhanced rechargeable battery performance
Tootekood: DI413810 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
255,00 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee