9000XE kitchen mixer with U-spout in brushed chrome suits any kitchen, whatever its size. This kitchen mixer is lead-free and equipped with our smart, innovative, energy-saving functions such as cold start, soft closing, a temperature limiter function and an energy- and water-saving aerator. Its timeless, practical design makes it a functional and aesthetically durable addition to any modern home.
Article number: 86100010
Flow 3 bar: 6.0 l/m
Description: Chrome
Cold Start
Ceramic cartridge with soft closing function
Adjustable flow control and temperature limiter
Eco Flow (energy and water saving aerator)
Swivel spout, limitation part for 60°, 85°, 110° or 360° included
Soft PEX® hoses with 3/8" connecting nut (stainless steel braided)
Joogifontään - vajalik lahendus suure kasutusega avalikul alal
Integreeritud äravoolu, roostevabast terasest korpuse ja kraanikausiga joogifontään on ideaalne lahendus suure kasutusega avalikul alal.
Üha rohkem leiab joogifontääne spordikeskustest, koolidest, suurtest tehastest ja büroohoonetest. Põhjus selleks on ilmselge - need on ääretult funktsionaalsed (ei vaja pudelivee tarnimist ega nõua pidevat hooldust).
Mitmed joogifontääni mudelid pakuvad ka lisavõimalusi nagu süsinikupõhised filtrid ja jahutussüsteemid. See tähendab, et süsteem suudab värsket ja jahutatud joogivett pidevalt varustada. Pudeltoitega vesijahutid seda saavutada ei suuda, sest nende veevarustust tuleb pidevalt jälgida ja välja vahetada.
Pegu.ee tootevalikusse kuuluvad nii mehaanilised kui ka kontaktivabad joogifontäänid.
AISI304 roostevaba terasest joogifontäänid sobivad suure kasutusega avalikku ruumi. Happekindlast AISI316 roostevaba terasest joogifontääne saab kasutada ka basseiniruumides ja SPA keskustes, kus keskkond on tavalisest tunduvalt happelisem.
Roostevabast Terasest Joogiveefontäänid: Stiilne ja Praktiline Vee Säästmine
Joogivee säästmine on tänapäeval aina olulisem teema, eriti arvestades vee defitsiiti paljudes maailma piirkondades. Üks viis, kuidas igaüks saab sellele probleemile kaasa aidata, on paigaldada roostevabast terasest joogiveefontäänid. Need fontäänid on muutunud üha populaarsemaks tänu oma tõhususele ja lihtsusele. Selles artiklis uurime lähemalt, mis need fontäänid on ja millised on nende eelised.
Ideaalsed Avalikes Kohtades
Roostevabast terasest joogiveefontäänid sobivad eriti hästi avalikesse kohtadesse, nagu restoranid, kohvikud, kontorid ja kaubanduskeskused. Miks? Sest need võimaldavad kasutajatel hügieeniliselt juua vett, ilma et nad peaksid puudutama kraani käepidemeid. See vähendab oluliselt bakterite levikut ja aitab säilitada puhtust.
Kuidas Isesulguv Vajutusmehhanism Töötab
Roostevabast terasest joogiveefontääni isesulguv vajutusmehhanism töötab väga lihtsalt. Kasutaja vajutab fontääni käepidemele, ja vesi hakkab voolama. Kui kasutaja lõpetab vajutamise, jätkub veevool veel mõneks sekundiks, et inimesel oleks aega klaasi täis saada. Seejärel lülitub fontään automaatselt välja. See mehhanism tagab, et vett ei raisata ja kasutajad saavad piisavalt vett, et oma janu kustutada.
Veekulu Vähendamine
Roostevabast terasest joogiveefontäänid aitavad märkimisväärselt vähendada veekasutust. Tavapäraste kraanide korral võib juhtuda, et inimesed unustavad kraani kinni keerata, mis viib liigse veekasutuseni. Roostevabast terasest fontäänid ei jäta ruumi sellisteks eksimusteks. Need tagavad, et vesi voolab ainult siis, kui seda vajatakse, ja lülitub automaatselt välja.
