1.59 EUR
16293 EUR

Sanitaartehnika ja torud: Kvaliteetsed ja Vastupidavad Tarvikud | PEGU.ee

Sanitaartehnika ja torud: Kvaliteetsed ja Vastupidavad Tarvikud | PEGU.ee


Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Pesurenn Intra 1500 mm roostevabast terasest pritsmislekiga ja konsoolidega



Flexible wash trough supplied with integrated wall brackets.
Inner corners with more than 90° angle, and pressed drain without screws and gasket ensure optimum hygiene and easy cleaning. The sink has a fall against the drain in the center. Soft transitions at all external angles counteract damage in the event of a fall against the trough. Safe and comfortable handle support at the bottom of the edges to prevent injury during assembly. The bowl has enough depth to accommodate a bucket.
Meets all requirements in EN 14296.

Washtroughs available in standard lengths 600, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400, 2800 and 3000 mm.
Washtroughs also available in any customer specified length between 600 and 3000. Art. Nr: P3-Flex

Tootekood: I-P3 1500mm ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1281,00 €

Pesurenn Intra 600 mm roostevabast terasest pritsmislekiga ja konsoolidega



Flexible wash trough supplied with integrated wall brackets.
Inner corners with more than 90° angle, and pressed drain without screws and gasket ensure optimum hygiene and easy cleaning. The sink has a fall against the drain in the center. Soft transitions at all external angles counteract damage in the event of a fall against the trough. Safe and comfortable handle support at the bottom of the edges to prevent injury during assembly. The bowl has enough depth to accommodate a bucket.
Meets all requirements in EN 14296.

Washtroughs available in standard lengths 600, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400, 2800 and 3000 mm.
Washtroughs also available in any customer specified length between 600 and 3000. Art. Nr: P3-Flex

Tootekood: I-P3 600mm ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
909,00 €

2-ne Valamu jalaga 1200x700, kõrgus 850mm , R/V teras

Нержавеющая большегрузная двойная мойка на ножках, 1200 x 700 x 850 мм



  • stainless steel bulk double-sink with a sheating
  • without a tap hole (could be made to order)
  • possibility of fine plane regulation by the regulation screws on the supporting legs
  • possibility to order inner sinks in dimensions: 400 x 300 x 200 mm/ 400 x 400 x 250 mm/ 400 x 400 x 200 mm
  • available also in the length 1400 mm
  • material CrNi 18/10 (AISI-304)
  • brushed finish
  • different dimensions could be made to order
Арт. № 93160
Название SLUN 16
Tootekood: SA-SLUN16 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-5 nädalad
2745,00 €

Aasia WC, R/V teras AISI 304

Tootekood: PPT ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
549,00 €

Adapter 220/24V DC 1-2 segistile, 1-3 pissuaare

Dimensions: cca 140 x 100 x 62 mm
Input voltage: 230V AC/50Hz
Output voltage: stabilized 24V DC
IP code: IP 55
Automatic washbasin taps and shower controls supply: 2 valves max.
Automatic urinal flushing units supply: 5 valves max.
Automatic toilet flushing unit supply: 4 valves max.Dimensions: cca 140 x 100 x 62 mm
Input voltage: 230V AC/50Hz
Output voltage: stabilized 24V DC
IP code: IP 55
Automatic washbasin taps and shower controls supply: 2 valves max.
Automatic urinal flushing units supply: 5 valves max.
Automatic toilet flushing unit supply: 4 valves max.

Tootekood: SA-SLZ01Y ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
129,00 €

Aiakraani käepide, FM Mattson külm vesi


Article number: 35051810 

Description: Olive, CW

Tootekood: FMA-35051810 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-5 nädala
27,00 €

Aiakraani käepide, FM Mattson soe vesi


Article number: 35051811

Description: Olive, HW

Tootekood: FMA-35051811 ,   Tarneaeg: 4-5 nädala
27,00 €

Akuga aiaprits 5l


Taimekaitsevahendite ja leheväetiste pritsimiseks koduaias ja väiksemas istanduses


micro USB

Taimede pritsimiseks ja umbrohutõrjeks koduaedades.
Paak on valmistatud kvaliteetsest, kemikaalikindlast plastikust.
Töörõhk 1,7 - 2 bar.
Teleskoopiline metallist voolik 36-60cm
Reguleeritav pihustusnurk 0-90 °
Maksimaalne voolukiirus 0,3 l / min.
Ühendusvooliku pikkus 150cm
Liitiumioonaku laadimine laadijast
Täislaadimine võtab 4 tundi.
Pidev töö ühe laadimisega kuni 120 minutini
Aku taseme indikaator
Taimede jootmise protsessi täiesti uus kvaliteet.
Nüüd on see koos juhtmeta pritsidega FINLAND 1937 ja 1938 mõnus jalutuskäik teie aias. Kõik, mida peate tegema, on reguleerida pihustusnurka ja vajutada nuppu. Pole vaja segada ja jälgida silindris olevat rõhku, keerake lihtsalt voolik õiges suunas. Pihusti rõõmustab teid säästlikkusega: see täidab täidetud lahuse täielikult kuni viimase tilgani. Nautige FINLAND.

Опрыскиватель FINLAND 1937 5 л


Для опрыскивания растений и борьбы с сорняками в приусадебных участках.


  • Бак из высококачественного пластика, устойчивого к химическому воздействию.
  • Рабочее давление   1.7 - 2 бар.
  • Телескопический металлический брандспойт 36-60см
  • Регулируемый угол распыления 0-90°
  • Максимальный расход жидкости 0,3л/мин.
  • Длина соединительного шланга 150см
  • Плечевой ремень


  • Зарядка Li-Ion  аккумулятора от зарядного устройства
  • Продолжительность полной зарядки – 4 часа.
  • Непрерывная работа от одного заряда до 120 минут
  • Индикатор  уровня заряда аккумулятора
Tootekood: FIN-FBSPR5L ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
71,20 € (20%)
89,00 €

Akuga aiaprits FBSPR2L Finland 2L

Taimekaitsevahendite ja leheväetiste pritsimiseks koduaias ja väiksemas istanduses


micro USB 

Taimede pritsimiseks ja umbrohutõrjeks koduaedades.
Li-ion akuga väike aiaprits 2l.
Sobib toa- ja aiataimede hooldamiseks.Samuti rinevate pindade, seinte ning klaasi töötlemiseks ja puhastamiseks.
• Tööaeg ühe laadimisega kuni 120 minutit.
• Maksimaalne vedeliku tarbimine 0.2 l/min.


Tootekood: FIN-FBSPR2L ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
44,00 € (20%)
55,00 €
Tootekood: I-URIST2-1 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
86,00 €
Tootekood: I-URIST4-1 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
86,00 €

Stainless steel rectangular mirror, H. 500mm 
Ref. 3452

Depth 10mm
Length Unbreakable mirror
Width 385mm
Drop height 485mm
Finish "Mirror" polished 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-3452 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
247,50 € (10%)
275,00 €
Antivandaalne R/V teras piezo dušisi nupp, eelsegatud veele,  ilma el.adaptorita

AUS 11

Pressure button-controlled shower for heat regulated water




AUS 11 is a new type of shower fitting for single shower control. The fitting is designated for premixed water – with one water inlet and shower outlet elbow. Water is released and closed by an anti-vandal pressure button connected to electronics and an electromagnetic valve. The fitting is covered by a rust-free anti-vandal cover to prevent damage. 

The mounting system has been designed so as to make removing the cover without using tools impossible with no bolt or screw being visible. The cover can be "pushed into" the wall level even if the mount box has been walled to an incorrect depth. 

AUS 11 is identical to AUS 1P with a different design and very resistant cover sheet. 

Electronics can work in two modes: 

1) The button works on the START/STOP basis – water release/closing. If the water is not turned off upon the time adjusted by the user or manager (e.g. 20 seconds), the electronic system itself instructs water stopping. The user must press again to start water running. This significantly saves water as the user reduces the showering time. 

2) The button works on the START/STOP basis. After the time adjusted by the manager (e.g. 3 minutes) expires there is a forced break when water cannot be released. During this time, the user is forced to leave the shower or wait. This prevents needless showering – water wasting. 


Basic technical information
Water input: G 1/2“
Water pressure: 1 - 10 Bar (0,1 – 1,0 MPa)
Time of water flow: 10 s – 42,5 min in mode 1
  0 s - 42,5 min in mode 2
Power supply: 12 V, 50 Hz
Power requirement: 6 VA
Source of power supplz: ZAC 1/20 (max. 3× AUS 11)
  ZAC 1/50 (max. 8× AUS 11)
Weight: 2,0 kg
Requirements for setting up the construction
  1. Water installation set up as per picture
  2. Set-up alcove 150 x 75 mm for installation casket
  3. Set-up cable for power supply – 12 V, 50 Hz from source of power supply ZAC
Complete delivery
  • installation casket
  • input and output bolting
  • electromagnetic valve
  • spherical valve
  • covering metal plate with piezo button
  • electronics
Made to order
  • SP 1 – shower arm with water flow of 9 l/min
  • SP 2 – shower arm with water flow of 7 l/min
  • SP 3 – shower arm with water flow of 7 l/min
  • ZAC - source of power supply 12V, 50Hz
A - water inlet G 1/2"
C - electricity supply cable 12 V, 50 Hz 
G - water outlet into shower armG 1/2"
Download information about the product
AUS 11 data for projectants - ( 84 kB )
Tootekood: AZP-AUS 11 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
375,00 €

AUM 026 INV is a stainless steel, partly wall-built in washbasin, containing the combination of a liquid soap dispenser, water tap and hand dryer in a small space. The washbasin is adjusted to be used also by wheelchair persons – it is shallow, completed with handles, the waste is hidden behind the wall. Controlled by durable piezo-pushbuttons, electronically controlled turn-off (the period of water running is settable by the owner). The washbasin is to be mounted through the wall, all technology components are behind the wall, and thus cannot be damaged by users (anti-vandal design).

A wall-hanged version may be supplied to order, or a version without any of the functions (e.g. onlz water plus soap, or water plus dryer). The washbasin is made of AISI 304 stainless steel. A recommended cleaning agent for stainless products maintenance: Würth – preservation (order no. 0893 121 K), cleaning (order no. 893 121 1).

Basic technical information
Power supply: 230 V, 50 Hz
IP protection: IP 55
Dimensions (visible from outside): 800 x 800 x 363 mm
Required thickness of wall: min. 100 mm
Outlet: d = 40 mm
Requirements for setting up the construction
  1. Opening in the wal 740 x 740 mm
  2. Prepared el. supply cable 3C x 1,5 s 230 V, 50 Hz
  3. Prepared water outlet according to technical scheme
Complete delivery
  • Stainless-steel washbasin with handles
  • Electronic hand dryer
  • Electronic soap dispenser
  • Electronic water tap
  • Through-wall frame with bolts
  • Waste with a stink trap
  • 230V / 12V source for the electronics
Tootekood: AZP-AUM 026.TV INV ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
4300,00 €

Antivandaalne WC pott INVA R/V taras

AUZ 08 INV is a stainless-steel WC in matt design for the disabled. It is a stainless-steel toilet to stand on the floor at the wall. The drain is directed backwards (the bottom drain version AUZ 02 INV). The closet is based on the standard AUZ 08, which is heightened and lengthened to fulfil the directive regarding products for disabled persons. To increase the user comfort, the seating part is provided with a seat from hardened plastic. The closet includes a removable backrest recommended by the League for the rights of the wheelchair bound.


The standing WC is suitable for places where the common closet cannot be attached to the side wall, because of a thin bearing particle, for example.


It is suitable to supplement the closet with an automatic pressure-water flushing device with delayed flushing AUZ 3 INV (suitable for the disabled) or any flushing device with a cistern.

Basic technical information
Water inlet: d= 34 - 50 mm
Min. water flow: 70 l/min
Outlet: d= 90 mm
Weight: 27 kg
Complete delivery
  • Stainless steel closet
  • Plastic seat
  • Anchoring material
  • Stainless-steel backrest
Tootekood: AZP-AUZ 08 INV ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
2629,00 €
Antivandaalne WC pott R/V taras

AUZ 08

stainless-steel standing closet, with hardened seat, back drain


AUZ 08 is a stainless-steel WC in matt design. To increase the user comfort, it is provided with a grey seat with a lid made of hardened plastic (newly also with a seat in black design AUZ 08.CS). AUZ 08 is designed to stand on the floor at the wall; it is suitable for places where the common closet cannot be attached to the wall, because of a thin bearing particle, for example. The standard version of AUZ 08 has a back drain (the version with the bottom drain AUZ 02). It is suitable to supplement the WC with the automatic pressure water flushing device AUZ 3, automatic flushing device with the piezo button AUZ 3.P (or the vandal-resistant flushing device BSAZ 01) or any flushing device with a cistern.


Thanks to its resistance to damage, the closet is primarily intended for social facilities with demanding operation, such as highway lay-byes, alehouses, etc., where easy maintenance of sanitary conditions is required. WC is also manufactured in the design for the disabled under the designation AUZ 08 INV


Further closet versions can be found in the section Stainless-steel closets or Stainless-steel safety closets.


Basic technical information
Water inlet: d= 34-50 mm
Min. water flow: 70 l/min
Outlet: d= 90 mm
Weight: 23 kg
Requirements for setting up the construction
  1. Set-up outlet d = 110 mm including rubber sleeve for pipe d = 90 mm.
  2. Set-up water inlet d= 34-50 mm according to chosen sealing.
Complete delivery
  • Stainless steel closet
  • Plastic seat
  • Anchoring material
Made to order
  • AUZ 3 - automatic pressure flushing system
  • AUZ 3.P - automatic pressure flushing system with piezo control
  • BSAZ 01 - vandal resistant pressure flushing system
Tootekood: AZP-AUZ 08 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
2452,00 €

Automatne kummikute pesur düüsiga, 12V, 50Hz

automatic washing system for wellingtons with jets - 12V, 50Hz


AMO 01 is a stainless steel automatic washing system for wellingtons with sensor-controlled water nozzles. When stepping into the washing chamber of the system (scanning zone) water starts to flow from the nozzles automatically and wellingtons are cleaned of dirt. Water stops flowing with a certain time delay after the foot has been removed from the scanning zone.
AMO 01 is designed for a single pipe inlet of pre-mixed water from the circulation or water pre-mixed by means of a thermostatic valve.
The AMO 01 automatic washing system is intended mainly for operations with slight shoe contamination where quick washing at maximum water savings is guaranteed.

Package contents

  • body of the washing machine
  • photocell head
  • nozzles – 8 pcs
  • electromagnetic valves 2 pcs
  • corner valves with filter
  • connecting hoses
Radius of sensor 0 – 0,4 m
Water inlet G 1/2“
Water pressure 0,3 – 1,0 MPa
Outlet d = 32 mm
Inner dimensions of the trough 250 x 400 x 280 mm
Electricity protection IP 55
Power supply 12 V, 50 Hz
Power requirement 10 VA
Source of power supply ZAC 1/20 (max. 2 x AMO 01)
  ZAC 1/50 (max. 5 x AMO 01)
Weight 18 kg
  • Set up water inlet as per picture
  • Set up outlet d = 32 mm
  • Set up cable for power supply – 12 V, 50 Hz from source of power supply ZAC
Tootekood: AZP-AMO 01 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-5 nädalat
2405,00 €

automatic washing system for soles with rotary brushes - 230V, 50Hz


RMP 02 is a stainless steel sensor-controlled washing system with rotary brushes for wellingtons. A built-in photocell sensor reacts to the user holding the handrail. The electromagnetic valve switches on, opens the water inlet, the brushes start to rotate and the circular jet injection of the disinfecting lotion is carried out. After placing the foot with the wellington on the grid in between the rotary brushes, the sole is cleaned by means of the horizontal brush. There is a CENTRAL/STOP button on the handrail for emergency switch-off.
The washing system is intended for free standing installation on the floor. Imperfections in the floor are balanced out by four adjustable hobs. The construction of the system allows the outlet to be placed above floor level. Large pieces of dirt are collected by a sieve, which can be easily cleaned. The sieve and brush can be taken out without using a tool.
The RMP 02 washing system, with its easy maintenance, is mainly intended for operations where quick removal of mechanical dirt from wellingtons is required.
The canister with disinfecting solution is not part of the delivery.

Package contents

  • body of the washing machine
  • removable grid
  • electronics with photocell
  • rotary brush
  • hand brush
  • jerican holder
  • priming hose
  • adjustable supporting legs
  • central stop button


Radius of sensor 0,5 m
Water inlet G 1/2“
Water pressure 0,1 – 1,0 MPa
Outlet G 6/4”
Electricity protection IP 55
Power supply 230 V, 50 Hz
Power requirement 370 W
Water temperature max. 42°C
Weight 41 kg


  • Set up water inlet as per picture
  • Set up outlet G 6/4” via effluvial cover
  • Set up cable for power supply – 230 V, 50 Hz


Tootekood: AZP-RMP 02 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-5 nädalat
10323,00 €

RMO 02


automatic washing system for wellingtons

RMO 02 is a stainless steel sensor-controlled washing system with rotary brushes for wellingtons. A built-in photocell sensor reacts to the user holding the handrail. The electromagnetic valve switches on, opens the water inlet, the brushes start to rotate and the circular jet injection of the disinfecting lotion is carried out. After placing the foot with the wellington on the grid in between the rotary brushes, the sole is cleaned by means of the horizontal brush and the leg portion is cleaned by means of two vertical brushes. The system is automatically switched off when the user releases the handrail. There is a CENTRAL/STOP button on the handrail for emergency switch-off.
The washing system is intended for free standing installation on the floor. Imperfections of the floor are balanced out by four adjustable hobs. The construction of the system allows the outlet to be placed above the floor level.
The RMO 02 washing system, with its easy maintenance, is mainly intended for operations where quick removal of mechanical dirt from wellingtons is required.
The canister with disinfecting solution is not part of the delivery.

Package contents

  • body of the washing machine
  • removable grid
  • electronics with photocell
  • three rotary brushes
  • jerican holder
  • priming hose
  • adjustable supporting legs
  • central stop button
Radius of sensor 0,7 m
Water inlet G 1/2“
Water pressure 0,1 – 1,0 MPa
Outlet G 6/4”
Electricity protection IP 55
Power supply 230 V, 50 Hz
Power requirement 370 W
Water temperature max. 42°C
Weight 95 kg
  • Set up water inlet as per picture
  • Set up outlet G 6/4” via effluvial cover
  • Set up cable for power supply – 230 V, 50 Hz


Tootekood: AZP-RMO 02 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-5 nädalat
16293,00 €

ZAC 1/20, ZAC 1/50, ZAC 1/36L

power supply


ZAC is a safe source of voltage supply intended to power automatic sanitary equipment made by AZP Brno, Ltd. 

The source of power supply consists of a safety transformer produced in accordance with ČSN IEC 742+A1 standards. All kinds of sensors can be connected to these sources in random combinations, as can other devices with a supply voltage of 12 V, 50 Hz (total power requirement either 20 VA, 50 VA or 36 VA). 

ZAC 1/20 and ZAC 1/50 are independent sources, 1/36L ZAC is the source for the location on the DIN-rail (4 modules).


Version types
ZAC 1/20 - source of power supply with output 20 VA
ZAC 1/50 - source of power supply with output 50 VA
ZAC 1/36L - source of power supply with output 36 VA
Source of power supply can be placed at a maximum distance of 30 m from the connected appliance. 
Basic technical information
Input voltage: 230 V, 50 Hz
Output voltage: 12 V, 50 Hz
Power requirement: 20 VA (ZAC 1/20)
  50 VA (ZAC 1/50)
  36 VA (ZAC 1/36L)
Electricity protection: IP 55 (ZAC 1/20, ZAC 1/50)
  IP 20 (ZAC 1/36L)
Weight: 0,8 kg (ZAC 1/20, ZAC 1/36L)
  1,2 kg (ZAC 1/50)
Requirements for setting up the construction
ZAC 1/20, ZAC 1/50
  1. Set-up supply of electricity 230 V,50 Hz – cable CYKY 3Cx1,5
  2. Set-up niche for flush mounting – size as per installed source
  3. Distribution to each device is carried out by cable CYKY 2Ax1,5
ZAC 1/36 L
  1. It is installed on the DIN-rail - width of 4 modules
ZAC 1/20
ZAC 1/50
Product title
ZAC 1/20 - 
power supply for up to 3 devices - 230V, 50Hz
ZAC 1/50 - 
power supply for up to 8 devices - 230V, 50Hz
ZAC 1/36L - 
power supply for up to 6 devices - 230V, 50Hz
Tootekood: AZP-ZAC 1-20 ,   Tarneaeg: 3-4 nädalad
105,00 €

R/V teras WC pott ja valamu

AISI304 paksus 1,5 mm

Kinnitus poltidega läbi seina

Loputus ühendus 1"

WC äravool 100mm

Valamu ärravool 32mm


NB! Vee mehhanismid on vaja tellida eraldi


Tootekood: PCOMP-TP ,   Tarneaeg: 6-7 nädalad
2928,00 €

R/V teras WC pott ja valamu

AISI304 paksus 1,5 mm

Kinnitus poltidega läbi seina

Loputus ühendus 1"

WC äravool 100mm

Valamu ärravool 32mm


NB! Vee mehhanismid on vaja tellida eraldi


Tootekood: PCOMP-003TS ,   Tarneaeg: 6-7 nädalad
2928,00 €

R/V teras WC pott ja valamu

AISI304 paksus 1,5 mm

Kinnitus poltidega läbi seina

Loputus ühendus 1"

WC äravool 100mm

Valamu ärravool 32mm


NB! Vee mehhanismid on vaja tellida eraldi


Tootekood: PCOMP-TV ,   Tarneaeg: 6-7 nädalad
2928,00 €

Damixa 2385061 põhjaklapp klik-klak, matt must

Damixa põhjaklapp klik-klak, must

Tootekood: D238506100 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
56,70 € (10%)
63,00 €

Damixa alati avatud äravool G1 1/4" D63mm - suurem ulatus, kroom



Valamu põhja paksus 0-63mm

Max. 63mm


Sobilik ülevooluga valamule


Tootekood: D238600000 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
48,00 €

Damixa alati avatud äravool G1 1/4" D63mm - suurem ulatus, matt must 


Valamu põhja paksus 0-63mm

Max. 63mm

Sobilik ülevooluga valamule


Tootekood: D238606100 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
56,00 €

Damixa alati avatud äravool G1 1/4" D63mm - suurem ulatus, matt valge


Valamu põhja paksus 0-63mm

Max. 63mm

Sobilik ülevooluga valamule


Tootekood: D238602100 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
64,00 €

Damixa alati avatud äravool G1 1/4" D63mm - suurem ulatus, poleeritud messing (kuldne) PVD


Valamu põhja paksus 0-63mm

Max. 63mm

Sobilik ülevooluga valamule


Tootekood: D238607700 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
56,00 €

Damixa põhjaklapp klik-klak, teras PVD

Tootekood: D238504600 ,   Tarneaeg: 7 päeva
56,70 € (10%)
63,00 €

Damixa põhjaklapp klik-klak, harjatud grafithall PVD

Suletav Äravool harjatud grafiithall pvd


Max. 50mm


Tootekood: D2385055 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
67,00 €
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