55.92 EUR
6199 EUR

Pesurennid roostevaba teras

Pesurennid roostevaba teras

PEGU.EE pakub kvaliteetseid ja vastupidavaid pesurenne roostevabast terasest. Roostevaba teras on ideaalne materjal, kuna see on vastupidav korrosioonile, niiskusele ja keemilistele mõjutustele. Pesurenid on olulised vannitubade ja muude niisketes tingimustes asuvate ruumide jaoks, pakkudes praktilist ja esteetilist lahendust.


  1. Vastupidavus: Roostevaba teras tagab renni vastupidavuse ja pika eluea isegi niisketes tingimustes.

  2. Korrosioonikindlus: Materjal on korrosioonikindel, mis muudab selle sobivaks kasutamiseks veega seotud keskkondades.

  3. Lihtne Puhastada: Pesurenne on hõlpsasti puhastatavad, tagades puhtuse ja hügieeni.

  4. Modernne Disain: Roostevabast terasest pesurenid pakuvad kaasaegset ja elegantset välimust, sobides erinevate sisekujundusstiilidega.

  5. Mitmekülgne Kasutamine: Sobivad nii koduseks kasutamiseks kui ka avalikesse ruumidesse, näiteks hotellidesse, spordikeskustesse jne.

PEGU.EE valikus on erineva disaini ja suurusega roostevabast terasest pesurenne, mis vastavad erinevate klientide vajadustele. Lisaks funktsionaalsusele pakuvad need pesurennid ka esteetilist lisaväärtust, muutes need ideaalseks valikuks igasugustesse vannitubadesse. Tutvuge PEGU.EE valikuga ja leidke sobiv pesurenna oma vajadustele!

Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Protective corner 
Ref. 100209

Adhesive protective corners supplied with double-sided adhesive tape. 
Made from elastomer plastic. 
Sold in packs of 2. 
Grey, RAL no. 7015.

Tootekood: DE-100209 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
55,92 €

Surgical scrub up trough with low splashback

Ref. 181020

Wall-mounted surgical scrub up trough with low, 100mm splashback. 
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm. 
L. 700mm, 1 service. With no tap hole.
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning. 
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. Supplied with fixing elements. 
Weight: 10.6kg. 


Surgical scrub up trough with low splashback

Ref. 181020
Height 465mm
Length 455mm
Width 700mm
Thickness 1.2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-181020 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädala
1831,00 €
Kirurgiline puhastusrenn madala pritsmetega
Ref. 182020
Seinale paigaldatav kirurgiline puhastusrenn 100 mm pritsmetega.
Sobib haiglate ja tervishoiuasutuste jaoks.
Roostevaba teras bakteriostaatiline 304. Poleeritud satiinviimistlus. Roostevabast terasest paksus: 1,2 mm.
L. 1400mm, 2 teenust. Ilma kraanaauguta.
Sile pind ja ümardatud siseservad lihtsaks puhastamiseks.
Drenaaž paremal. Ilma ülevooluta. Kaasas kinnitusdetailid.
Kaal: 18,8 kg.


Surgical scrub up trough with low splashback

Ref. 182020

Wall-mounted surgical scrub up trough with splashback 100mm. 
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm. 
L. 1,400mm, 2 services. With no tap hole.
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning.
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. Supplied with fixing elements. 
Weight: 18.8kg. 


Surgical scrub up trough with low splashback

Ref. 182020
Height 465mm
Length 455mm
Width 1400mm
Thickness 1.2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Хирургическая скраб-корыто с низким фартуком
Ref. 182020
Настенный хирургический корыто с фартуком 100 мм.
Подходит для больниц и медицинских учреждений.
Бактериостатическая нержавеющая сталь 304. Полированная атласная отделка. Толщина нержавеющей стали: 1,2 мм.
Л. 1400мм, 2 серв. Без отверстия под смеситель.
Гладкая поверхность и закругленные внутренние края для легкой очистки.
Дренаж справа. Без перелива. Поставляется с крепежными элементами.
Вес: 18,8 кг.
Tootekood: DE-182020 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädala
2549,80 €

Surgical scrub-up trough with high splashback

Ref. 182000

Wall-mounted surgical scrub-up trough with splashback 360mm. 
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm. 
L. 1,400mm, 2 services. With no tap hole. 
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning. 
Drainage on the right. 
Without overflow. 
Supplied with fixing elements. 
Weight: 24.2kg.

Kahekohaline kirurgi valamu kõrgema tagaseinaga. 

Materjal: AISI 304

Pikkus : 1400mm

Valamu sügavus: 350mm

Laius: 520 mm



Tagaseinas  ava sensorjuhtimisega segistile

Tagaseinas  2 ava kangsegistile


Surgical scrub-up trough with high splashback

Ref. 182000
Height 725mm
Length 520mm
Width 1400mm
Thickness 1.2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-182000 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädala
2635,20 €

Splashback 1200mm for CANAL wash trough 
Ref. 100250

Splashback for CANAL wash trough.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm.
Length: 1,200mm. 

Tootekood: DE-100250 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
207,40 €

Splashback 1400mm for CANAL wash trough 
Ref. 100260

Splashback for CANAL wash trough.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm.
Length: 1,400mm. 

Tootekood: DE-100260 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
231,80 €

Splashback 1800mm for CANAL wash trough 
Ref. 100280

Splashback for CANAL wash trough.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm.
Length: 1,800mm. 

Tootekood: DE-100280 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
286,70 €

Splashback 2400mm for CANAL wash trough 
Ref. 100300

Splashback for CANAL wash trough.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm.
Length: 2,400mm. 



Splashback 2400mm for CANAL wash trough 
Ref. 100300

Height 300mm
Length 2400mm
Width 1.5mm
Thickness 1.2mm
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-100300 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
414,80 €

3000mm splashback for lavabo CANAL wash trough 
Ref. 100310

Splashback for CANAL wash trough.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin stainless steel.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm.
Length: 3000mm.

Tootekood: DE-100310 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
469,70 €

Splashback 600mm for CANAL wash trough 
Ref. 100240

Splashback for CANAL wash trough.
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel.
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm.
Length: 600mm. 

Tootekood: DE-100240 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
128,10 €

CANAL wall-mounted wash trough 
Ref. 120300

Wall-mounted wash trough for 4 posts - 2,400mm 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm for the bowl, 1.5mm for surroundand fixing brackets. 
Easy to install: no joint concealers to install, light wash trough. 
Drainage on the right. 
With no tap hole. 
Supplied with 1 ½" waste. 
Without overflow. 
Supplied with brackets and fixing elements. 
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14296. 
Weight: 20kg. 
Possible to add a bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel splashback (ref. 0011800007). 


Height 250mm
Length 2400mm
Width 400mm
Thickness 1mm (basin) et 1.5mm (edge and fixing brackets)
Finish 304 polished satin stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-120300 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1159,00 €

CANAL wall-mounted wash trough 
Ref. 120250

Wall-mounted wash trough for 2 services L. 1,200mm 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm for the bowl, 1.5mm for surround and fixing brackets. 
Easy to install: no joint concealers to install, light wash trough. 
Drainage on the right. 
No tap hole. 
Supplied with 1½" waste. 
Without overflow. 
Supplied with brackets and fixing elements. 
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14296. 
Weight: 8.4kg. 
Possible to add a bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel splashback (ref. 100250). 

Tootekood: DE-120250 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
762,50 €

Wall-mounted CANAL wash trough 
Ref. 121250

Wall-mounted wash trough for 2 posts. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm for the bowl, 1.5mm for surround and fixing brackets. 
Easy to install: no joint concealers to install, lightweight wash trough. 
Drainage on the right. 
With 2 tap holes Ø 22mm.
Supplied with 1½" waste. 
Without overflow. 
Supplied with fixing brackets and fixings. 
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14296.
Weight: 8.8kg.
Option to add a bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel splashback (ref. 100250).

Tootekood: DE-121250 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
762,50 €

CANAL wall-mounted wash trough 
Ref. 120260

Wall-mounted wash trough for 2-3 posts - L. 1,400mm 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm for the bowl, 1.5mm for surroundand fixing brackets. 
Easy to install: no joint concealers to install, light wash trough. 
Drainage on the right. 
With no tap hole. 
Supplied with 1 ½" waste. 
Without overflow. 
Supplied with brackets and fixing elements. 
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14296. 
Weight: 10kg. 
Possible to add a bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel splashback (ref. 0011800003). 

