Peeglikapid kontaktivaba kraani, seebidosaatori ja kätekuivatiga
Peeglikapid, mis ühendavad kaasaegse disaini ja praktilisuse. Need kapid on varustatud kontaktivaba kraani, automaatse seebidosaatori ja integreeritud kätekuivatiga, pakkudes maksimaalset hügieeni ja mugavust. Ideaalne valik nii kodukasutusse kui ka avalikesse ruumidesse. Valmistatud kvaliteetsetest materjalidest ja varustatud LED-valgustusega, mis lisab stiili ja funktsionaalsust.
Peeglikapp 3 funktsiooniga: seebidosaator ja kätekuivati
Ref. 510207
Stiilne ja kompaktne peeglikapp, mis ühendab 3 olulist funktsiooni: peegel, automaatne seebidosaator ja elektriline kätekuivati. Valmistatud kvaliteetsest 304 roostevabast terasest ja kaetud mati musta melamiinviimistlusega.
- Puutevaba hügieen: seebidosaator ja kätekuivati aktiveeruvad infrapunanduritega, tagades maksimaalse hügieeni.
- Lihtne paigaldus: üks elektriühendus, reguleeritavad kinnitused ja peidetud paigaldusdetailid.
- Moodne disain: LED-valgustusega piktogrammid ja musta klaasi detailid loovad elegantse väljanägemise.
- Automaatne seebidosaator: jäätmevaba pump ja suur 5-liitrine paak, mis sobib vedelseebile või vahuseebile.
- Kiire kätekuivati: pulbitsev õhk kiirusega 360 km/h, madal energiatarve (704 W) ja madal müratase (74 dBA).
- Peegel ja LED-valgustus valamu kohal lisavad praktilisust ja esteetilisust.
Mõõdud: 600 x 223 x 1,000 mm.
Sobib ideaalselt avalikesse ruumidesse ja suure külastatavusega kohtadesse, kus vajatakse hügieenilisi ja vastupidavaid lahendusi.
Mirror cabinet with 3 functions
Mirror, hand dryer and electronic soap dispenser
Mirror cabinet with 3 functions
Ref. 510207304 stainless steel designer cabinet with a matte black melamine finish.
Touch-free for improved hygiene: soap dispenser and hand dryer are activated automatically when hands are detected by infrared sensor.
Quick and easy to install:
- A single electrical connection for all the elements: mains supply with 230V / 50-60Hz.
- Concealed fixings. Mirror cabinet supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete or reinforced wood.
- Adjustable hinges.
Unit with 3 functions:
4mm thick glass mirror and black glass strip with illuminated pictograms.
Automatic soap dispenser:
- No-waste pump dispenser.
- Large capacity tank: 5 litres.
- Suitable for vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Air-pulse hand dryer:
- High-speed.
- Pulsed air at 360km/h. Airflow: 36 l/second..
- Low energy consumption: 704W.
- Noise level: 74 dBA.
- Class I, IP23.
- 3-year warranty.
Basin lit by the LED strip.
Vandal-resistant model with standard DELABIE key.
Anti-blocking: stops automatically if used continuously.
Internal storage shelf.
Several cabinets can be installed side-by-side to create a mirror wall: linking screws are provided.
Dimensions: 600 x 223 x 1,000mm.
Weight: 29kg.
Mirror cabinet with 3 functions
Ref. 510207Supply | Mains: 230V / 50-60Hz |
Technology | Electonic |
Height | 1,000mm |
Depth | 223mm |
Width | 600mm |
Thickness | Glass mirror: 4mm |
Finish | Matte black melamine and 304 stainless steel |
2545,00 €
Peeglikapp 4 funktsiooniga
Ref. 510205
Peeglikapp 4 funktsiooniga: peegel, elektrooniline kraan, seebidosaator ja paberrätikute dosaator. Valmistatud mattmustast melamiinist ja 304 roostevabast terasest.
Kasutajasõbralik ja hügieeniline, tänu infrapunasensoritele aktiveeruvad kraan ja seebidosaator automaatselt.
Lihtne paigaldus: üks elektriühendus ja veeliitmik (M3/8") sobivad nii seinale kui ka kapi sisemusse. LED-valgustusega peegel ja vandalismikindel disain.
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Ref. 510205
Designer cabinet with a matte black melamine and 304 stainless steel finish.
Touch-free for improved hygiene: tap and soap dispenser activated automatically when hands are detected by infrared sensor.
Quick and easy to install:
- A single electrical connection for all the elements: mains supply with 230V / 50-60Hz.
- Connects to the water supply from the top or from inside the cabinet.
- Water connection in M3/8".
- Concealed fixings. Mirror cabinet supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete or reinforced wood.
- Adjustable hinges.
Unit with 4 functions:
4mm thick glass mirror and black glass strip with illuminated pictograms.
Automatic soap dispenser:
- No-waste pump dispenser
- Large capacity tank: 5 litres.
- Suitable for vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Electronic basin tap*:
- Reduced stagnation valve.
- Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
- Scale-resistant flow straightener.
- Duty flush (~60 seconds every 24 hours after the last use).
- Stopcock.
Paper towel dispenser:
- Dispenses one sheet at a time.
- Dimensions: 120 x 275 x 360mm.
- Contents: 500 sheets.
Basin lit by the LED strip.
Vandal-resistant model with standard DELABIE key.
Anti-blocking: stops automatically if used continuously.
Internal storage shelf.
Several cabinets can be installed side-by-side to create a mirror wall: linking screws are provided.
Dimensions: 600 x 223 x 1,000mm.
Weight: 28kg.
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Ref. 510205Supply | Mains: 230V / 50-60Hz |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Height | 1,000mm |
Depth | 223mm |
Width | 600mm |
Flow rate | Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm |
Thickness | Glass mirror: 4mm |
Finish | Matte black melamine and 304 stainless steel |
2647,00 €
Peeglikapp 4 funktsiooniga
Innovaatiline peeglikapp 4 funktsiooniga: peegel, elektrooniline kraan, seebidosaator ja elektriline kätekuivati. Valmistatud vastupidavast 304 roostevabast terasest, kaetud mati musta melamiiniviimistlusega. Puutevaba disain tagab maksimaalse hügieeni, aktiveerides kõik funktsioonid infrapunasensoriga. Kergesti paigaldatav, sobib nii kodu- kui ka avalikku ruumi.
Tehnilised andmed:
- Mõõdud: 600 x 223 x 1,000 mm
- Klaaspeegel: 4 mm
- Seebidosaator: 5 liitrit, sobib vedelseebi või vahuseebi jaoks (max. viskoossus 3,000 mPa.s)
- Kraan: voolukiirus eelseadistatud 3 l/min (reguleeritav 1,4–6 l/min)
- Kätekuivati: õhu kiirus 360 km/h, müratase 74 dBA, energiatarve 704W
- Vandaalikindel mudel, kaasas DELABIE standardvõti
- LED-valgustusega kraanikauss
- Kaal: 29 kg
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Mirror, hand dryer, soap dispenser and electronic tap
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Ref. 510203304 stainless steel designer cabinet with a matte black melamine finish.
Touch-free for improved hygiene: soap dispenser, tap and hand dryer are activated automatically when hands are detected by infrared sensor.
Quick and easy to install:
- A single electrical connection for all the elements: mains supply with 230V / 50-60Hz.
- Connects to the water supply from the top or from inside the cabinet.
- Water connection in M3/8"
- Concealed fixings. Mirror cabinet supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete or reinforced wood.
- Adjustable hinges.
Unit with 4 functions:
4mm thick glass mirror and black glass strip with illuminated pictograms.
Automatic soap dispenser:
- No-waste pump dispenser
- Large capacity tank: 5 litres.
- Suitable for vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Electronic basin tap*:
- Reduced stagnation solenoid valve.
- Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
- Scale-resistant flow straightener.
- Duty flush (~60 seconds every 24 hours after the last use).
- Stopcock.
Air-pulse hand dryer:
- High-speed.
- Pulsed air at 360km/h. Airflow: 36 l/second.
- Low energy consumption: 704W.
- Noise level: 74 dBA.
- Class I, IP23.
- 3-year warranty.
Basin lit by the LED strip.
Vandal-resistant model with standard DELABIE key.
Anti-blocking: stops automatically if used continuously.
Internal storage shelf.
Several cabinets can be installed side-by-side to create a mirror wall: linking screws are provided.
Dimensions: 600 x 223 x 1,000mm.
Weight: 29kg.
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Ref. 510203Supply | Mains: 230V / 50-60Hz |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Height | 1,000mm |
Depth | 223mm |
Width | 600mm |
Flow rate | Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm |
Thickness | Glass mirror: 4mm |
Finish | Matte black melamine and 304 stainless steel |
3062,00 €
Peeglikapp 4 funktsiooniga: kraan, seebidosaator, kätekuivati
Ref. 510204
Stiilne ja funktsionaalne peeglikapp 4 funktsiooniga: peegel, kontaktivaba kraan, automaatne seebidosaator ja kätekuivati. Valmistatud kvaliteetsest 304 roostevabast terasest ja viimistletud mati musta melamiiniga.
- Puutevaba hügieen: kõik funktsioonid aktiveeruvad infrapunandurite abil.
- Kiire paigaldus: üks elektriühendus ja reguleeritavad kinnitused.
- Tänapäevane disain: valgustatud piktogrammid ja musta klaasi detailid.
- Automaatne kraan: reguleeritav veevool (1,4–6 l/min) ja kaitse ummistumise vastu.
- Seebidosaator: suur 5-liitrine paak, sobib vedelseebile.
- Kätekuivati: kiire 360 km/h õhuvool, madal energiatarve ja müra (74 dBA).
- Integreeritud LED-valgustus ja praktiline hoiuruum.
Mõõdud: 800 x 223 x 1,000 mm.
Sobib suurepäraselt nii avalikku ruumi kui ka moodsasse kodusesse vannituppa.
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Mirror, hand dryer, soap dispenser and electronic tap
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Ref. 510204304 stainless steel designer cabinet with a matte black melamine finish.
Touch-free for improved hygiene: soap dispenser, tap and hand dryer are activated automatically when hands are detected by infrared sensor.
Quick and easy to install:
- A single electrical connection for all the elements: mains supply with 230V / 50-60Hz.
- Connects to the water supply from the top or from inside the cabinet.
- Water connection in M3/8".
- Concealed fixings. Mirror cabinet supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete or reinforced wood.
- Adjustable hinges.
Unit with 4 functions:
4mm thick glass mirror and black glass strip with illuminated pictograms.
Automatic soap dispenser:
- No-waste pump dispenser
- Large capacity tank: 5 litres.
- Suitable for vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Electronic basin tap*:
- Reduced stagnation solenoid valve.
- Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
- Scale-resistant flow straightener.
- Duty flush (~60 seconds every 24 hours after the last use).
- Stopcock.
Air-pulse hand dryer:
- High-speed.
- Pulsed air at 360km/h. Airflow: 36 l/second.
- Low energy consumption: 704W.
- Noise level: 74 dBA.
- Class I, IP23.
- 3-year warranty.
Basin lit by the LED strip.
Vandal-resistant model with standard DELABIE key.
Anti-blocking: stops automatically if used continuously.
Internal storage shelf.
Several cabinets can be installed side-by-side to create a mirror wall: linking screws are provided.
Dimensions: 800 x 223 x 1,000mm.
Weight: 39kg.
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Ref. 510204Supply | Mains: 230V / 50-60Hz |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Height | 1,000mm |
Depth | 223mm |
Width | 800mm |
Flow rate | Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 9 lpm |
Thickness | Glass mirror: 4mm |
Finish | 304 stainless steel with a matte black melamine finish |
3599,00 €
Peeglikapp 4 funktsiooniga: kraan, seebidosaator, paberkäterätikute dosaator
Ref. 510206
Stiilne ja multifunktsionaalne peeglikapp, mis ühendab 4 praktilist funktsiooni: peegel, kontaktivaba kraan, automaatne seebidosaator ja paberkäterätikute dosaator. Valmistatud kvaliteetsest 304 roostevabast terasest ja kaetud mati musta melamiinviimistlusega.
- Puutevaba hügieen: kraan ja seebidosaator aktiveeruvad infrapunanduritega.
- Lihtne paigaldada: üks elektriühendus ja reguleeritavad kinnitused tagavad kiire ja sujuva paigalduse.
- Moodne disain: LED-valgustusega piktogrammid ja musta klaasi detailid sobivad igasse keskkonda.
- Automaatne kraan: reguleeritav veevool (1,4–6 l/min), katlakivivastane mehhanism ja kaitse vee stagnatsiooni vastu.
- Seebidosaator: suur 5-liitrine paak, sobib vedelseebile või vahuseebile.
- Paberkäterätikute dosaator: mugav ja ökonoomne lahendus ühe paberi korraga väljastamiseks (mahutavus 500 lehte).
- LED-valgustus valamu kohal ja praktiline sisemine hoiuruum.
Mõõdud: 800 x 223 x 1,000 mm.
Ideaalne nii kodu- kui ka avalikesse ruumidesse, kus vajatakse usaldusväärset ja stiilset sanitaartehnikat.
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Mirror, electronic tap, soap dispenser and paper towel dispenser
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Ref. 510206Designer cabinet with a matte black melamine and 304 stainless steel finish.
Touch-free for improved hygiene: tap and soap dispenser activated automatically when hands are detected by infrared sensor.
Quick and easy to install:
- A single electrical connection for all the elements: mains supply with 230V / 50-60Hz.
- Connects to the water supply from the top or from inside the cabinet.
- Water connection in M3/8".
- Concealed fixings. Mirror cabinet supplied with stainless steel screws for concrete or reinforced wood.
- Adjustable hinges.
Unit with 4 functions:
4mm thick glass mirror and black glass strip with illuminated pictograms.
Automatic soap dispenser:
- No-waste pump dispenser
- Large capacity tank: 5 litres.
- Suitable for vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Electronic basin tap*:
- Reduced stagnation valve.
- Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 6 lpm.
- Scale-resistant flow straightener.
- Duty flush (~60 seconds every 24 hours after the last use).
- Stopcock.
Paper towel dispenser:
- Dispenses one sheet at a time.
- Dimensions: 120 x 275 x 360mm.
- Contents: 500 sheets.
Basin lit by the LED strip.
Vandal-resistant model with standard DELABIE key.
Anti-blocking: stops automatically if used continuously.
Internal storage shelf.
Several cabinets can be installed side-by-side to create a mirror wall: linking screws are provided.
Dimensions: 800 x 223 x 1,000mm.
Weight: 38.5kg.
Mirror cabinet with 4 functions
Ref. 510206Supply | Mains: 230V / 50-60Hz |
Connector | M3/8" |
Technology | Electronic |
Height | 1,000mm |
Depth | 223mm |
Width | 800mm |
Flow rate | Flow rate pre-set at 3 lpm at 3 bar, can be adjusted from 1.4 to 9 lpm |
Thickness | Glass mirror: 4mm |
Finish | Matte black melamine and 304 stainless steel |
3172,00 €