Keskkonnasõbralik Lahendus
Vee säästmine mõjutab mitte ainult rahakotti, vaid ka keskkonda. Kuna roostevabast terasest joogiveefontäänid vähendavad veekasutust, aitavad nad säästa väärtuslikku ressurssi ja vähendada survet veekogumissüsteemidele. See on samm keskkonnasõbralikuma tuleviku suunas.
Kasutamine Erinevates Valdkondades
Roostevabast terasest joogiveefontäänid sobivad suurepäraselt erinevatesse valdkondadesse. Koolides aitavad nad janu kustutada õpilastel, samal ajal õpetades neid keskkonnasäästlike harjumuste juurde. Tootmisettevõtetes tagavad nad töötajatele juurdepääsu puhtale veele. Spaa-keskustes loovad nad lõõgastava atmosfääri ja rahuldavad külastajate vajadused veekoguse järele.
Roostevabast terasest joogiveefontäänid on stiilsed ja praktilised lahendused puhta joogivee kättesaadavaks tegemiseks. Nende stiilne disain ühendub kõrge funktsionaalsuse ja keskkonnasõbralikkusega. Olenemata sellest, kuhu neid paigutatakse, teenivad nad nii dekoratiivse kui ka olulise ees
AFO 04 is a stainless-steel drinking fountain of a modern design. It is manufactured with a double surface finish: matt bowl (blasted with ballotini) and brushed casing. Thanks to its interesting appearance, it particularly suits public spaces, such as sports facilities, parks, squares, business centres, fitness and wellness centres, but also schools and kindergartens.
Similarly to AFO 01, the drinking fountain is operated with a push valve. Water is flowing while the valve is pushed and for a preset time after its release, in which way the nozzle is rinsed.
The water inlet is through a flexible hose; siphon trap is made of a flexible coupling. The flexible design of the water inlet and outlet enables variable and trouble-free connection of the fountain as well as its simple dismounting.
The AFO 04 drinking fountain is made from stainless steel of the AISI 304 class; the AFO 04.CL drinking fountain is made from steel of the AISI 316 class.
AFO 04 is a stainless-steel drinking fountain of a modern design. It is manufactured with a double surface finish: matt bowl (blasted with ballotini) and brushed casing. Thanks to its interesting appearance, it particularly suits public spaces, such as sports facilities, parks, squares, business centres, fitness and wellness centres, but also schools and kindergartens.
Similarly to AFO 01, the drinking fountain is operated with a push valve. Water is flowing while the valve is pushed and for a preset time after its release, in which way the nozzle is rinsed.
The water inlet is through a flexible hose; siphon trap is made of a flexible coupling. The flexible design of the water inlet and outlet enables variable and trouble-free connection of the fountain as well as its simple dismounting.
The AFO 04 drinking fountain is made from stainless steel of the AISI 304 class; the AFO 04.CL drinking fountain is made from steel of the AISI 316 class.
AFO 02 - IIstainless steel free-standing drinking fountain (indoor/outdoor)
AFO 02-II is a stainless steel drinking fountain of modern design with a manual press valve that allows its easy use. The water flows only when the valve is pressed and then there is a certain adjusted time to rinse out the nozzle. The drinking fountain is to be placed in an open space. It is made up of an anchoring part intended for embedding in concrete and the column itself with a press valve and nozzle. These parts are connected by means of 3 screws and the upper part can be, therefore, easily dismounted in case of necessity (e.g. during winter). The water inlet is fitted with a flexible hose, the siphon is made from a stretchy, flexible connector. The flexible finish of the water inlet and outlet allows the variable and problem-free connection of the fountain. AFO 02-II stainless steel fountain is suitable mainly for schools, medical facilities and spa resorts, and is utilizable outdoors. Drinking fountain AFO 02-II is manufactured from the stainless steel AISI 304. AFO 02.CL-II is made of the stainless steel AISI 316 and is suitable for places with higher concentration of chlorine. For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1).Detail of the bowl
Package contents
stainless steel column and cone with nozzle
press valve
anchoring construction
flexible hose siphon
connecting hoses
anchoring material
Set-up water inlet - pipe G 1/2“
Set-up drainage d = 40 mm
Prepared alcove for embedding (concreting) in the base construction
AFO 02 - IIstainless steel free-standing drinking fountain (indoor/outdoor)
AFO 02-II is a stainless steel drinking fountain of modern design with a manual press valve that allows its easy use. The water flows only when the valve is pressed and then there is a certain adjusted time to rinse out the nozzle. The drinking fountain is to be placed in an open space. It is made up of an anchoring part intended for embedding in concrete and the column itself with a press valve and nozzle. These parts are connected by means of 3 screws and the upper part can be, therefore, easily dismounted in case of necessity (e.g. during winter). The water inlet is fitted with a flexible hose, the siphon is made from a stretchy, flexible connector. The flexible finish of the water inlet and outlet allows the variable and problem-free connection of the fountain. AFO 02-II stainless steel fountain is suitable mainly for schools, medical facilities and spa resorts, and is utilizable outdoors. Drinking fountain AFO 02-II is manufactured from the stainless steel AISI 304. AFO 02.CL-II is made of the stainless steel AISI 316 and is suitable for places with higher concentration of chlorine. For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1).Detail of the bowl
Package contents
stainless steel column and cone with nozzle
press valve
anchoring construction
flexible hose siphon
connecting hoses
anchoring material
Set-up water inlet - pipe G 1/2“
Set-up drainage d = 40 mm
Prepared alcove for embedding (concreting) in the base construction
stainless steel drinking fountain with pressure valve designed to stand and to be attached to wall
AFO 01.S is a drinking fountain of stainless steel with pressure valve designed to stand and to be attached to wall. Water runs for the time for which the valve is pressed plus the pre-set period after it is released; thus the jet can be rinsed. Water supply is provided by a flexible hose, trap comprises an elastic flexible couple. Flexible design of water supply and outflow allows variable and easy connection of the drinking fountain as well as its dismounting.
Automatic drinking fountain (with a sensor) can be supplied per order.
AFO 01.S is manufactured from the stainless steel AISI 304. Other materials (e.g. AISI 316) possible on order. For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1).
drinking fountain with spout for filling bottles designed to stand and to be attached to wall
AFO 01.SL is a drinking fountain with spout for filling bottles designed to stand and to be attached to wall. Water runs for the time for which the valve is pressed plus the pre-set period after it is released; thus the jet can be rinsed. Second pressure valve serves for bottle filling.
In standard version the fountain is produced with a niche suitable for filling the bottle of 0.7 l. Fliountain with a niche for filling the botlles of 1.5 l can be made on order.
Water supply is provided by a flexible hose, trap comprises an elastic flexible couple. Flexible design of water supply and outflow allows variable and easy connection of the drinking fountain as well as its dismounting.
TAutomatic drinking fountain (with a sensor) can be supplied per order.
AFO 01.SL is manufactured from the stainless steel AISI 304. Other materials (e.g. AISI 316) possible on order. For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1).
AFO 01 stainless steel wall-mounted drinking fountain
AFO 01 is a stainless steel wall-mounted drinking fountain of modern design with a manual press valve that allows its easy use. The water flows only when the valve is pressed and then there is a certain adjusted time to rinse out the nozzle. The water inlet is fitted with a flexible hose, the siphon is made from a stretchy, flexible connector. The flexible finish of the water inlet and outlet allows the variable and problem-free connection of the fountain. AFO 01 stainless steel fountain is suitable mainly for schools, medical facilities and spa resorts, and is utilizable outdoors. AFO 01 is made of stainless steel AISI 304. AFO 01.CL is made of stainless steel AISI 316 and is suitable into the areas with higher concentration of chlorine (e.g. swimming pools). Sensor-controlled fountain possible made to order. For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1).
AFO 01 stainless steel wall-mounted drinking fountain
AFO 01 is a stainless steel wall-mounted drinking fountain of modern design with a manual press valve that allows its easy use. The water flows only when the valve is pressed and then there is a certain adjusted time to rinse out the nozzle. The water inlet is fitted with a flexible hose, the siphon is made from a stretchy, flexible connector. The flexible finish of the water inlet and outlet allows the variable and problem-free connection of the fountain. AFO 01 stainless steel fountain is suitable mainly for schools, medical facilities and spa resorts, and is utilizable outdoors. AFO 01 is made of stainless steel AISI 304. AFO 01.CL is made of stainless steel AISI 316 and is suitable into the areas with higher concentration of chlorine (e.g. swimming pools). Sensor-controlled fountain possible made to order. For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1).
AFO 01.Yst. steel sensor controlled drinking fountain
AFO 01.Y is st. stainless wall hung drinking fountain controlled by sensor. Water runs after disrupting the scanning zone.
Fountain is made by welding all components together.
Fountain is suppplied with safety power 12 V, 50 Hz from power supply ZAC (AFO 01.Y) or with 4x AA battery (AFO 01.YB).
Material is standardly st. steel AISI 304 or can be AISI 316 (AFO 01.Y.CL or AFO 01.YB.CL).
St. steel driking fountain AFO 01.Y is based on favourite model AFO 01 with manual control.
The sensor, located on the right side of the fountain, is reacting on the approach of the user. Water starts to run from the nozzle, located in the middle of the fountain bowl, and runs over the time when the user´s head is in the scanning zone (max. 30 sec.) + preset time (max. 4 sec.) to clean the nozzle.
AFO 01.Yst. steel sensor controlled drinking fountain
AFO 01.Y is st. stainless wall hung drinking fountain controlled by sensor. Water runs after disrupting the scanning zone.
Fountain is made by welding all components together.
Fountain is suppplied with safety power 12 V, 50 Hz from power supply ZAC (AFO 01.Y) or with 4x AA battery (AFO 01.YB).
Material is standardly st. steel AISI 304 or can be AISI 316 (AFO 01.Y.CL or AFO 01.YB.CL).
St. steel driking fountain AFO 01.Y is based on favourite model AFO 01 with manual control.
The sensor, located on the right side of the fountain, is reacting on the approach of the user. Water starts to run from the nozzle, located in the middle of the fountain bowl, and runs over the time when the user´s head is in the scanning zone (max. 30 sec.) + preset time (max. 4 sec.) to clean the nozzle.
AFO 01.Yst. steel sensor controlled drinking fountain
AFO 01.Y is st. stainless wall hung drinking fountain controlled by sensor. Water runs after disrupting the scanning zone.
Fountain is made by welding all components together.
Fountain is suppplied with safety power 12 V, 50 Hz from power supply ZAC (AFO 01.Y) or with 4x AA battery (AFO 01.YB).
Material is standardly st. steel AISI 304 or can be AISI 316 (AFO 01.Y.CL or AFO 01.YB.CL).
St. steel driking fountain AFO 01.Y is based on favourite model AFO 01 with manual control.
The sensor, located on the right side of the fountain, is reacting on the approach of the user. Water starts to run from the nozzle, located in the middle of the fountain bowl, and runs over the time when the user´s head is in the scanning zone (max. 30 sec.) + preset time (max. 4 sec.) to clean the nozzle.
AFO 01.Yst. steel sensor controlled drinking fountain
AFO 01.Y is st. stainless wall hung drinking fountain controlled by sensor. Water runs after disrupting the scanning zone.
Fountain is made by welding all components together.
Fountain is suppplied with safety power 12 V, 50 Hz from power supply ZAC (AFO 01.Y) or with 4x AA battery (AFO 01.YB).
Material is standardly st. steel AISI 304 or can be AISI 316 (AFO 01.Y.CL or AFO 01.YB.CL).
St. steel driking fountain AFO 01.Y is based on favourite model AFO 01 with manual control.
The sensor, located on the right side of the fountain, is reacting on the approach of the user. Water starts to run from the nozzle, located in the middle of the fountain bowl, and runs over the time when the user´s head is in the scanning zone (max. 30 sec.) + preset time (max. 4 sec.) to clean the nozzle.
drinking fountain with cooling designed to stand and to be attached to wall
AFO 01.SC is a drinking fountain with cooling designed to stand and to be attached to wall. User can select between uncooled water and water running through a flow cooler. The fountain is operated by means of two piezo-buttons – resistant solution. Facility keeper can set a time period after which the water flow automatically stops. The product contains a flow cooler. It is not a design with cooled tank only where – after the pre-cooled amount of water is pumped out – the user has to wait for the next charge to be cooled. Flexible design of water supply and outflow allows variable and easy connection of the drinking fountain as well as its dismounting. ttles
Automatic drinking fountain (with a sensor) can be supplied per order.
AFO 01.S is manufactured from the stainless steel AISI 304. Other materials (e.g. AISI 316) possible on order. For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1).
Package contents
Stainless housing with cone
Electronics and control piezo-buttons
Water supply and electromagnetic valves
Flow cooler
Flexible hose outflow
Fixing and connecting material
330 x 900 x 365 mm
water outlet
d = 40 mm
water inlet
G 1/2"
water pressure
0,2 – 0,6 MPa, recommended 0,3 MPa
power supply
230 V, 50 Hz
power input
820 W
24 kg
Set up water outlet d = 40 mm
Set up water inlet G 1/2"
Electric socket 230 V, or electric cable CYKY 3C x 1,5
drinking fountain with cooling and spout for filling bottles designed to stand and to be attached to wall
AFO 01.SCL is a drinking fountain with cooling and spout for filling bottles designed to stand and to be attached to wall. User can select between uncooled water and water running through a flow cooler. Uncooled water is used for bottle filling as a standard – can be changed. Start/stop control by piezo-buttons – resistant solution. Facility keeper can set a time period after which the water flow automatically stops.
The product contains a flow cooler. It is not a design with cooled tank only where – after the pre-cooled amount of water is pumped out – the user has to wait for the next charge to be cooled.
Water supply is provided by a flexible hose, trap comprises an elastic flexible couple. Flexible design of water supply and outflow allows variable and easy connection of the drinking fountain as well as its dismounting.
Automatic drinking fountain (with a sensor) can be supplied per order.
AFO 01.SCL is manufactured from the stainless steel AISI 304. Other materials (e.g. AISI 316) possible on order. For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1).
Package contents
Stainless housing with cone
Electronics and control piezo-buttons
Water supply and electromagnetic valves
Flow cooler
Flexible hose outflow
Fixing and connecting material
330 x 900 x 365 mm
water outlet
d = 40 mm
water inlet
G 1/2"
water pressure
0,2 – 0,6 MPa, recommended 0,3 MPa
power supply
230 V, 50 Hz
power input
830 W
25 kg
Set up water outlet d = 40 mm
Set up water inlet G 1/2"
Electric socket 230 V, or set up electric cable CYKY 3C x 1,5
d line Cup dispenser wall mounted produced in AISI 316 satin or polished stainless steel. The design is characterized by simplicity and functionality, and the minimalistic exterior hides advanced technic that ensures the products strength and durability for many years. d line as Roholmsvej 12F DK-2620 Albertslund www.dline.com info@dline.com Product care: d line products are produced in the highest quality stainless steel, marine grade, AISI 316. To sustain the unique d line surface appearance please follow the below instructions: Wash down the surfaces using soapy water or mild detergent Always thoroughly rinse off with clean water To complete the cleaning procedure dry/polish the surfaces with a soft dry cloth Please do not use scouring powder, steel wool, chloride based detergents or other aggressive cleaning products as these may damage the surface. If spots or corrosion appear on the surface it is not due to the stainless steel quality, but to impurities in the environment, aggressive conditions or improper or insufficient cleaning