261 EUR
3373.3 EUR

WC Tualetti ja Bidee Raamid

WC Tualetti ja Bidee Raamid

Avasta PEGU.EE kvaliteetsed WC-tualeti ja bidee raamid - Sinu vannitoa stiilne ja praktiline täiendus! 

Meie valikust leiad mitmekülgseid ja vastupidavaid raame, mis võimaldavad paigaldada tualettpotid ja bideed õhukesse seina, luues minimalistliku ja kaasaegse välimuse. Raamide paigaldamine tagab mitte ainult esteetilise lõpptulemuse, vaid ka ruumi optimaalse kasutamise.

PEGU.EE pakub mitmeid võimalusi erinevatele eelarvetele ja vajadustele. Vali meie e-poest sobiv WC-tualeti ja bidee raam ning täienda oma vannituba nutikalt ja stiilselt!

Külasta PEGU.EE e-poodi juba täna ja leia oma vannitoale parim lahendus!

#Vannituba #WCtualettraamid #Bideeraamid #PEGUEE #StiilneJaPraktiline

Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Delabie süvistatav dual control electronic battery-operated WC ventiil RST 

TEMPOMATIC dual control plate for WCs

Ref. 464006

TEMPOMATIC recessed, dual control, electronic valve for direct flush, kit 2/2:
Flush system without cistern: directly connected to pipework.
Battery-operated with CR123 6V Lithium batteries.
Satin finish stainless steel wall plate 186 x 186mm and chrome-plated metal button, with integrated electronics.
TEMPOMATIC F¾" flush valve is compatible with sea water, rain water and grey water.
Shock-resistant infrared presence detection sensor.
Detection delay is 10 seconds.
Voluntary activation (anti-blocking push-button) or automatically without contact when the user leaves.
Independent push-button: the flush will activate even if the power supply fails.
"Intelligent" automatic rinsing: flush volume adapts according to use - 3L "short" usage, 6L "long" usage - (can be adjusted to 2L/4L or 5L/9L).
3 programmes (rinsing volume can be set according to type of WC pan).
Hygienic duty flush every 24 hours (can be adjusted to 12 hours or OFF) after the last use.
Base flow rate: 1L/sec at 1 bar dynamic pressure.
Suitable for rimless WC pans without flow rate regulation and suitable for people with reduced mobility.

Order with frame system references 564060DE or 564065DE, or with recessed housing 464PBOX.


TEMPOMATIC dual control plate for WCs

Ref. 464006
Supply 6V batteries
Connector F¾"
Technology Electronic and time flow
Length 186mm
Width 186mm
Finish Satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-464006 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
742,50 € (10%)
825,00 €

Delabie TEMPOMATIC WC ventiil 3/4" seina süvistav baas 6V bat kit 1/2 (liskas on vaja DE-464006)


Recessed waterproof housing for TEMPOMATIC dual control WC

Ref. 464PBOX

Recessed waterproof housing, kit 1/2:
Flush system without cistern: directly connected to pipework.
Compatible with electronic WC valve.
CR123 6V Lithium battery-operated.
Collar with waterproof seal.
Hydraulic connection to the outside and maintenance from the front.
Adjusts to all types of installation (rails, solid walls, panels).
Compatible with wall finishes from 10 - 120mm (while maintaining the minimum recessing depth of 93mm).
Suitable for standard or "pipe-in-pipe" supply.
Stopcock and flow rate adjustment, activation and electronic unit are all integrated and accessible from the front.
Backflow prevention device inside the housing.
Secure system flush without sensitive elements.
Outlet connection for PVC tube Ø26/32mm.

Order with control-plate reference 464006.


Recessed waterproof housing for TEMPOMATIC dual control WC

Ref. 464PBOX
Connector F¾"
Technology Electronic and time flow
Height 150mm
Depth 93 to 190mm
Width 225mm



Tootekood: DE-464PBOX ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
234,90 € (10%)
261,00 €


TEMPOFIX 3 self-supporting frame system with electronic WC valve

Ref. 564005-464000

Provisional availability 1st half 

Please contact the sales office to check availability.
Self-supporting frame system for wall-hung WCs:
- Black powder-coated steel frame.
- Fixes to load-bearing floors.
- Frame height can be adjusted from 0 - 200mm (with 1m mark).
- Ø 32mm flush tube with Ø 55mm connection washer.
- PVC soil pipe, Ø 100mm outlet to be glued to waterproof seal, with 2 setting positions.
- Delivered pre-mounted.
- Compatible with solid walls from 10 - 120mm.
- 10-year warranty.

