7.12 EUR
3050 EUR

Aksessuaarid musta värviga, PVD viimistlusega

Aksessuaarid musta värviga, PVD viimistlusega

Musta Värviga Aksessuaarid ja Segistid PVD Viimistlusega - Kaasaegne Luksus Sinu Köögis ja Vannitoas PEGU.EE E-poes

Musta värviga aksessuaarid, millel on PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) viimistlus, toovad sinu koju kaasaegse luksuse ja stiili. PEGU.EE e-pood pakub laia valikut kvaliteetseid musta värviga aksessuaare ja segisteid, et täiustada sinu kodu interjööri ning lisada elegantsi igasse ruumi.

Musta Värviga Aksessuaaride Eelised:

  1. Stiilne Kaasaegsus: Must värv PVD viimistlusega annab aksessuaaridele kaasaegse ja luksusliku välimuse, sobides suurepäraselt tänapäevaste sisekujundustrendidega.

  2. Vastupidavus: PVD viimistlus tagab aksessuaaridele kriimustuskindluse, plekikindluse ja pikaealisuse, pakkudes vastupidavust igapäevasele kasutusele.

  3. Mitmekülgsus: Must värviga aksessuaarid sobivad ideaalselt erinevatesse ruumidesse, sealhulgas kööki, vannituppa ja mujale, luues elegantse ja ühtse stiili.

Musta Värviga Aksessuaaride ja Segistite Valik PEGU.EE E-poes:

  1. Köögi Aksessuaarid: Avasta musta värviga köögisegistid, kraanid, nõudepesukausi tarvikud ja muud aksessuaarid, et muuta köök funktsionaalseks ja pilkupüüdvaks.

  2. Vannitoa Detailid: Lisaks leia stiilsed musta värviga dušikomplektid, käterätikute hoidjad, tualettpaberihoidjad ja muud vannitoa aksessuaarid, mis täiendavad vannitoa sisustust.

  3. Üldised Sisustuselemendid: Vali musta värviga käepidemed, riiulid, kardinapuud ja teised sisustuselemendid, et täiustada kodu üldist interjööri.

Miks Valid PEGU.EE?

PEGU.EE e-pood pakub mitte ainult laia valikut stiilseid ja kvaliteetseid musta värviga aksessuaare ja segisteid, vaid tagab ka suurepärase ostukogemuse:

  • Kvaliteet ja Vastupidavus: Meie tooted on valmistatud vastupidavatest materjalidest, tagades pikaajalise kasutuse.

  • Stiil ja Elegants: Pakume ainulaadseid disainilahendusi, mis ühendavad stiili ja funktsionaalsust.

  • Lihtne Ostuprotsess: PEGU.EE e-poes on ostmine kiire ja mugav. Vali sobivad tooted, lisa need ostukorvi ning meie usaldusväärne tarnesüsteem toimetab need otse sinu ukse ette.

Avasta PEGU.EE e-poes musta värviga aksessuaaride ja segistite kollektsioon ning lisa oma kodule kaasaegset luksust ja stiili!

#MUST Aksessuaarid, vannitoatarvikud, prügikstid, segistid ja sisustuelemendid,

Matt must, poleeritud must  ja harjatud musta värviga

RAL värviga, PVD viimistlusega, või musta plastmassist

Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Süvistatav prügikast

süvistussügavus 150mm

Diameeter 380mm

Mahtuvus 2,5l/20-30 lehte

Koti mõõt 39x28CM

Nähtav osa :

Rõngas :poleeritud kroom, naturaalne messing.

harjatud kroom, harjatud R/V teras või 14 rinevat


Mahuti materjal :värvitud PC/ABS

RS1/B Must Mahuti


Tootekood: QRS1/B ,   Tarneaeg: 2-4 nädalad
1604,30 €


Reframe | Soap shelf and shower wiper

Soap shelf and shower wiper Black

Unique soap shelf with hidden magnets in the wall fitting to give the wiper a permanent, functional and practical home. 

The soap shelf is made of a strengthened steel plate with a groove to drain the water off it. Around the edge is a thin laser-cut ‘anti-slip’ barrier, to help stop shampoo and other bathroom products sliding off the shelf when it is wet.

The wiper has just two parts – a high-quality silicone element and a strengthened steel frame. This design distributes the pressure quite evenly across the whole surface and ensures that it is cleaned effectively and consistently. The wiper has silicone bumpers on the ends, to protect tiles and other surfaces from scratches. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7014 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
416,33 € (10%)
462,58 €


Reframe | Shower wiper

Shower wiper Black

Separate shower wiper and wall mount with integrated magnets to keep the wiper in place. The wiper consists of two parts; a reinforced steel frame and a high quality silicone blade. This construction ensures an effective and even cleaning of all surfaces. Built in ’bumpers’ on all sides protect your tiles from scratches and marks. The silicone element is very hard-wearing and lasts a long time.

Tootekood: UN-7034 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
211,37 € (10%)
234,85 €


Reframe | Toilet brush floor

Toilet brush floor Black

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7044 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
367,83 € (10%)
408,70 €


Reframe | Toilet brush wall mounted

Toilet brush wall mounted Black

Toilet brushes have never been more hygienic or more stylish. During the development process, we have given a lot of thought to hygiene. The inner plastic container has a splash guard, which extends over the outer cover and ensures that no bacteria can get in between the two.

As an extra hygienic solution, the inner container is fitted with a ‘tap’ to make it easy to empty the container without coming into contact with bacteria.

The brush head is designed to collect as little water and paper as possible, thus reducing unwanted dripping of toilet water. Choose between a wall-mounted and a floor-standing model. The brush head can be replaced.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7049 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
422,73 € (10%)
469,70 €


Reframe | Toilet paper holder 

Toilet paper holder Black

The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7054 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
164,70 € (10%)
183,00 €


Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder 

Spare toilet paper holder Black

The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7064 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
164,70 € (10%)
183,00 €


Reframe | Towel hook (2 pcs.)

Towel hook (2 pcs.) Black

Two elegant and stylish hooks to hold your towels firmly in place. The design of the hooks has been carefully thought out, and the perfect vertical shape ensures that the towels cannot fall off.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7074 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
136,34 € (10%)
151,48 €


Reframe | Towel bar

Towel bar PVD Black

The towel bar harmonises perfectly with the rest of the collection and ensures that even your softest and airiest towels always hand perfectly. It has a unique bracket to ensure that the rail is firmly fitted to the wall.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7084 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
287,31 € (10%)
319,23 €


Reframe | Soap shelf

Soap shelf Black

Soap shelf in a reinforced steel plate to secure stability. Discreet grooves drain water away and an anti-slip barrier keeps shower essentials from sliding when the shelf is wet. The innovative wall mount can be adapted to corners, which are not excately 90°.

Tootekood: UN-7214 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
181,17 € (10%)
201,30 €

ACO joogijahutaja DrinkCooler plast, must

ACO DrinkCooler pakub ideaalset lahendust jaheda joogi nautimiseks õues – olenemata asukohast või toiteühendusest. DrinkCooler on maetud 100 cm sügavusele maasse ja kasutab maapinnast lähtuvat loomulikku külma (3-9 kraadi Celsiuse järgi). 8 x 0,33 l või 5 x 0,5 l joogipurki saab hoida jahedas ilma elektrita. DrinkCooler ei ole seega mitte ainult praktiline, vaid kaitseb ka keskkonda. DrinkCooler on valmistatud plastikust, 110 cm pikkune ja 9 cm läbimõõduga.


  • Sobib 8 x 0,33 l või 5 x 0,5 l joogipurkidele
  • Väike läbimõõt 9 cm
  • Lihtne paigaldus maandusteo abil
  • Toiteühendust pole vaja


Tootekood: ACO-AR6808550 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
67,10 €
Right L-window handle with square rose. Rose: 70x33mm
Width: 112mm
Depth: 67mm
Weight: 0,35 kg.
Designer: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FROA4006BLR ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
53,12 € (5%)
55,92 €
Left L-window handle with square rose. Rose: 70x33mm
Width: 112mm
Depth: 67mm
Weight: 0,35 kg.
Designer: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Tootekood: FROA4006BLL ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
53,12 € (5%)
55,92 €
Bottom plate for shoes/bags. Bukto clothes stand is sold separately.
Height: 8mm
Width: 380mm
Depth: 568mm
Weight: 1 kg.
Designer: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU6004-1-B ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päev
110,82 €
Bottom plate for shoes/bags. BUKTO clothes stand is sold separately.
Height: 8mm
Width: 380mm
Depth: 968mm
Weight: 1,5 kg.
Designer: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Aluminium
Tootekood: FROU6005-1-B ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päev
141,32 €

ARC komplektne sisu. Kroom/must

Tootekood: D2398474 ,   Tarneaeg: 5 päeva
102,00 €

Bin TORK 5 Ltr B3, san. prügikast, must plasticMaterjal: plast.

Värvus: must.


Length 16 cm

Width 19 cm

Height 33.8 cm

Tootekood: TOR-564008 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
65,55 € (5%)
69,00 €

Bin TORK 5L B3, san. prügikast, valge plastic

Bin TORK 5 Ltr B3, san. prügikast, valge plastic

Materjal: plast.

Värvus: valge


Length 16 cm

Width 19 cm

Height 33.8 cm


Elevation-disainiga Torki 5-liitrist prügikasti saab kasutada tavaprügi jaoks väikestes pesuruumides või hügieenijäätmete jaoks WC-kabiinis. Isesulguv kaas ja peidetud prügikott tagavad hügieenilisuse ja mugavuse. Tork Elevation-sarja jaoturite otstarbekas ja kaasaegne disain jätab külastajatele meeldiva mulje.
  • Jätab tänu lihtsale hooldusele ja paindlikele paigaldusvalikutele puhta mulje
  • Väike suurus on piiratud ruumi korral ideaalne
Tootekood: TOR-564000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
65,55 € (5%)
69,00 €

BINOPTIC Delabie 512051BK sinale elektrooniline seebi dosaator, 230/6V, 1L mahuti matt must


BINOPTIC wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512051BK

Wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser.
Liquid or foam soap or hydroalcoholic gel dispenser.
No manual contact: infrared cell detects hands automatically.
Matte black 304 stainless steel spout.
No waste pump dispenser.
Independent electronic housing and removable tank enable installation beneath the washbasin.
Automatic soap dispenser: mains supply with 230/6V transformer.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel
Total spout length: 115mm.
Supplied with 1-litre tank.


BINOPTIC wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512051BK
Supply Mains 230/6V
Technology Infrared sensor
Height 333mm (tank + electronic unit)
Length 115mm
Spout length 98mm
Volume 1 litre tank
Finish Matte black 304 stainless steel


Tootekood: DE-512051BK ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
445,30 €

BINOPTIC Delabie 512521BK pinnapealne elektrooniline seebi dosaator, 230/6V 0.5L mahuti matt must

BINOPTIC deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512521BK

Deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser.
Liquid soap, foam soap or hydroalcoholic gel dispenser.
No manual contact: hands are automatically detected by infrared cell.
Spout made from chrome-plated 304 stainless steel.
No waste pump dispenser.
Separate electronic unit and removable tank for installation under the basin.
Automatic soap dispenser: mains supply with 230/6V transformer.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specialist foam soap.
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel.
Spout length: 105mm.
Supplied with a 0.5 litre tank.


BINOPTIC deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512521BK
Supply 230/6V mains supply
Technology Infrared sensor
Drop height 58mm
Spout length 105mm
Volume 0.5 litre tank
Finish Matte black 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-512521BK ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
512,40 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee