Pedaalventiilid, Pedaalkraanid, Põlvekraanid

Pedaalventiilid, pedaalkraanid või põlvekraanid on erilised tüüpi kraanid, mis võimaldavad veevoolu reguleerimist ja avamist ilma käte kasutamiseta. Need on praktilised lahendused, mis on eriti kasulikud kohtades, kus käte puudutamine võib olla ebasoovitav või ebatervislik, näiteks toiduainetööstuses, meditsiiniasutustes, avalikes tualettides või muudes kõrge hügieeninõuete keskkondades.
Pedaalventiilid, pedaalkraanid või põlvekraanid võivad olla valmistatud vastupidavatest materjalidest, näiteks roostevabast terasest või messingust, et tagada pikaajaline kasutusiga ja vastupidavus. Need võivad olla saadaval erinevates stiilides, kujundustes ja viimistlustes vastavalt erinevatele vajadustele ja sisekujundusele.
Pedaalventiilid, pedaalkraanid või põlvekraanid võivad olla ka veetõhusad, võimaldades täpset veevoolu reguleerimist ja säästes seeläbi vett ja energiaressursse. Need võivad olla lihtsalt paigaldatavad ja hooldatavad ning pakuvad mugavust ja hügieeni kasutajatele.
Pedaalventiilid, pedaalkraanid või põlvekraanid on praktilised ja funktsionaalsed lahendused veekasutuse reguleerimiseks erinevates keskkondades, kus käte puudutamine võib olla soovimatu või ebasoovitav. Nende kasutamine võib aidata säilitada hea hügieeni ja vältida haiguste levikut, samuti võib see olla veetõhus ja keskkonnasõbralik valik.
GENOU wall-mounted hand washbasin
Reference: 180330
CCTP description
Wall-mounted, knee-operated hand washbasin.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm
Rounded edges prevent injury.
Supplied with swan neck spout and time flow
tap with 7 second time flow.
Supplied with 1 ¼" waste.
Without overflow.
Supplied with fixing elements.
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14688.
Weight: 5kg.
765,00 €
Floor mounted pedal tap
Cast brass body
Anti-limescale and self-lubricant material valve
Progressive stop without water hammer
Fastenings included
Wall mounted pedal tap
Cast brass body
Anti-limescale and self-lubricant material valve
Progressive stop without water hammer
Fastenings included
Complete assembling kit including pedal tap and spout
It includes: pedal tap art. 02061, spout art. 02024, water connections with flexibles, check valves with filter
Complete assembling kit including single pedal mixer and spout
It includes: single pedal mixer art. 02070, spout art. 02026, water connections with flexible tubes, check valves with filter
Floor mounted single pedal progressive mixer with locking device
Opening of the water and progressive mixing by single movement
Automatic water flow stop in every position of the stroke
Cast brass body
Anti-limescale and self-lubricant material valve
Progressive stop without water hammer
Fastenings included
Floor mounted single pedal progressive mixer
Opening of the water and progressive mixing by single movement
Cast brass body
Anti-limescale and self-lubricant material valve
Progressive stop without water hammer
Fastenings included
Wall mounted single pedal progressive mixer
Opening of the water and progressive mixing by single movement
Cast brass body
Anti-limescale and self-lubricant material valve
Progressive stop without water hammer
Fastenings included
Floor mounted double pedal mixer
2 independent controls for hot and cold water
Cast brass body
Anti-limescale and self-lubricant material valve
Progressive stop without water hammer
Fastenings included
Wall mounted double pedal mixer
2 independent controls for hot and cold water
Cast brass body
Anti-limescale and self-lubricant material valve
Progressive stop without water hammer
Fastenings included
Complete assembling kit including double pedal mixer and spout
It includes: double pedal mixer art. 02066, spout art. 02025, water connections with flexible tubes, check valves with filter
CLASSIC series wall mounted self closing basin tap with knee operated lever with unscrewing control system
Multidirectional lever with unscrewing control system
Self-closing time 15 secs at 3 bars (not adjustable)
130,00 €
Jooksutoru pööratav, valamule
142,00 €
> Working pressure : 1 to 5 bar
> Flow : 6 l/min at 3 bar - 4-position flow adjustment device Anti-water-hammering design
> Flow time : 3 to 5 seconds
> Operation : Foot-operated activation through pedal
> Hydraulic supply : Inlet M G 1/2"(15x21) - Cold or premixed water
> Material and colour finish : Brass body and components with molded chrome treatment Technical polymer
> Thermal resistance : Resistant to a temperature of 75°C for 30-minute-thermal-shocks
> Delivered with : 1 Gasket nut 1 Coupling nut 1 Nut for 12x14mm tube Instruction manual
> Standards & approvals : Acoustic class II Brass body in accordance with EN 1982, EN 12164, EN 12165 Molded chrome-plated body in accordance with EN 12540 200-hour neutral salt spray resistant (NSS) in accordance with ISO 9227
228,00 €
Põlvekraan kas külma, või eelsegatud veele, isesulgev 390mm
15 sek on töötsükkel
181,00 €
FRAJU wall-mounted washbasin
Ref. 121430
Wall-mounted washbasin, 540x480mm.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm for the bowl and 1.5mm for surround.
Rounded edges prevent injury.
With Ø 35mm central tap hole.
Supplied with 1¼" waste.
Without overflow.
Supplied with fixing elements.
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14688.
Weight: 4.65kg.
622,00 €
Siphon cover for FRAJU washbasin
Ref. 100930
Height | 400mm |
Length | 275mm |
Width | 160mm |
Thickness | 1.2mm |
Finish | Polished satin 304 stainless steel |
225,00 €