Waste bin in robust, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 304).
All-stainless steel housing; visible surfaces satin finished and brushed. Further available surfaces: see below.
Equipped with removable mesh basket. Capacity approx. 43 l. Accessible through lockable door. Waste disposal from above through an optional waste disposal ring or flap.
Keyed alike cylinder lock in corrosion-resistant zinc die-casting.
Wear parts can be replaced as modules.
Mounting: With four screws through key holes and one optional anti-theft hole in the back wall off-floor below vanity unit, or as an option with console or base for a surcharge.
Horisontaalne nurga käetugi, 3-punkti kinnitus. Toru d 32 mm.
• 90º wall to wall horizontal grab bar for showers, baths and changing rooms, with three anchoring points and with snap flange covers, made with stainless steel tube, folded in an "L" shape at 90º.
• Designed to achieve barrier-free accessibility in bathrooms and public spaces. This grab bar is suitable for specific spaces for the elderly or people with reduced mobility. Model suitable for collectivities.
• Stainless steel gives this bar great durability and great resistance to rust.
• The bar has three snap flange covers that conceal the anchoring screws to the wall and reinforce, even more, the beauty of the product once installed.
• Optionally, these bars can be electrically isolated by installing the Electrical Isolation Kit code KA0020.
• Supplied with all the necessary hardware to fix the bar to a brick wall.
General description
Mediepoxi / Medinox series
BD0700C BD0700CS Bright finish Satin finish
90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar for showers, baths and changing rooms, with three anchoring points and with snap flange covers, made with stainless steel tube, folded in an "L" shape at 90o.
Designed to achieve barrier-free accessibility in bathrooms and public spaces. This grab bar is suitable for specific spaces for the elderly or people with reduced mobility. Model suitable for collectivities.
Stainless steel gives this bar great durability and great resistance to rust.
The bar has three snap flange covers that conceal the anchoring screws to the wall and reinforce, even more, the beauty of the product once
Optionally, these bars can be electrically isolated by installing the Electrical Isolation Kit code KA0020.
Supplied with all the necessary hardware to fix the bar to a brick wall.
Components and materials
BD2700: 90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar with three anchoring points, made with AISI 201 stainless steel tube white finish.
BD2700B: 90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar with three anchoring points, made with AISI 201 stainless steel tube matte black finish.
BD0700C: 90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar with three anchoring points, made with AISI 304 stainless steel tube bright finish.
BD0700CS: 90o wall to wall horizontal grab bar with three anchoring points, made with AISI 304 stainless steel tube satin finish.
TUBING: made of stainless steel 32 mm diameter tube, seamless construction. The bending process guarantees the uniformity of the
diameter along the bends.
CONCEALED WALL BRACKET: three units made of stainless steel sheet, 3 mm thick and joined to the bar by welding to the ends of the
tube. It has three holes (BD2700 and BD2700B) or two holes (other references), with a diameter of 6.5 mm that allow the fixing of the bar
to the wall.
SNAP FLANGE COVER: three units that conceal the installation screws made of 1.5 mm thick polypropylene (BD2700 and BD2700B) or
Te olete näinud puutevabasid kraane näiteks lennujaamades ja asutustes. Tavaliselt kasutate neid kraanikausse ainult käte pesemiseks, mis tähendab, et piisab ühest kindla temperatuuri ja veevoolu seadistusest. Silhouet Touchlessi abil on meil õnnestunud ühendada puutevaba tehnoloogia kasutajasõbraliku kujundusega, kus funktsionaalset ülaosa saab kasutada veevoolu juhtimiseks ning kuuma ja külma temperatuuri muutmiseks.
Andur tuvastab liikumise. Kui hoiate käsi segisti all, käivitub see. Käte eemaldamisel lülitub segisti automaatselt välja, nii et te ei kasuta rohkem vett kui vaja. Segistit on võimalik reguleerida selle ülaosas, nii et saate temperatuuri ja vooluhulka hõlpsasti muuta sõltuvalt sellest, kas peate käsi pesema, hambaid harjama, habet ajama või täitma klaasi külma veega.
Lihtne paigaldada
Silhouet Touchless sobib põhimõtteliselt igat liiki valamutele ja ei vaja allpool lisaruumi. Seda on lihtne paigaldada ja anduri patareid saate ise hõlpsasti vahetada. See on väike 6-voldine patarei, mida saab igalt poolt osta. See on kinnitatud takjakinnitusega valamu alla. Kui on aeg patareid vahetada, hakkab andur vilkuma. Tuleb paigaldada uus patarei – ja ongi kõik. Siis vahetate lihtsalt patarei välja ja kõik ongi tehtud!
Tap into your style
Silhouet Touchless on ajatu, lihtne põhjamaine disain, mis sobib hästi nii klassikalisse kui ka moodsasse koju. Vastupidav pind on saadaval kroomitud, harjatud messingist või mattmusta viimistlusega, mille abil saate lasta oma konkreetsel valikul rõhutada oma isiklikku stiili. Kujundus ja viimistlus sobivad loomulikult Silhoueti ülejäänud seeriaga.