Peeglid roostevaba teras

PEGU.EE pakub laia valikut roostevabast terasest peegleid, mis ühendavad vastupidavuse, funktsionaalsuse ja stiili. Roostevaba teras on kvaliteetne materjal, mis sobib suurepäraselt niisketes keskkondades, tagades samal ajal kaasaegse välimuse.
Vastupidav Konstruktsioon: Roostevaba teras on vastupidav korrosioonile ja niiskusele, muutes selle ideaalseks materjaliks vannitubade ja niiskete ruumide jaoks.
Kaasaegne Stiil: Roostevabast terasest peeglid annavad kaasaegse ja elegantse ilme, sobides hästi erinevatesse sisekujundusstiilidesse.
Lihtne Puhastada: Hõlpsasti puhastatav pind tagab peeglite kergema hoolduse ja puhtuse säilimise.
Mitmekülgne Kasutamine: Sobib suurepäraselt nii koduseks kasutamiseks kui ka avalikesse ruumidesse, kus nõutakse vastupidavust ja kvaliteeti.
Erinevad Suurused ja Stiilid: PEGU.EE valikus on mitmeid roostevabast terasest peegleid erinevate suuruste ja stiilidega, võimaldades leida sobiva lahenduse igale ruumile.
Roostevabast terasest peeglid lisavad teie sisekujundusele kaasaegse elegantsi ja tagavad samal ajal vastupidavuse ja funktsionaalsuse. Tutvuge PEGU.EE valikuga ja leidke oma vajadustele vastav roostevabast terasest peegel!
Stainless steel rectangular mirror, H. 500mm
Ref. 3452
Depth | 10mm |
Length | Unbreakable mirror |
Width | 385mm |
Drop height | 485mm |
Finish | "Mirror" polished 304 stainless steel |
275,00 €
General description
Fixed mirrors with a frame manufactured of stainless steel AISI 304, 1,0 mm thick.
Mirror manufactured using a first quality glass 5 mm thick and it is backed with a medium density fiber shockabsorbing and waterproof board that reinforces the glass, making it stronger. Model suitable for public use.
Maximum durability and rusting resistance. Components & materials
EP0350CS: 700 x 500 mm fixed mirror, with frame made of stainless steel AISI 304, 1,0 thick and satin finish.
EP0450CS: 800 x 600 mm fixed mirror, with frame made of stainless steel AISI 304, 1,0 thick and satin finish.
FRAME: made of stainless steel AISI 304, 1,0 thick. Unitized all welded construction. Edges and corners are burr free. BACK PART: medium density fiber shock-absorbing and waterproof board, 10 mm thick that reinforces the glass, making it stronger.
GLASS: standard glazing is No 1 quality, 5mm thick. Stainless steel screws for brick walls are included with the mirrors.
250,00 €
- mounting on the wall
- dimensions 394 x 394 x 114 mm
- mirror - high polished finish
- frame - brushed finish
- Mirror in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel mirror sheet metal (AISI 304).
- Mounting: With four Torx® locking screws.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Other dimensions available upon request.
- Weight (in kg): 2,0
158,60 €
Roostevaba teras peegel Wagner Ewar 600x600mm
- Mirror in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel mirror sheet metal (AISI 304).
- Mounting: With four Torx® locking screws.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Other dimensions available upon request.
- Weight (in kg): 2,9
213,50 €
- Mirror in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel mirror sheet metal (AISI 304).
- Mounting: With four Torx® locking screws.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Other dimensions available upon request.
- Weight (in kg): 2,8
219,60 €
- Mirror in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel mirror sheet metal (AISI 304).
- Mounting: With four Torx® locking screws.
- Delivery includes fixing material.
- Other dimensions available upon request.
- Weight (in kg): 2,7
201,30 €