Brabantia prügikastid, sorteerimise prügikastid

Brabantia Prügikastid ja paberikastid
Brabantia 105029 sorteerimise pesukorv jaotusega SELECTOR 55L matt steel/tume hall
137,25 €
Brabantia 105166 pesukorv plast kaas 60L matt steel/tume hall
- Mugav – tänu Quick-drop-avamisele pole vaja kaant avada.
- Lihtne kasutada - puuvillane pesukott nutika Velcro sulguriga (lihtne peale panna ja ära võtta).
- Kaasaskantav – eemaldatav pesukott muudab pesu pesumasinasse kandmise lihtsaks.
- Diskreetne – kaas hoiab sisu diskreetselt eemal.
- Tugev välimus - plastikust kaas
- Ei kriimusta – plastikust põhjarõngas hoiab ära põranda kahjustamise.
- Õhuline – ventilatsiooniavad võimaldavad pesul hingata.
- Hügieeniline - sees masinas pestav pesukott (40°C juures).
- Ideaalne vannituppa – valmistatud vastupidavatest korrosioonikindlatest materjalidest.
- Planeedisõbralik – Cradle-to-Cradle® sertifikaadiga, pronksitase.
137,25 €
Brabantia 304903 sorteerimise pesukorv jaotusega SELECTOR 55L valge
132,17 €
181,98 €
181,98 €
273,48 €
273,48 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Brilliant Steel
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Dreamy Blue
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
101,67 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Matt Must
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Matt steel
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Matt Steel FPP
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
101,67 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Metallic Gold
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
101,67 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Metallic Grey
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, metallist ämber Brilliant Steel
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
101,67 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Mineral Concrete Grey
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
127,08 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Mineral Cosy Brown
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
127,08 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Mineral Powerful Blue
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
127,08 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Passion RED
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Pine Green
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
101,67 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Platinum
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Soft Beige
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
Brabantia pedaaliga prügikast Newicon 20L, Valge
- All-rounder - M volume (20L).
- Smooth - soft closing lid, light pedal operation.
- Easy to clean - removable plastic inner bucket.
- Easy in and out - inner bucket with ventilation holes, no vacuum.
- Odour-proof - tight closing lid.
- No slipping, no scratching - soft non-slip base.
- Stable - built-in anti-tilting block.
- Perfect match - sample pack of Brabantia PerfectFit bin bags enclosed (code Y).
- Planet friendly - Cradle-to-Cradle® Certified, Bronze level.
- More sustainable choice - made from 43% recycled material, 97% recyclable after use.
80,32 €
44,73 €
39,65 €
39,65 €
45,75 €
44,73 €
39,65 €
49,82 €