17.28 EUR
318.22 EUR

Uksestopperid, uksetükised, uksepidurid, uksepiirajad

Uksestopperid, uksetükised, uksepidurid, uksepiirajad

Uksestopperid, uksetükised, uksepidurid, uksepiirajad roostevabast terasest RST AISI304, ja AISI314

Uksestopperid, uksetükised, uksepidurid ja uksepiirajad on seadmed, mis on mõeldud kasutamiseks uste avamise ja sulgemise kontrollimiseks ning uste hoidmiseks soovitud asendis. Need võivad olla kas mehaanilised või automaatsed ning neid kasutatakse erinevates kohtades, nagu kodud, ärihooned, hotellid, haiglad, koolid ja muud kohad, kus on vajadus ukse liikumise ja käitumise kontrollimise järele.

Uksestopperid või uksetükised on tavaliselt paigaldatud seadmed, mis takistavad ukse liigset sulgumist või avanemist ning hoiavad ukse soovitud asendis. Need võivad olla mehaanilised, nagu põranda- või seinalukustid, või automaatsed, nagu elektroonilised uksetükised, mis kasutavad elektromagnetilist lukustust.

Uksepidurid või uksepiirajad on seadmed, mis aeglustavad ukse sulgumist ja sulgevad ukse õrnalt, et vältida ukse liigset müra, jõudu või kahjustusi. Need on eriti kasulikud suurtes hoonetes, kus on palju inimesi ja sageli avatavad uksed.

Uksestopperid, uksetükised, uksepidurid ja uksepiirajad aitavad kontrollida ukse käitumist vastavalt vajadustele, tagades samal ajal turvalisuse, mugavuse ja lihtsa kasutamise. Neid võib kasutada ka olukordades, kus on vaja hõlbustada juurdepääsu, nagu näiteks ratastooliga inimeste jaoks või juhtudel, kus on vaja piirata ukse avanemist teatud piirkondades või aegadel.


Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna

Doorstop. Available in 6 finishes. The door stop has won the Reddot Award. A5001

Height: 36mm
Width: 28mm
Depth: 55mm
Weight: 0,25 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog
Tootekood: FROA5001BS ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
34,20 € (5%)
36,00 €

Doorstop. Available in 6 finishes. The door stop has won the Reddot Award. A5001

Height: 36mm
Width: 28mm
Depth: 55mm
Weight: 0,25 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog
Tootekood: FROA5001GS ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
42,75 € (5%)
45,00 €

Doorstop. Available in 6 finishes. The door stop has won the Reddot Award. A5001

Height: 36mm
Width: 28mm
Depth: 55mm
Weight: 0,25 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog
Tootekood: FROA5001BLS ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
34,20 € (5%)
36,00 €

Doorstop. Available in 6 finishes. The door stop has won the Reddot Award. A5001

Height: 36mm
Width: 28mm
Depth: 55mm
Weight: 0,25 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog


Tootekood: FROA5001PS ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
34,20 € (5%)
36,00 €

Doorstop. Available in 6 finishes. The door stop has won the Reddot Award. A5001

Height: 36mm
Width: 28mm
Depth: 55mm
Weight: 0,25 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog
Tootekood: FROA5001WS ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
34,20 € (5%)
36,00 €

Doorstop. Available in 6 finishes. The door stop has won the Reddot Award. A5001

Height: 36mm
Width: 28mm
Depth: 55mm
Weight: 0,25 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog
Tootekood: FROA5001CS ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
42,75 € (5%)
45,00 €

Door stop. Available in 6 finishes. For mounting in wall or floor. This door stop has won Reddot Design Award. A5002


Height: 29mm
Width: 25mm
Depth: 60mm
Weight: 0,25 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog
Tootekood: FROA5002BS ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
38,00 € (5%)
40,00 €

Door stop. Available in 6 finishes. For mounting in wall or floor. This door stop has won Reddot Design Award. A5002


Height: 29mm
Width: 25mm
Depth: 60mm
Weight: 0,25 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog
Tootekood: FROA5002GS ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
49,40 € (5%)
52,00 €

Door stop. Available in 6 finishes. For mounting in wall or floor. This door stop has won Reddot Design Award. A5002


Height: 29mm
Width: 25mm
Depth: 60mm
Weight: 0,25 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog
Tootekood: FROA5002BLS ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
38,00 € (5%)
40,00 €

Door stop. Available in 6 finishes. For mounting in wall or floor. This door stop has won Reddot Design Award. A5002


Height: 29mm
Width: 25mm
Depth: 60mm
Weight: 0,25 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog
Tootekood: FROA5002PS ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
38,00 € (5%)
40,00 €

Door stop. Available in 6 finishes. For mounting in wall or floor. This door stop has won Reddot Design Award. A5002


Height: 29mm
Width: 25mm
Depth: 60mm
Weight: 0,25 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog
Tootekood: FROA5002WS ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
38,00 € (5%)
40,00 €

Door stop. Available in 6 finishes. For mounting in wall or floor. This door stop has won Reddot Design Award. A5002


Height: 29mm
Width: 25mm
Depth: 60mm
Weight: 0,25 kg.
Design: busk+hertzog
Tootekood: FROA5002CS ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
49,40 € (5%)
52,00 €


Ø 40 x 40 mm

  • Floor door stop in solid, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 303), satin finished, with rubber ring. Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Height 40 mm
    Diameter 30 mm
    Rubber ring diameter 40 mm
  • Concealed, centric, anti-theft floor mounting.
  • Mounting with one screw.
  • Delivery includes fixing material.
  • Weight (in kg): 0,20
satin finished (standard) 700227
highly polished 731227
Suggested text for specifications:

Floor door stop in solid stainless steel (AISI 303), satin finished, with rubber ring, for floor-mounting. Concealed, centric, anti-theft floor mounting. Delivery includes fixing material. 

Dimensions: Ø 40 x 40 mm

Article No. AC227
Tootekood: WAG-AC227 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
71,47 € (5%)
75,23 €


Ø 40 x 40 mm

  • Floor door stop in solid, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 303), satin finished, with rubber ring. Further available surfaces: see below.
  • Height 40 mm
    Diameter 30 mm
    Rubber ring diameter 40 mm
  • Concealed, centric, anti-theft floor mounting.
  • Mounting with one screw.
  • Delivery includes fixing material.
  • Weight (in kg): 0,20
satin finished (standard) 700227
highly polished 731227
Suggested text for specifications:

Floor door stop in solid stainless steel (AISI 303), satin finished, with rubber ring, for floor-mounting. Concealed, centric, anti-theft floor mounting. Delivery includes fixing material. 

Dimensions: Ø 40 x 40 mm

Article No. AC227
Tootekood: WAG-AC227P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
87,89 € (5%)
92,52 €


Ø 45 x 110 mm

  • Wall-mounted door buffer in solid, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 303), satin finished.
    Further available surfaces: see below. 
  • Concealed anti-theft two-point rosette wall mounting.
  • Holder diameter 16 mm
    Length 110 mm
  • With rubber buffer.
  • Mounting with two screws.
  • Delivery includes fixing material.
  • Weight (in kg): 0,30
satin finished (standard) 700218
highly polished 731218
Suggested text for specifications:

Wall-mounted door buffer in solid stainless steel (AISI 303), satin finished, with rubber buffer for surface mounting Concealed anti-theft two-point rosette wall mounting. Delivery includes fixing material.

Dimensions: Ø 45 x 110 mm

Article No. AC218
Tootekood: WAG-AC218 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
64,71 € (5%)
68,12 €


Ø 16 x 26 mm

  • Wall-mounted door buffer in solid, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 303), satin finished.
  • Concealed, centric, anti-theft wall mounting.
  • Holder diameter 16 mm
    Length 26 mm
  • With rubber buffer.
  • Mounting with one screw.
  • Delivery includes fixing material.
  • Weight (in kg): 0,10
satin finished (standard) 700219
Suggested text for specifications:

Wall-mounted door buffer in solid stainless steel (AISI 303), satin finished, with rubber buffer, for surface mounting. Concealed, centric, anti-theft wall mounting. Delivery includes fixing material.

Dimensions: Ø 16 x 26 mm

Article No. AC219
Tootekood: WAG-AC219 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
46,36 € (5%)
48,80 €


Ø 45 x 110 mm

  • Wall-mounted door buffer in solid, germ-reducing and easy-care stainless steel (AISI 303), satin finished.
    Further available surfaces: see below. 
  • Concealed anti-theft two-point rosette wall mounting.
  • Holder diameter 16 mm
    Length 110 mm
  • With rubber buffer.
  • Mounting with two screws.
  • Delivery includes fixing material.
  • Weight (in kg): 0,30
satin finished (standard) 700218
highly polished 731218
Suggested text for specifications:

Wall-mounted door buffer in solid stainless steel (AISI 303), satin finished, with rubber buffer for surface mounting Concealed anti-theft two-point rosette wall mounting. Delivery includes fixing material.

Dimensions: Ø 45 x 110 mm

Article No. AC218
Tootekood: WAG-AC218P ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
78,23 € (5%)
82,35 €

Ukse stopper konksuga, poleeritud

R/V teras AISI 303

Ø 45 x 76 mm

Wagner Ewar

Tootekood: WAG-AC217P ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
98,52 € (5%)
103,70 €

Ukse stopper konksuga, satiin

R/V teras AISI 303

Ø 45 x 76 mm

Wagner Ewar

Tootekood: WAG-AC217S ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
75,34 € (5%)
79,30 €

R/V teras AISI 303

Wagner Ewar

Tootekood: WAG-AC228P ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
76,30 € (5%)
80,32 €

R/V teras AISI 303

Wagner Ewar

Tootekood: WAG-AC228S ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
63,75 € (5%)
67,10 €

Uksekoputi D line FAT RST AISI 316 - Electric blue

Ø35mm (1.3") tube + 140 x 140 x 47mm (5.5" + 5.5" + 1.9")

Center - center (screw holes): 105 mm (4.1") 

Fat door knocker, Ø35, 140x140, cc105, satin. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Angular and bulbous, the pieces are a testament to form following function, whilst maintaining a humorous silhouette and a reductionist aesthetic. FAT is part of a fuller series by Tom Dixon including dining chairs, bar stools and lounge chairs. Material: stainless steel AISI 316 satin finish, round. Radius: Ø35. W:140 mm x H:140 mm x D:46 mm.


Dimensions: W:140 mm x H:140 mm x D:46 mm.
Radius: Ø35
Material: stainless steel AISI 316
Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand
Warranty for stainless steel (non movable ) parts - 20 years

Koos Briti disaineri Tom Dixoniga oleme loonud FAT, uue rida kinnituskonstruktsioone.

Meie Fat uksekoputaja on vastupidavalt valmistatud AISI 316 roostevabast terasest, mida eelistab d line, ning sellele lisandub 20-aastane tootegarantii.

Fat kollektsioon hõlmab hooba, võtitaskut ja pöidla käändkangi, samuti uksekoputajat, tõmbekäepidet, süvendtõmmitsat ja uksetoppi. Nagu kogu d line portfellis, on iga tükk piisavalt minimalistlik, et olla oma kujunduses ajatu, selle ilu tuleneb ümarast profiilist ja täidlasest siluetist, mitte liigsetest detailidest.

Kollektsiooni esteetika saavutamiseks on Tom Dixon suurendanud iga tüki "tavalist" esteetikat, et luua pehmemad servad ja heldem profiil. Stuudio kasutab sõna "fat" helduse ja vormi pehmuse tähistamiseks. Tulemus ei sisalda teravuse või nurksuse jälgegi ning see on kollektsioon ülespuhutud tükkidest, mis on lihtsalt "paksud" tavalisest.

Kollektsioon on saadaval PVD-kivisöe, elektrisinise, PVD-poleeritud messingi ja meie allkirja järgi satiinroostevabast terasest.


Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.

Our Fat door knocker is enduringly crafted in the highly resilient AISI 316 stainless steel preferred by d line and enhanced by a 20-year product guarantee.

The Fat collection comprises a lever handle, key escutcheon and thumb turn, as well as a door knocker, pull handle, flush pull and door stop. Like the rest of the d line portfolio, each piece is minimalist enough to be timeless in its design, its beauty coming from its rounded profile and inflated silhouette, rather than from superfluous details. 

To achieve the collection’s aesthetic, Tom Dixon has magnified the silhouette of each piece’s ‘normal’ aesthetic, to create softer edges and a generous profile. The studio uses the word ‘fat’ to imply generosity and softness of form. The result lacks any trace of sharpness or angularity and is a collection of pumped-up pieces that are simply ‘fatter’ than the norm.

The collection is available in PVD charcoal, electric blue, PVD polished brass and our signature satin stainless steel. 

Tootekood: I179011F1000 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-4 nädala
318,22 €

Uksekoputi D line FAT RST AISI 316 - messing

Ø35mm (1.3") tube + 140 x 140 x 47mm (5.5" + 5.5" + 1.9")

Center - center (screw holes): 105 mm (4.1") 

Fat door knocker, Ø35, 140x140, cc105, satin. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Angular and bulbous, the pieces are a testament to form following function, whilst maintaining a humorous silhouette and a reductionist aesthetic. FAT is part of a fuller series by Tom Dixon including dining chairs, bar stools and lounge chairs. Material: stainless steel AISI 316 satin finish, round. Radius: Ø35. W:140 mm x H:140 mm x D:46 mm.


Dimensions: W:140 mm x H:140 mm x D:46 mm.
Radius: Ø35
Material: stainless steel AISI 316
Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand
Warranty for stainless steel (non movable ) parts - 20 years

Koos Briti disaineri Tom Dixoniga oleme loonud FAT, uue rida kinnituskonstruktsioone.

Meie Fat uksekoputaja on vastupidavalt valmistatud AISI 316 roostevabast terasest, mida eelistab d line, ning sellele lisandub 20-aastane tootegarantii.

Fat kollektsioon hõlmab hooba, võtitaskut ja pöidla käändkangi, samuti uksekoputajat, tõmbekäepidet, süvendtõmmitsat ja uksetoppi. Nagu kogu d line portfellis, on iga tükk piisavalt minimalistlik, et olla oma kujunduses ajatu, selle ilu tuleneb ümarast profiilist ja täidlasest siluetist, mitte liigsetest detailidest.

Kollektsiooni esteetika saavutamiseks on Tom Dixon suurendanud iga tüki "tavalist" esteetikat, et luua pehmemad servad ja heldem profiil. Stuudio kasutab sõna "fat" helduse ja vormi pehmuse tähistamiseks. Tulemus ei sisalda teravuse või nurksuse jälgegi ning see on kollektsioon ülespuhutud tükkidest, mis on lihtsalt "paksud" tavalisest.

Kollektsioon on saadaval PVD-kivisöe, elektrisinise, PVD-poleeritud messingi ja meie allkirja järgi satiinroostevabast terasest.


Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.

Our Fat door knocker is enduringly crafted in the highly resilient AISI 316 stainless steel preferred by d line and enhanced by a 20-year product guarantee.

The Fat collection comprises a lever handle, key escutcheon and thumb turn, as well as a door knocker, pull handle, flush pull and door stop. Like the rest of the d line portfolio, each piece is minimalist enough to be timeless in its design, its beauty coming from its rounded profile and inflated silhouette, rather than from superfluous details. 

To achieve the collection’s aesthetic, Tom Dixon has magnified the silhouette of each piece’s ‘normal’ aesthetic, to create softer edges and a generous profile. The studio uses the word ‘fat’ to imply generosity and softness of form. The result lacks any trace of sharpness or angularity and is a collection of pumped-up pieces that are simply ‘fatter’ than the norm.

The collection is available in PVD charcoal, electric blue, PVD polished brass and our signature satin stainless steel. 

Tootekood: I179011P3000 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-4 nädala
318,22 €

Uksekoputi D line FAT RST AISI 316 - must

Ø35mm (1.3") tube + 140 x 140 x 47mm (5.5" + 5.5" + 1.9")

Center - center (screw holes): 105 mm (4.1") 

Fat door knocker, Ø35, 140x140, cc105, satin. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Angular and bulbous, the pieces are a testament to form following function, whilst maintaining a humorous silhouette and a reductionist aesthetic. FAT is part of a fuller series by Tom Dixon including dining chairs, bar stools and lounge chairs. Material: stainless steel AISI 316 satin finish, round. Radius: Ø35. W:140 mm x H:140 mm x D:46 mm.


Dimensions: W:140 mm x H:140 mm x D:46 mm.
Radius: Ø35
Material: stainless steel AISI 316
Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand
Warranty for stainless steel (non movable ) parts - 20 years

Koos Briti disaineri Tom Dixoniga oleme loonud FAT, uue rida kinnituskonstruktsioone.

Meie Fat uksekoputaja on vastupidavalt valmistatud AISI 316 roostevabast terasest, mida eelistab d line, ning sellele lisandub 20-aastane tootegarantii.

Fat kollektsioon hõlmab hooba, võtitaskut ja pöidla käändkangi, samuti uksekoputajat, tõmbekäepidet, süvendtõmmitsat ja uksetoppi. Nagu kogu d line portfellis, on iga tükk piisavalt minimalistlik, et olla oma kujunduses ajatu, selle ilu tuleneb ümarast profiilist ja täidlasest siluetist, mitte liigsetest detailidest.

Kollektsiooni esteetika saavutamiseks on Tom Dixon suurendanud iga tüki "tavalist" esteetikat, et luua pehmemad servad ja heldem profiil. Stuudio kasutab sõna "fat" helduse ja vormi pehmuse tähistamiseks. Tulemus ei sisalda teravuse või nurksuse jälgegi ning see on kollektsioon ülespuhutud tükkidest, mis on lihtsalt "paksud" tavalisest.

Kollektsioon on saadaval PVD-kivisöe, elektrisinise, PVD-poleeritud messingi ja meie allkirja järgi satiinroostevabast terasest.


Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.

Our Fat door knocker is enduringly crafted in the highly resilient AISI 316 stainless steel preferred by d line and enhanced by a 20-year product guarantee.

The Fat collection comprises a lever handle, key escutcheon and thumb turn, as well as a door knocker, pull handle, flush pull and door stop. Like the rest of the d line portfolio, each piece is minimalist enough to be timeless in its design, its beauty coming from its rounded profile and inflated silhouette, rather than from superfluous details. 

To achieve the collection’s aesthetic, Tom Dixon has magnified the silhouette of each piece’s ‘normal’ aesthetic, to create softer edges and a generous profile. The studio uses the word ‘fat’ to imply generosity and softness of form. The result lacks any trace of sharpness or angularity and is a collection of pumped-up pieces that are simply ‘fatter’ than the norm.

The collection is available in PVD charcoal, electric blue, PVD polished brass and our signature satin stainless steel. 

Tootekood: I129011P4000 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-4 nädala
318,22 €

Uksekoputi D line FAT RST AISI 316 - steel

Ø35mm (1.3") tube + 140 x 140 x 47mm (5.5" + 5.5" + 1.9")

Center - center (screw holes): 105 mm (4.1") 

Fat door knocker, Ø35, 140x140, cc105, satin. The FAT collection is a series of architectural hardware pieces designed by English industrial designer Tom Dixon. Angular and bulbous, the pieces are a testament to form following function, whilst maintaining a humorous silhouette and a reductionist aesthetic. FAT is part of a fuller series by Tom Dixon including dining chairs, bar stools and lounge chairs. Material: stainless steel AISI 316 satin finish, round. Radius: Ø35. W:140 mm x H:140 mm x D:46 mm.


Dimensions: W:140 mm x H:140 mm x D:46 mm.
Radius: Ø35
Material: stainless steel AISI 316
Surface finish: satin grain 320, crafted by hand
Warranty for stainless steel (non movable ) parts - 20 years

Koos Briti disaineri Tom Dixoniga oleme loonud FAT, uue rida kinnituskonstruktsioone.

Meie Fat uksekoputaja on vastupidavalt valmistatud AISI 316 roostevabast terasest, mida eelistab d line, ning sellele lisandub 20-aastane tootegarantii.

Fat kollektsioon hõlmab hooba, võtitaskut ja pöidla käändkangi, samuti uksekoputajat, tõmbekäepidet, süvendtõmmitsat ja uksetoppi. Nagu kogu d line portfellis, on iga tükk piisavalt minimalistlik, et olla oma kujunduses ajatu, selle ilu tuleneb ümarast profiilist ja täidlasest siluetist, mitte liigsetest detailidest.

Kollektsiooni esteetika saavutamiseks on Tom Dixon suurendanud iga tüki "tavalist" esteetikat, et luua pehmemad servad ja heldem profiil. Stuudio kasutab sõna "fat" helduse ja vormi pehmuse tähistamiseks. Tulemus ei sisalda teravuse või nurksuse jälgegi ning see on kollektsioon ülespuhutud tükkidest, mis on lihtsalt "paksud" tavalisest.

Kollektsioon on saadaval PVD-kivisöe, elektrisinise, PVD-poleeritud messingi ja meie allkirja järgi satiinroostevabast terasest.


Together with British designer Tom Dixon we’ve created FAT, a new line of hardware pieces.

Our Fat door knocker is enduringly crafted in the highly resilient AISI 316 stainless steel preferred by d line and enhanced by a 20-year product guarantee.

The Fat collection comprises a lever handle, key escutcheon and thumb turn, as well as a door knocker, pull handle, flush pull and door stop. Like the rest of the d line portfolio, each piece is minimalist enough to be timeless in its design, its beauty coming from its rounded profile and inflated silhouette, rather than from superfluous details. 

To achieve the collection’s aesthetic, Tom Dixon has magnified the silhouette of each piece’s ‘normal’ aesthetic, to create softer edges and a generous profile. The studio uses the word ‘fat’ to imply generosity and softness of form. The result lacks any trace of sharpness or angularity and is a collection of pumped-up pieces that are simply ‘fatter’ than the norm.

The collection is available in PVD charcoal, electric blue, PVD polished brass and our signature satin stainless steel. 

Tootekood: I12901102000 ,   Tarneaeg: 2-4 nädala
278,57 €
Height: 33mm
Width: 28mm
Depth: 75mm
Diameter: Ø28/33mm
Weight: 0,45 kg.
Designer: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Color: Brushed
Tootekood: FRON1931-1 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
38,00 € (5%)
40,00 €
Uksepiiraja 2, Nova 2, harjatud kuld
Height: 33mm
Width: 28mm
Depth: 75mm
Diameter: Ø28/33mm
Weight: 0,45 kg.
Designer: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Color: Gold/black
Tootekood: FRON1931-1-BMG ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
52,25 € (5%)
55,00 €
Uksepiiraja 2, Nova 2, harjatud must
Height: 33mm
Width: 28mm
Depth: 75mm
Diameter: Ø28/33mm
Weight: 0,45 kg.
Designer: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Color: Gold/black
Tootekood: FRON1931-1-BCB ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
52,25 € (5%)
55,00 €
Uksepiiraja 2, Nova 2, harjatud vask
Height: 33mm
Width: 28mm
Depth: 75mm
Diameter: Ø28/33mm
Weight: 0,45 kg.
Designer: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Color: Gold/black
Tootekood: FRON1931-1-BOC ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
52,25 € (5%)
55,00 €
Height: 33mm
Width: 28mm
Depth: 75mm
Diameter: Ø28/33mm
Weight: 0,45 kg.
Designer: Bønnelycke mdd
Material: Stainless steel
Color: Gold/black
Tootekood: FRON1931-1-GO ,   Tarneaeg: 7-21 päeva
52,25 € (5%)
55,00 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee