Padrunvõtmete-, tööriistade komplektid

Bahco padrunite kmpl 1/4" 4-13mm padrunvõtmed, pööratava peaga narre + pikad ja lühikesed otsakud. 65 osa
1/4" Square Drive Socket Set with Metric Hex Profile and Swivel Head Ratchet - 65 Pcs
- Swivel head ratchet with quick socket release button
- 1/4" swivel head ratchet
- 1/4" extension 75 mm
- 1/4" extension 150 mm
- 1/4" spinner handle
- 1/4" d x 1/4" h coupler
- 1/4" magnetic bit holder quick release
- 3/8" f x 1/4" m 3-way adapter
- 1/4" bit adapter
- 1/4" flat bits 4, 5.5, 6.5 mm
- 1/4" Pozidriv bits #1, #2, #3
- 1/4" Phillips bits #0, #1, #2, #3, #4
- 1/4" Torx bits T8, T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40
- 1/4" hex bits 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 mm
- 1/4" Pozidriv long bits #1, #2 (2x)
- 1/4" Phillips long bits #1, #2 (2x)
- 1/4" Torx long bits T10, T15, T20, T25 (2x), T27 (2x), T30 (2x)
- 1/4" hex long bits 3, 4, 5, 6 mm
- Matte finish
- High-performance alloy steel
- Less wear and damage to fasteners thanks to Dynamic Drive™ profile sockets
- Quick socket release button on ratchet
- Case: high density polythene (HDPE)
- Standards: ISO 1174 and DIN 3120
Bahco padrunite kmpl 1/4"+1/2" 4-27mm padrunvõtmed, pööratava peaga narred + pikad ja lühikesed otsakud. 79 osa
1/4" and 1/2" Square Drive Socket Set with Metric Hex Profile and Swivel Head Ratchet - 79 Pcs
- Slim head ratchet with quick socket release button
- 11 pcs 1/4" hex sockets 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 mm
- 1/4" extension 75 mm
- 1/4" extension 150 mm
- 1/4" spinner handle
- 1/4" drive swivel head ratchet
- 1/4"d x 1/4"h coupler
- 14 pcs 1/2" hex sockets 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27 mm
- 1/2" extension 125 mm
- 1/2" extension 250 mm
- 3/8"f x 1/2"m 3-way adapter
- 1/2" drive swivel head ratchet
- 1/4" Pozidriv #1, #2
- 1/4" Phillips #1, #2
- 1/4" Torx T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30
- 1/4" hex 3, 4, 5, 6 mm
- 31 pcs bits and magnetic holder box set
- Matte finish
- High-performance alloy steel
- Less wear and damage to fasteners thanks to Dynamic Drive™ profile sockets
- Quick socket release button on ratchet
- Case: high density polythene (HDPE)
- Standards: ISO 1174 and DIN 3120
Bahco padrunite kmpl 1/4"+3/8" 4-21mm padrunvõtmed, pööratava peaga narred + pikad ja lühikesed otsakud. 91 osa
1/4" and 3/8" Square Drive Socket Set with Metric Hex Profile and Swivel Head Ratchet - 91 Pcs
- 11 pcs 1/4" hex sockets 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 mm
- 1/4" extension 75 mm
- 1/4" extension 150 mm
- 1/4" spinner handle
- 1/4" d x 1/4" h coupler
- 1/4" drive swivel head ratchet
- 11 pcs 3/8" hex sockets 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 mm
- 3/8" extension 75 mm
- 3/8" extension 150 mm
- 3/8" d x 1/4" h coupler
- 3/8" drive swivel head ratchet
- 3/8" f x 1/4" m 3-way adapter
- 1/4" Pozidriv #1, #2 (2x)
- 1/4" Phillips #1, #2 (2x)
- 1/4" Torx T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30 (2x)
- 1/4" hex 3, 4, 5, 6 mm (2x)
- 31 pcs bits and adapter box set
- Matte finish
- High-performance alloy steel
- Less wear and damage to fasteners thanks to Dynamic Drive™ profile sockets
- Quick socket release button on ratchet
- Case: high density polythene (HDPE)
- Standards: ISO 1174 and DIN 3120
Bahco padrunite kmpl 1/4"+3/8" 4-21mm padrunvõtmed, SLIM narred + pikad ja lühikesed otsakud. 91 osa
1/4" and 3/8" Square Drive Socket Set with Metric Hex Profile and Slim Head Ratchet - 91 Pcs
- Slim head ratchet with quick socket release button
- 11 pcs 1/4" hex sockets 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 mm
- 1/4" extension 75 mm
- 1/4" extension 150 mm
- 1/4" spinner handle
- 1/4" d x 1/4" h coupler
- 1/4" drive slim head ratchet
- 11 pcs 3/8" hex sockets 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 mm
- 3/8" extension 75 mm
- 3/8" extension 150 mm
- 3/8" d x 1/4" h coupler
- 3/8" drive slim head ratchet
- 3/8" f x 1/4" m 3-way adapter
- 1/4" Pozidriv #1, #2 (2x)
- 1/4" Phillips #1, #2 (2x)
- 1/4" Torx T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30 (2x)
- 1/4" hex 3, 4, 5, 6 mm (2x)
- 31 pcs bits and adapter box set
- Matte finish
- High-performance alloy steel
- Less wear and damage to fasteners thanks to Dynamic Drive™ profile sockets
- Quick socket release button on ratchet
- Case: high density polythene (HDPE)
- Standards: ISO 1174 and DIN 3120
Kruvikeerajate kmpl. ERGO™ 8 osa - PH1/2; PZ1/2; SL3,5,T15/20/25
ERGO™ Slotted/Phillips/Pozidriv/Torx® Screwdriver Set with Rubber Grip - 8 pcs
- Contains 8 screwdrivers
- Slotted: 0.6 x 3.5 x 75 mm
- Phillips: PH1 x 75, PH2 x 100 mm
- Pozidriv: PZ1 x 75, PZ2 x 100 mm
- Torx®: T15 x 100, T20 x 100, T25 x 125
- Screwdriver developed according to the scientific ERGO™ process
- Phosphate finish tip for higher accuracy
- Three-component handle, for maximum user comfort, soft material with ridged surface provides superior grip and greater force transmission
- Colour-coded handles and permanent symbols on the domed ends for easy selection of the right tip
- No colour marking of extra small handle , code BE-8030, slotted 3.5
- Anti-roll flat face on handle to prevent rolling away
- Ergonomic design for maximum comfort with minimum effort
- Integrated hanging hole
- High-performance alloy steel blade with chrome plating, fully hardened for high protection against corrosion and long life tool
- In cardboard box
REMS Picus DP Basic-Pack puuristatiiviga REMS Titan 180035 R220
REMS Picus DP – südamikpuurimine ilma
veeta mikro-impulsstehnoloogia abil. Puhas, lihtne, kiire, näiteks 200 mm raudbetoonis
Ø 62 mm ainult 5 min.
REMS Picus DP Set Titan
REMS Picus DP Basic-Pack puuristatiiviga REMS Titan sisaldab tööriistu ning kinnitus-
komplekti müüritise ja betooni jaoks
REMS kuivpuurimise teemant-puurkroonid LS (LASER)
Spetsiaalselt kuivpuurimiseks südamikpuurmasinatega mikroimpulsstehnoloogiat kasu- tades. Universaalselt kasutatav paljude materjalide puhul. Ideaalne paigaldajale.
Universaalne − sobib paljudele materjalidele, saab juhtida käega ja kasutada koos puuris- tatiiviga. Ühtne ühenduskeere UNC 11⁄4 sees. Puurimissügavus 320 mm.
Spetsiaalselt välja töötatud, suure teemandisisalduse ja spetsiaalse siduvusega kõrg- väärtuslikud teemantsegmendid on suurepärase puurimisjõudluse ning eriti pika tööea- ga. Ideaalsed universaalseks kasutamiseks terasbetoonis ja müüritises.
Teemandisegmendid, mille teemandid on asetatud sideainesse, kiireks, lihtsaks ja vaik- seks puurimiseks. Laserkeevitatud täisautomaatsetel keevitusseadmetel keevisühen- duste püsivalt kõrge kvaliteedi saavutamiseks. Kõrgtemperatuurikindlad – ka äärmusliku temperatuurikoormuse puhul ei tule segmentide joodis ülekuumenemise tõttu lahti.
Kerge emaldusrõngas (lisatarvik) teemant-südamikpuurkrooni hõlpsaks eemaldamiseks.
Käitamine REMS Picus DP ajamimasina ja muud marki sobivate ajamimasinate abil vä- lis-ühenduskeermega UNC 11⁄4
Hinnad KM0%

5195,00 €
Tööriistaga Meistri kohver BAHCO 4750RCHDW01 kokku 194 osa
Ящик Мастера с инструментами BAHCO 4750RCHDW01 всего 194 шт
Metallic Tool Box General Purpose Toolkit - 194 Pcs
- Heavy duty rigid case with wheels
- Aviation Mechanics, especially for mobile application and suitable for all airplanes
- Manufactured with structure of polypropylene copolymer resin
- Air pressure valve for maximum protection against extreme weather conditions
- Double robust bolt system for hermetic sealing
- TSA-approved padlock
- Includes 194 pieces
- Socketry, wrenches, screwdrivers, sizes: 1/4"; 3/8", pliers and hammers
- Foam codes: FF2B12, FF2B13, FF2B14, FF2B15 & FF2B16
- 4750RCHDW01 heavy-duty hardware rigid case with wheels
- 6700SM 1/4" socket hex 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 mm
- A6800DM 1/4" aerospace, long series socket 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 mm
- 6709M 1/4" socket driver hex 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 mm
- 6709PH 1/4" socket driver PH1, PH2, PH3
- 6709TORX 1/4" socket driver TORX® T8, T9, T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40
- 6950SL 1/4" reversible ratchet and slim head, 6954 1/4" T-handle, 6956 1/4" spinner handle, 6958 1/4" breaker bar
- 6960/6962 1/4" extension bars 50, 100, 150 mm
- 6962L 1/4" extension bar 355 mm, 6966 1/4" universal joint, 6972H 1/4" bit holder, 7764 F 3/8" - M 1/4" adaptor
- 7400SM 3/8" socket short series 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22 mm
- A7402DM 3/8" aerospace socket long series 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 mm
- 7409M 3/8" socket driver hex 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 mm
- 7409TORX 3/8" socket driver TORX® T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50
- 7750SL 3/8" ratchet slim head
- 7760/7762 3/8" extension bars 75, 125, 250 mm
- 7766 3/8" universal joint, 7765 F 1/4" - M 3/8" adaptor, 8164-1/2 F 3/8" - M 1/2" adaptor, 7407H 3/8" socket holder 1/4" - 3/8"
- 111M combination wrench 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 mm
- 6M open end wrench 6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x 11, 12 x 13, 14 x 15, 16 x 17, 18 x 19, 20 mm x 22 mm
- BE-9770 black hex L-key set, long ball end 9 pieces, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 mm
- 9070C ERGO™ adjustable wrench chromed 6", 158 mm x 20 mm
- 1177-SCRIBE offset scriber 230 mm, 2535F2 magnetic pick up 1 kg, 7758 breaker bar, BFLA01 Q3 LED-torch, 7754 3/8" T-handle
- 808050P pistol handle ratcheting screwdriver, 808050S stubby ratcheting screwdriver
- 59S/31-1 bit set, 31 pieces, Phillips, Pozidriv, TORX®, hexagon, slotted
- 2047-0.8-4 offset screwdriver 0.8 mm x 4 mm x 100 mm
- 2047PR-1-2 double offset key for Phillips screws PH1-PH2
- BE-8020L ERGO™ screwdriver slotted 0.5 mm x 3 mm x 75 mm
- BE-8030 ERGO™ screwdriver slotted 0.6 mm x 3.5 mm x 75 mm
- BE-8155 ERGO™ screwdriver slotted 1.2 mm x 6.5 mm x 125 mm
- BE-8260 ERGO™ hex profile bolster screwdriver slotted 1.6 mm x 8 mm x 175 mm
- BE-8350 ERGO™ stubby slotted screwdriver 1 mm x 5.5 mm x 25 mm
- BE-8601/BE-8602 ERGO™ stubby screwdriver Phillips PH1 x 25 mm, PH2 x 25 mm
- BE-8610/BE-8630 ERGO™ screwdriver Phillips PH1 x 75 mm, PH2 x 100 mm, PH3 x 150 mm
- 2058-BR 1/4" bit-ratchet, 1544 feeler gauge, 2509 flexible pick-up tool 525 mm
- MTB-3-16-E measuring tape English 3 m, 2101GC-160IP ERGO™ side cutting pliers 160 mm
- 2427 GC-200IP ERGO™ snipe nose pliers, 200 mm
- 2430 GC-200 IP ERGO™ snipe nose chromed pliers 200 mm
- 2628 GC-160IP ERGO™ combination pliers, chrome finish, 160 mm
- 8224CIP ERGO™ slip joint pliers, 1150-1/2H/P calliper 150 mm
- 5515T-52 telescopic swivel head mirror Ø50 mm, 2820EF2 electricians' knife
- 481-300 DIN hammer 300 mm, 3625W-35 nylon tip hammer
- 3734 drift punch 3, 5, 8 mm
- 3735-4-120 centre punch 120 mm