REMS Swing - torude painutamine seal, kuhu neid paigaldatakse, kuni Ø 32mm. Ülikiire töö tänu praktilisele mitmefunktsioonili- sele hoovale kiir-ettenihkeks ja kiirtagastuseks. Hammaslatt karastatud terasest. Ühe käe torupainutaja Ø 10-32mm, Ø⅜-⅞", kuni 90°. Pehmed vasktorud Ø 10-22mm, Ø ⅜–⅞", s ≤ 1 " mm, pehmed kaetud vasktorud Ø 10–18 mm, Ø ⅜–⅝", s ≤ 1 mm, pehmed pressfitting-süsteemide kaetud süsinikterastorud Ø 12–18 mm, s ≤ 1,2 mm, pehmed täppisterastorud Ø 10–18 mm, s ≤ 1 mm, komposiit- torud Ø 14–32 mm. Kuni Ø 26 mm, ajamiseade, painutussegmendid, liugurikandja S Ø 10–26 mm koos liuguritega, tugevas terasplekist kastis/kohvris. Kuni Ø 32 mm, ajamiseade, painutussegmendid (Ø16, 18, 20, 25/26, 32), 2 liugurikandjat Ø 10–26 mm ja Ø 32 mm koos liuguritega, tugevas kohvris.
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
SÜVISTATUD Silhouet HS 1 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Check valves Cover plate and handle in metal Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts Vihmadušš max. 9 l/m / Käsidušš max. 9 l/m 1500 mm dušivoolik
Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box.
Silhouet HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
Exposed kit - Thermostatic
Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
1500 mm Hose
Wall Mounted Shower Arm
Silhouet Hand Shower
Silhouet Head Shower (250mm)
Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.
With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.
The Bukto stool is produced in stainless steel and is available in black and white. The possibilities for use are endless, as the stool is easy to move around.