Tootekood: DE-120260 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
841,80 €

CANAL wall-mounted wash trough 
Ref. 120280

Wall-mounted wash trough for 3-4 posts - L. 1,800mm 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm for the bowl, 1.5mm for surround and fixing brackets.
Easy to install: no joint concealers to install, light wash trough. 
Drainage on the right. 
With no tap hole. 
Supplied with 1 ½" waste. 
Without overflow. 
Supplied with brackets and fixing elements. 
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14296. 
Weight: 15.5kg. 
Possible to add a bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel splashback (ref. 0011800005). 

Tootekood: DE-120280 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
927,20 €

Wall-mounted CANAL wash trough 
Ref. 120310

Wall-mounted wash trough for 4 posts - 3000mm. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm for the bowl, 1.5mm for surround and fixing brackets. 
Easy to install: no joint concealers to install, lightweight wash trough. 
Drainage on the right. 
Without tap hole.
Supplied with 1½" waste.
Without overflow.
Supplied with fixings and fixing brackets. 
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14296.
Weight: 19 kg.
Option to add a bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel splashback (ref. 100310).

Tootekood: DE-120310 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1274,90 €

CANAL wall-mounted wash trough 
Ref. 120240

Wall-mounted wash trough for 1 post. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm for the bowl, 1.5mm for surroundand fixing brackets. 
Drainage on the right. 
With no tap hole. 
Supplied with 1 ½" waste. 
Without overflow. 
Supplied with brackets and fixing elements. 
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14296. 
Weight: 6kg. 
Possible to add a bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel splashback (ref. 0011800001). 

Tootekood: DE-120240 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
603,90 €

CANAL wall-mounted wash trough 
Ref. 120240

Wall-mounted wash trough for 1 post. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1mm for the bowl, 1.5mm for surroundand fixing brackets. 
Drainage on the right. 
With no tap hole. 
Supplied with 1 ½" waste. 
Without overflow. 
Supplied with brackets and fixing elements. 
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14296. 
Weight: 6kg. 
Possible to add a bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel splashback (ref. 0011800001). 

Tootekood: DE-121240 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
603,90 €

DUPLO RP wall-mounted multiple washbasin 
Ref. 120390

Wall-mounted double washbasin, 1,200x500mm. 
With a splashback to protect the wall from splashing and improve hygiene. 
Basin internal diameter: 310mm. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1.5mm. 
Rounded edges prevent injury. 
With no tap hole. 
Supplied with 1 ¼" waste. 
Without overflow. 
Supplied with brackets and fixing elements. 
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14688. 
Weight: 15kg. 

Tootekood: DE-120390 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1360,30 €

DUPLO RP wall-mounted multiple washbasin 
Ref. 121390

Wall-mounted double washbasin, 1,200x500mm. 
With a splashbaack to protect the wall from splashing and improve hygiene. 
Basin internal diameter: 310mm. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1.5mm. 
Rounded edges prevent injury. 
With central tap hole, Ø 35mm. 
Supplied with 1 ¼" waste. 
Without overflow. 
Supplied with brackets and fixing elements. 
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14688. 
Weight: 15kg. 

Tootekood: DE-121390 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1360,30 €

Surgical scrub-up trough with high upstand 
Ref. 186000

Wall-mounted surgical scrub-up trough with 450mm upstand. 
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm. 
Length 1,400mm, 2 services. Without tap hole. 
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning. 
"Hygiene+" design: reduces niches where bacteria can develop, concealed trap, easy to clean.
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. 
Supplied with fixing elements.Weight: 34.4kg.

Tootekood: DE-186000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
3220,80 €

Surgical scrub-up trough with low upstand 
Ref. 186020

Wall-mounted surgical scrub-up trough with 75mm upstand. 
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm. 
Length 1,400mm, 2 services. Without tap hole. 
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning. 
"Hygiene+": reduces niches where bacteria can develop, concealed trap, easy to clean.
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. Supplied with fixing elements.
Weight: 26.6kg.

Tootekood: DE-186020 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
2964,60 €

Surgical scrub-up trough with high upstand 
Ref. 187000

Wall-mounted surgical scrub-up trough with 450mm upstand. 
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm. 
Length 2,100mm, 3 services. Without tap hole. 
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning. 
"Hygiene+" design: reduces niches where bacteria can develop, concealed trap, easy to clean.
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. 
Supplied with fixing elements.Weight: 48.5kg.

Tootekood: DE-187000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
3922,30 €

Surgical scrub-up trough with low upstand 
Ref. 187020

Wall-mounted surgical scrub-up trough with 75mm upstand. 
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm. 
Length 2,100mm, 3 services. Without tap hole. 
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning. 
"Hygiene+": reduces niches where bacteria can develop, concealed trap, easy to clean.
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. Supplied with fixing elements.
Weight: 37.6kg.

Tootekood: DE-187020 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
3605,10 €

Surgical scrub-up trough with high upstand 
Ref. 185000

Wall-mounted surgical scrub-up trough with 450mm upstand. 
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm. 
Length 700mm, 1 service. Without tap hole. 
Smooth surface and rounded inside edges for easy cleaning. 
"Hygiene+" design: reduces niches where bacteria can develop, concealed trap, easy to clean.
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. 
Supplied with fixing elements.Weight: 20.3kg.

Tootekood: DE-185000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
2604,70 €

Surgical scrub-up trough with low upstand 
Ref. 185020

Wall-mounted surgical scrub-up trough with 75mm upstand. 
Suitable for hospitals and healthcare facilities. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. Polished satin finish. Stainless steel thickness: 1.2mm. 
Length 700mm, 1 service. Without tap hole. 
Smooth surface for easy cleaning. 
"Hygiene+": reduces niches where bacteria can develop, concealed trap, easy to clean.
Drainage on the right. Without overflow. Supplied with fixing elements.
Weight: 15.6kg.

Tootekood: DE-185020 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
2421,70 €

TRIPLO RP wall-mounted multiple washbasin 
Ref. 120750

Wall-mounted triple washbasin, 1,800x500mm. 
With an upstand to protect the wall from splashing and improve hygiene. 
Basin internal diameter: 310mm. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin stainless steel. 
Stainless steel thickness: 1.5mm 
Rounded edges prevent injury. 
With no tap hole. 
Supplied with 1 ¼" waste. 
Without overflow. 
Supplied with brackets and fixing elements. 
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14688. 
Weight: 22kg. 

Tootekood: DE-120750 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1891,00 €

TRIPLO RP wall-mounted multiple washbasin 
Ref. 121750

Wall-mounted triple washbasin, 1,800x500mm. 
With a splashback to protect the wall from splashing and improve hygiene. 
Basin internal diameter: 310mm. 
Bacteriostatic 304 stainless steel. 
Polished satin finish.
Stainless steel thickness: 1.5mm. 
Rounded edges prevent injury. 
With central tap hole Ø 35mm. 
Supplied with 1 ¼" waste. 
Without overflow. 
Supplied with brackets and fixing elements. 
CE marked. Complies with European standard EN 14688. 
Weight: 22kg. 

Tootekood: DE-121750 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1891,00 €

Liivapüüdur SAND-02 Elcee 220, 3,5L, R/V teras, AISI304


Liivapüüdur SAND-02 Elcee 220, 3,5L, roostevaba teras, AISI304

Liivapüüdur SAND-02 Elcee 220 on mõeldud liiva filtreerimiseks veest ning selle maht on 3,5 liitrit. Seade on valmistatud roostevabast terasest (AISI304) ja on ideaalne paigaldamiseks otse kraanikausi või valamualuse alla.

Liivapüüdur on lihtne paigaldada otse kraanikausi või valamualuse alla, kasutades selleks sobivaid kinnitusvahendeid.

Liiv ja mustus kogunevad seadme alumisse kaussi. Seadme efektiivse töö tagamiseks on vajalik kaussi regulaarselt tühjendada.

Kauss on kinnitatud korpuse külge kahest küljest kinnitustega. Kaussi puhastamiseks eemaldage see kinnitustest, tühjendage ja vajadusel puhastage.

Üldmõõtmed millimeetrites: Ø174 x 235

Sissevoolu mõõtmed millimeetrites: 1,5"

Väljavoolu mõõtmed millimeetrites: 1,5"

Materjal: AISI 304

Materjali paksus millimeetrites: 1,5

Kogukaal kilogrammides: 2,50


Wash trough acc. Separator SAND-02


The sand catcher has a capacity of 3,5 litres and is ideal for filtering sand from water.
It is easy to mount directly under a washbasin or a wash trough.

The sand catcher is delivered with a flexible outlet that will enable straight or bent installation possibilities.

Material: Stainless steel AISI 304


Overall dimension in mm Ø174 x 235

Inlet dimension in mm 1.5"

Outlet dimension in mm 1.5"

Material AISI 304

Material thickness in mm 1.5

Gross weight in kg 2.50

Tootekood: I-SAND-02 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
469,00 €

Pesurenn AZP Brno ilma segistiavadeta. L=1900mm

AUL 06st. steel wall mounted wash trough


general dimensions L x 430 x 190 mm
outlet opening for 6/4" standrd washbasin siphon
material st. steel AISI 304, thickness 1,5 mm (AUL 06.1 a AUL 06.2 - 1,2 mm)

AUL 06 is a stainless steel wall mounted trough with casing. Its construction enables installation of outflow arms, or sensor-controlled taps. The standard version of the trough is without openings for the taps. Openings can be made on a request. 

We offer also washbasins AUM 030 and AUM 029 in similar design. Thus long troughs and smaller washbasins can be combined in one space with no need for design change.

Outlet of trough is standardly on the right side (in frontal view). Left sided outlet can be made on order (must be noted) AUL 06 wash trough is intended, thanks to its design, for washrooms and changing rooms in food production industry.

Lenght of the troughs can be adapted according to project’s data sheet. Data sheet acceptance is must.

Package contents

  • st. steel wash trough
  • cantilever
  • mounting material

left sided outlet
openings 33 mm for faucets
other lengths
other dimensions

Tootekood: AZP-AUL06.2 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädala
1349,00 €

Pesurenn AZP Brno ilma segistiavadeta. L=2500mm

AUL 06st. steel wall mounted wash trough


general dimensions L x 430 x 190 mm
outlet opening for 6/4" standrd washbasin siphon
material st. steel AISI 304, thickness 1,5 mm (AUL 06.1 a AUL 06.2 - 1,2 mm)

AUL 06 is a stainless steel wall mounted trough with casing. Its construction enables installation of outflow arms, or sensor-controlled taps. The standard version of the trough is without openings for the taps. Openings can be made on a request. 

We offer also washbasins AUM 030 and AUM 029 in similar design. Thus long troughs and smaller washbasins can be combined in one space with no need for design change.

Outlet of trough is standardly on the right side (in frontal view). Left sided outlet can be made on order (must be noted) AUL 06 wash trough is intended, thanks to its design, for washrooms and changing rooms in food production industry.

Lenght of the troughs can be adapted according to project’s data sheet. Data sheet acceptance is must.

Package contents

  • st. steel wash trough
  • cantilever
  • mounting material

left sided outlet
openings 33 mm for faucets
other lengths
other dimensions

Tootekood: AZP-AUL06.3 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädala
1732,00 €

Pesurenn AZP Brno ilma segistiavadeta. L=3000mm

AUL 06st. steel wall mounted wash trough


general dimensions L x 430 x 190 mm
outlet opening for 6/4" standrd washbasin siphon
material st. steel AISI 304, thickness 1,5 mm (AUL 06.1 a AUL 06.2 - 1,2 mm)

AUL 06 is a stainless steel wall mounted trough with casing. Its construction enables installation of outflow arms, or sensor-controlled taps. The standard version of the trough is without openings for the taps. Openings can be made on a request. 

We offer also washbasins AUM 030 and AUM 029 in similar design. Thus long troughs and smaller washbasins can be combined in one space with no need for design change.

Outlet of trough is standardly on the right side (in frontal view). Left sided outlet can be made on order (must be noted) AUL 06 wash trough is intended, thanks to its design, for washrooms and changing rooms in food production industry.

Lenght of the troughs can be adapted according to project’s data sheet. Data sheet acceptance is must.

Package contents

  • st. steel wash trough
  • cantilever
  • mounting material

left sided outlet
openings 33 mm for faucets
other lengths
other dimensions

Tootekood: AZP-AUL06.4 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-6 nädala
2086,00 €

Pesurenn roostevabast terasest 1800mm Intra PV180, konsoolidega

Pesurenn konsoolidega 1800mm 

Tootekood: I-P180V ,   Tarneaeg: 1-4 nädalat
451,00 €

Pesurenn roostevabast terasest 1800mm Intra PV180, konsoolidega segistiavadega

Pesurenn konsoolidega 1800mm 

Tootekood: I-P180V PR3 ,   Tarneaeg: 1-4 nädalat
451,00 €

Pesurenn roostevabast terasest Intra PV120 1200mm, konsoolidega

Pesurenn konsoolidega 1200mm 

Tootekood: I-P120V ,   Tarneaeg: 1-4 nädalat
405,00 €

Pesurenn roostevabast terasest Intra PV120 1200mm, konsoolidega

Pesurenn konsoolidega 1200mm 

Tootekood: I-120V Projekt ,   Tarneaeg: 1-4 nädalat
405,00 €

Pesurenn roostevabast terasest Intra PV120 1200mm, konsoolidega. 2 segistiavadega

Pesurenn konsoolidega 1200mm 

Tootekood: I-P120V AV ,   Tarneaeg: 1-4 nädalat
405,00 €

Overall dimension in mm Ø300 x 382 Inlet dimension in mm 1.5" Outlet dimension in mm 1.5" Material AISI 304 Material thickness in mm 1.5 Gross weight in kg 7.70

Tootekood: EL255-GIPS-01 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
1135,00 €

Sequential mechanical basin mixer

Ref. 2436S 
Sequential mechanical mixer with swivelling spout L. 200mm


Sequential mechanical basin mixer

Ref. 2436S
Wall-mounted 90° sequential basin mixer. 
Open and closing on cold water. 
Flat swivelling under spout L. 200mm with hygienic flow straightenersuitable for fitting a BIOFIL terminal filter. 
Securitouch thermal insulation prevents burns. 
Ø 35mm ceramic cartridge with pre-set maximum temperature limiter. 
Body and spout with smooth interiors and low water volume(reduces bacterial development). 
Flow rate regulated at 5 lpm. 
Chrome-plated brass body. 
Non-manual contact operation with Hygiene control lever L. 200mm. 
Supplied with two standard connectors M1/2" M3/4". 


Sequential mechanical basin mixer

Ref. 2436S
Connector M1/2"
Technology Securitouch
Spout length 200mm
Flow rate 5 lpm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-2436S ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädala
488,00 €
R/V teras veetrapp, D75 mm vertikaalne, 150x150mm
On võimalik versioonid , vertikaalsed, horisontaalsed D50mm,75mm,110mm

PV 01

stainless steel floor trap


PV 01 is a fully stainless floor trap with braz designed to drain showers, industrial premises and other inner spaces. The trap is designed as stepping (not driven-over). The trap is made of AISI 304 quality stainless steel. Detergents containing chlorine must not be used for cleaning. If chlorine is contained in the environment, we recommend custom-made model of another material (e.g. AISI 316).

For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1). 

We produce other custom-made models – outlet d = 50 mm, 110 mm; without rim for waterproofing; alternative cover grid (mesh); without braz; with adjustable height, etc. Send us your requirements, we will promptly answer!


Version types
PV 01.D.75.P - floor trap d = 75 mm, smell trap, outlet down, rim for waterproofing, not adjustable
PV 01.D.75.S - floor trap d = 75 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing, adjustable
PV 01.B.75.P - floor trap d = 75 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side, rim for waterproofing, not adjustable
PV 01.B.75.S - floor trap d = 75 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
PV 01.D.50.P - floor trap d = 50 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing , not adjustable
PV 01.D.50.S - floor trap d = 50 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
PV 01.B.50.P - floor trap d = 50 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , not adjustable
PV 01.B.50.S - - floor trap d = 50 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
PV 01.D.110.P - floor trap d = 110 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing , not adjustable
PV 01.D.110.S - floor trap d = 110 mm, smell trap , outlet down , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
PV 01.B.110.P - floor trap t d = 110 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , not adjustable
PV 01.B.110.S - floor trap d = 110 mm, smell trap , outlet to the side , rim for waterproofing , adjustable
Basic technical information
Minimum inner diameter: 70 mm
Diameter of connecting sewerage pipe: 75 mm
Water flow: min. 50 lts / min
Loading class: K3
Weight: 2,2 kg
Complete delivery
  • Trap body
  • Grid with braz cover
  • Hook to pull up the grid


Requirements for setting up the construction
  1. Completed sewerage drains terminated by DN 75 coupling
  2. Prepared hole in the floor with diameter min. 300 mm (200 mm without rim for waterproofing) and depth min. 120 mm
Tootekood: AZP-PV 01.D.75.P ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
423,00 €

Slop closets

Slop closets are used for flushing disposing solid and fluid waste into the drain. For example kidney dishes and bottles can be emptied into the closet.

The inside surface of the slop closet is smooth and is assembled for a proper flushing of the waste. Water flows evenly to the slop closet from the flushing ring under the edge of the pouring hole. Waste is flushed using a manual flushing valve. The closet is also manufactured with a foot operated nozzle for easy rinsing of the containers.

The pouring area of 3075/V slop closet is angled for easier emptying of the containers and improving ergonomics.

Tootekood: KAV3075 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
6199,00 €


Ref. 20804T2 
Electronic wall-mounted tap with mains supply


Ref. 20804T2
Wall-mounted electronic tap with BIOCLIP removable spout for mounting on panels.
Independent IP65 electronic control unit.
230/12V mains supply with transformer
Tap supplied with 2 removable BIOCLIP stainless steel spouts L. 129mm.
Base and spout with smooth interiors (reduces bacterial development).
Adjustable duty flush (pre-set at ~60 seconds every 24 hours after last use).
Flow rate limited to 4 lpm at 3 bar.
Separate sensor for mounting on panels.
M3/8" solenoid valve with integrated filter.
Shock-resistant infrared presence detection sensor.
Ø 60mm chrome-plated brass base.
Anti-blocking security.
Recommended installation height: 110 - 200mm above the basin surface.
Suitable for people with reduced mobility.

Two shut-off options:
- standard mode: timed flow with automatic shut-off.
- ON/OFF mode: user shuts off flow voluntarily or automatic shut-off after 30 minutes of flow.
Thermal shocks are possible.
Ref. 20804T2
Seinale paigaldatav elektrooniline kraan koos BIOCLIP eemaldatava tilaga paneelidele kinnitamiseks.
Sõltumatu IP65 elektrooniline juhtseade.
230/12V võrgutoide koos trafoga
Kraan kaasas 2 eemaldatava BIOCLIP roostevabast terasest tilaga L. 129mm.
Alus ja tila sileda sisemusega (vähendab bakterite arengut).
Reguleeritav loputus (eelseadistatud ~ 60 sekundiks iga 24 tunni järel pärast viimast kasutamist).
Voolukiirus on piiratud 4 lpm juures 3 baari juures.
Eraldi andur paneelidele kinnitamiseks.
M3/8 "solenoidventiil koos integreeritud filtriga.
Löögikindel infrapuna olemasolu tuvastamise andur.
Ø 60 mm kroomitud messingist alus.
Blokeerimisvastane turvalisus.
Soovitatav paigalduskõrgus: 110 - 200 mm kraanikausi pinnast kõrgemal.
Sobib liikumispuudega inimestele.
Kaks väljalülitusvõimalust:
- standardrežiim: ajastatud vool automaatse väljalülitamisega.
- ON/OFF režiim: kasutaja lülitab voolu vabatahtlikult välja või automaatse väljalülituse pärast 30-minutilist voolu.
Võimalikud on termilised šokid.
Ref. 20804T2
Настенный электронный кран со съемным изливом BIOCLIP для монтажа на панели.
Независимый электронный блок управления IP65.
Питание от сети 230/12 В с трансформатором
Смеситель поставляется с 2 съемными носиками BIOCLIP из нержавеющей стали, длина 129 мм.
Основание и носик с гладкими внутренними поверхностями (снижает развитие бактерий).
Регулируемая длительная промывка (предварительно установлено ~ 60 секунд каждые 24 часа после последнего использования).
Скорость потока ограничена 4 л / мин при 3 барах.
Отдельный датчик для монтажа на панели.
Электромагнитный клапан M3 / 8 "со встроенным фильтром.
Ударопрочный инфракрасный датчик присутствия.
Основание из хромированной латуни Ø 60 мм.
Антиблокировочная безопасность.
Рекомендуемая высота установки: 110 - 200 мм над поверхностью раковины.
Подходит для людей с ограниченными физическими возможностями.
Гарантия 10 лет.
Два варианта отключения:
- стандартный режим: подача по времени с автоматическим отключением.
- Режим ВКЛ / ВЫКЛ: пользователь отключает поток по собственному желанию или автоматически отключает поток через 30 минут.
Возможны тепловые удары.



Ref. 20804T2
Connector 3/8"
Technology Electronic
Depth 190mm
Length 129mm
Spout length 188mm
Flow rate 4 lpm
Finish Chrome-plated brass
Tootekood: DE-20804T2 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädala
658,80 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee