7054 Tualettpaberirulli hoidik Reframe Viimistlus: PVD Matt Must
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Ühik: tk
Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
Reframe | Toilet paper holder
Toilet paper holder Black
The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.
The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.
Kosmos tualettpaberi hoidja sirge teras
25,42 €
Jooksutoru otsik ARC aeraatoriga. Kroom/must
d20xh33 cm
sile, must
R/V teras AISI430
seinapaksus 0,7 mm
Ixi tualettpaberihoidel kaanega
R/V terasest
79,00 €