Fitted with a TEMPOMATIC dual control F¾" electronic direct flush valve:
- 230/6V mains supply (cable and transformer supplied).
- Satin finish stainless steel wall plate 186 x 186mm and chrome-plated metal button with integrated electronics.
- Waterproof recessing housing.
- Detection delay is 10 seconds.
- Voluntary activation (push-button with anti-blocking) or automatically when the user leaves.
- "Intelligent" automatic rinsing (flush volume adapts according to use).
- 3 programmes (rinsing volume can be set according to type of WC pan).
- Hygienic duty flush, every 24 hours (can be adjusted to 12 hours or OFF) after the last use.
- Backflow prevention device inside the housing.
- Integrated stopcock and flow rate adjuster.
- Compatible with sea water and grey water.

Technical characteristics: see TEMPOMATIC dual control ref. 464SBOX-464000.

Kit contents:
(564005): frame system, soil pipe Ø 100mm, flush tube, recessed housing with cover, valve configured for system flush, vacuum breaker, stopcock, connection accessories.
(464000): control plate, transformer, collar for waterproofing, solenoid valve, cartridge.


TEMPOFIX 3 self-supporting frame system with electronic WC valve

Ref. 564005-464000
Supply Mains supply 230/6V
Connector ¾"
Technology Electronic and time flow
Height 1000 - 1320mm
Depth 177mm
Width 350mm
Finish Satin finish stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-564005-464000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1350,00 € (10%)
1500,00 €
suurus: 370 x 700 mm
seinale kinnitatud
4,5-liitrine loputusmaht
WC iste soft close 
Tootekood: DUR-2559090000+0060590000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1245,00 €
suurus: 370 x 480 mm
seinale kinnitatud
4,5-liitrine loputusmaht
WC iste soft close 
Tootekood: DUR-2539090000+0063790000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
799,10 €
Duravit Durastyle seinakinnitatud WC kompaktne ääristeta komplekt
DURAVIT DuraStyle seinakinnitusega kompaktne Duravit Rimless® Art.: 2571090000:
seinale riputatud
patenteeritud Duravit Rimless® loputustehnoloogiaga
Materjal: sanitaartehnika
sobib 4,5 liitri loputusvee jaoks
EWL klass 1
Lameda kaane / istme kombinatsioon
Kliirens 5 / 7,5 cm, paigalduskõrgus 40 cm
Kujunduse autor Matteo Thun
DURAVIT DuraStyle tualett-iste Art .: 0063790000:
valmistatud kvaliteetsest plastikust
Roostevabast terasest hinged
automaatse langetamisega
Kujunduse autorid Matteo Thun ja Antonio Rodriguez
Tootekood: DUR-45710900A1 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
811,30 €
Teadlik vaoshoitus, tohutu disainivabadus
Matteo Thuni ja Antonio Rodriguezi kujundatud DuraStyle vannitoasari on meelega vaoshoitud - ja sobib just sel põhjusel harmooniliselt praktiliselt igasse õhkkonda. Iseloomulik: kitsa ja filigraani kraanikausi serv ning allapoole kitsenev tualettruumide serv annavad keraamikale kerguse ja stiili.
suurus: 370 x 540 mm
seinale kinnitatud
pesemis WC
4,5-liitrine loputusmaht
Ühtse veemärgi (UWL) klass 1
Duravit Rimless®
sh. fikseerimine Durafix
roostevabast terasest hinged
puhastamiseks saab käsitsi hõlpsasti eemaldada
automaatne langetamine löömise vältimiseks (pehme sulgemine)
Tootekood: DUR-45510900A1 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
982,10 €
Duravit Me by Starcki seinale kinnitatud WC koos SensoWash Slim dušši tualett-istmega 631000002004300
Duravit SensoWash Slim dušiiste 611000002004300
Värv: valge
Mõõtmed: 539 x 373 mm
automaatse sulgemisega
varjatud ühendustega
komplektis pult
Lukustusfunktsioon kaugjuhtimispuldi kaudu
tagumine, eesmine ja võnkuv pesu
Veetemperatuuri, samuti pihustitoru asukoha ja veepihustuse intensiivsuse individuaalne reguleerimine
Automaatne äravool pikaajalise kasutuseta perioodidel
isepuhastuv võlukepp
öine valgus
Iste ja kaas on hõlpsasti eemaldatavad ühe käega
sisse / välja nupp
Paigaldage veepehmendaja vee karedusega = 2,4 mmol / l (= 14 ° dH või 24 ° fH).
Duravit ME by Starcki seinakinnitusega tualett 2529590000
Mõõtmed: 570 x 370 mm
Värv: valge
seinale kinnitatud
4,5-liitrine loputus
Durafix nähtamatu fikseerimise jaoks
SensoWashi ühenduselemendid koos varjatud ühendustega
EWL klass 1
Tootekood: DUR-631000002004300 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
3373,30 €
ME by Starcki seina tualettruum Duravit Rimless® ühendab hügieeni ajatu disainiga. Oma sarjaga Starck Duraviti jaoks on Prantsuse disaineril Philippe Starckil õnnestunud kujundada terviklik vannitoa kollektsioon, mis vastab puhta esteetika nõudele ja sobib täiesti erinevatesse stiilimaailmadesse. Maksimaalselt üksikud kujundusvõimalused.
seinale paigaldatud WC
suurus: 370 x 570 mm
pesema WC
säästab vett, veekulu: 4,5 liitrit
Ühtse veemärgi (UWL) klass 1
ääristeta, Duravit Rimless® dünaamilise vee loputamisega
sh. fikseerimine Durafix
hinged roostevabast terasest
tualett-iste on puhastamiseks käsitsi hõlpsasti eemaldatav
automaatne langetamine löömise vältimiseks (pehme sulgemine)
Tootekood: DUR-45290900A1 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
1015,65 €
ME by Starcki seina tualettruum Duravit Rimless® ühendab hügieeni ajatu disainiga. Oma sarjaga Starck Duraviti jaoks on Prantsuse disaineril Philippe Starckil õnnestunud kujundada terviklik vannitoa kollektsioon, mis vastab puhta esteetika nõudele ja sobib täiesti erinevatesse stiilimaailmadesse. Maksimaalselt üksikud kujundusvõimalused.
seinale paigaldatud WC Compact 253009
suurus: 370 x 480 mm
pesema WC
säästab vett, veekulu: 4,5 liitrit
Ühtse veemärgi (UWL) klass 1
ääristeta, Duravit Rimless® dünaamilise vee loputamisega
sh. fikseerimine Durafix
Iste: 002019
hinged roostevabast terasest
tualett-iste on puhastamiseks käsitsi hõlpsasti eemaldatav
automaatne langetamine löömise vältimiseks (pehme sulgemine)
Tootekood: DUR-45300900A1 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
860,10 €

WC loputusplaat D Line Qtoo 235x155x4mm, Geberit Sigma 112 , poleeritud steel

Joining our Qtoo collection of taps and shower fixtures is our take on the perfect flushing plate for your wall hung cisterns. 

Staying true to our design principles ours is crafted in AISI 316 stainless steel. This is not only to uphold our 20-year product warranty, but also to offer our flushing plates in the d line colour palette to mix and match with our other collections and products.  

Choose between steel, brass look (pvd), copper look (pvd) and black (pvd) in either satin or polished finish.

Dimensions: 235x155x4mm


Flushing plate for Geberit flushing mechanism

Tender text:

Qtoo collection, flushing plate for Geberit Sigma 112 flushing mechanism. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protected against high levels of corrosion . 20-year warranty.


Product specification:

Dimensions: 170x255x4mm
Compatible with Geberit Sigma 112
Material: Marine grade AISI 316 stainless steel Minimum wall thickness: 24mm

Tootekood: IQF6000P ,   Tarneaeg: 2-4 nädala
452,42 €

WC loputusplaat D Line Qtoo 235x155x4mm, Geberit Sigma 112 , PVD messing poleeritud

Flushing plate - brass look, polished


Joining our Qtoo collection of taps and shower fixtures is our take on the perfect flushing plate for your wall hung cisterns. 

Staying true to our design principles ours is crafted in AISI 316 stainless steel. This is not only to uphold our 20-year product warranty, but also to offer our flushing plates in the d line colour palette to mix and match with our other collections and products.  

Choose between steel, brass look (pvd), copper look (pvd) and black (pvd) in either satin or polished finish.

Dimensions: 235x155x4mm


Flushing plate for Geberit flushing mechanism

Tender text:

Qtoo collection, flushing plate for Geberit Sigma 112 flushing mechanism. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protected against high levels of corrosion . 20-year warranty.


Product specification:

Dimensions: 170x255x4mm
Compatible with Geberit Sigma 112
Material: Marine grade AISI 316 stainless steel Minimum wall thickness: 24mm

Tootekood: IQF6000PP3 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
589,67 €

WC loputusplaat D Line Qtoo 235x155x4mm, Geberit Sigma 112 , PVD messing satiin

Flushing plate - brass look, satin


Joining our Qtoo collection of taps and shower fixtures is our take on the perfect flushing plate for your wall hung cisterns. 

Staying true to our design principles ours is crafted in AISI 316 stainless steel. This is not only to uphold our 20-year product warranty, but also to offer our flushing plates in the d line colour palette to mix and match with our other collections and products.  

Choose between steel, brass look (pvd), copper look (pvd) and black (pvd) in either satin or polished finish.

Dimensions: 235x155x4mm


Flushing plate for Geberit flushing mechanism

Tender text:

Qtoo collection, flushing plate for Geberit Sigma 112 flushing mechanism. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protected against high levels of corrosion . 20-year warranty.


Product specification:

Dimensions: 170x255x4mm
Compatible with Geberit Sigma 112
Material: Marine grade AISI 316 stainless steel Minimum wall thickness: 24mm

Tootekood: IQF6000MP3 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
589,67 €

WC loputusplaat D Line Qtoo 235x155x4mm, Geberit Sigma 112 , PVD must poleeritud

Flushing plate - charcoal look, polished


Joining our Qtoo collection of taps and shower fixtures is our take on the perfect flushing plate for your wall hung cisterns. 

Staying true to our design principles ours is crafted in AISI 316 stainless steel. This is not only to uphold our 20-year product warranty, but also to offer our flushing plates in the d line colour palette to mix and match with our other collections and products.  

Choose between steel, brass look (pvd), copper look (pvd) and black (pvd) in either satin or polished finish.

Dimensions: 235x155x4mm


Flushing plate for Geberit flushing mechanism

Tender text:

Qtoo collection, flushing plate for Geberit Sigma 112 flushing mechanism. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protected against high levels of corrosion . 20-year warranty.


Product specification:

Dimensions: 170x255x4mm
Compatible with Geberit Sigma 112
Material: Marine grade AISI 316 stainless steel Minimum wall thickness: 24mm

Tootekood: IQF6000PP4 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
589,67 €

WC loputusplaat D Line Qtoo 235x155x4mm, Geberit Sigma 112 , PVD must satiin

Flushing plate - charcoal look, satin


Joining our Qtoo collection of taps and shower fixtures is our take on the perfect flushing plate for your wall hung cisterns. 

Staying true to our design principles ours is crafted in AISI 316 stainless steel. This is not only to uphold our 20-year product warranty, but also to offer our flushing plates in the d line colour palette to mix and match with our other collections and products.  

Choose between steel, brass look (pvd), copper look (pvd) and black (pvd) in either satin or polished finish.

Dimensions: 235x155x4mm


Flushing plate for Geberit flushing mechanism

Tender text:

Qtoo collection, flushing plate for Geberit Sigma 112 flushing mechanism. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protected against high levels of corrosion . 20-year warranty.


Product specification:

Dimensions: 170x255x4mm
Compatible with Geberit Sigma 112
Material: Marine grade AISI 316 stainless steel Minimum wall thickness: 24mm

Tootekood: IQF6000MP4 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
589,67 €

WC loputusplaat D Line Qtoo 235x155x4mm, Geberit Sigma 112 , PVD vask poleeritud

Joining our Qtoo collection of taps and shower fixtures is our take on the perfect flushing plate for your wall hung cisterns. 

Staying true to our design principles ours is crafted in AISI 316 stainless steel. This is not only to uphold our 20-year product warranty, but also to offer our flushing plates in the d line colour palette to mix and match with our other collections and products.  

Choose between steel, brass look (pvd), copper look (pvd) and black (pvd) in either satin or polished finish.

Dimensions: 235x155x4mm


Flushing plate for Geberit flushing mechanism

Tender text:

Qtoo collection, flushing plate for Geberit Sigma 112 flushing mechanism. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protected against high levels of corrosion . 20-year warranty.


Product specification:

Dimensions: 170x255x4mm
Compatible with Geberit Sigma 112
Material: Marine grade AISI 316 stainless steel Minimum wall thickness: 24mm

Tootekood: IQF6000PP2 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
589,67 €

WC loputusplaat D Line Qtoo 235x155x4mm, Geberit Sigma 112 , PVD vask satiin

Joining our Qtoo collection of taps and shower fixtures is our take on the perfect flushing plate for your wall hung cisterns. 

Staying true to our design principles ours is crafted in AISI 316 stainless steel. This is not only to uphold our 20-year product warranty, but also to offer our flushing plates in the d line colour palette to mix and match with our other collections and products.  

Choose between steel, brass look (pvd), copper look (pvd) and black (pvd) in either satin or polished finish.

Dimensions: 235x155x4mm


Flushing plate for Geberit flushing mechanism

Tender text:

Qtoo collection, flushing plate for Geberit Sigma 112 flushing mechanism. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protected against high levels of corrosion . 20-year warranty.


Product specification:

Dimensions: 170x255x4mm
Compatible with Geberit Sigma 112
Material: Marine grade AISI 316 stainless steel Minimum wall thickness: 24mm

Tootekood: IQF6000MP2 ,   Tarneaeg: 8-10 nädala
589,67 €

WC loputusplaat D Line Qtoo 235x155x4mm, Geberit Sigma 112 , steel

Joining our Qtoo collection of taps and shower fixtures is our take on the perfect flushing plate for your wall hung cisterns. 

Staying true to our design principles ours is crafted in AISI 316 stainless steel. This is not only to uphold our 20-year product warranty, but also to offer our flushing plates in the d line colour palette to mix and match with our other collections and products.  

Choose between steel, brass look (pvd), copper look (pvd) and black (pvd) in either satin or polished finish.

Dimensions: 235x155x4mm


Flushing plate for Geberit flushing mechanism

Tender text:

Qtoo collection, flushing plate for Geberit Sigma 112 flushing mechanism. Manufactured in the highest quality marine grade, AISI 316 stainless steel, protected against high levels of corrosion . 20-year warranty.


Product specification:

Dimensions: 170x255x4mm
Compatible with Geberit Sigma 112
Material: Marine grade AISI 316 stainless steel Minimum wall thickness: 24mm

Tootekood: IQF6000M ,   Tarneaeg: 2-4 nädala
452,42 €
WC poti raam loputuskastiga , antivandaalse R/V teras katega


Wall module construction for WC with vandal-resistant st.steel cover


BSAZ 5 is a wall module for wall mounted toilets equipped with anti-vandal stainless steel cover – with resistant stainless safety buttons. The cover is screwed by security bolts therefore it cannot be dismounted without special tools. The system is suitable for spaces where toilet flushing from a cistern is required but where, on the other hand, there is a threat of damaging of usual plastic covers. The robust anti-vandal stainless cover contains stainless control buttons resistant to damage (unlike the usual plastic buttons).


The cover of BSAZ 5 is manufactured from the stainless steel AISI 304. Other materials (e.g. AISI 316) possible on order. For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1). 




Version types
BSAZ 5 - Wall module construction for WC with vandal-resistant st.steel cover
Basic technical information
Dimensions of wall module: (1000–1200) × 510 × (160–200) mm
Dimensions of st.steel cover: 510 × 230 × 30 mm
Water inlet: G 1/2"
Outlet: DN 100
Requirements for setting up the construction
  1. Space for mounting the wall module
  2. Water inlet G 1/2"
  3. Waste pipe for outlet connection (DN 100)
Complete delivery
  • wall module with cistern
  • st.steel cover with vandal-proof buttons
Tootekood: AZP-BSAZ 5 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
1055,00 €

1-5 bar

3/6 L

Tootekood: P18605 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
922,45 € (5%)
971,00 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee