Köögisegistid, Köögivalamu Segistid | PEGU.ee

Köögisegisti võib olla suurepärane disainielement, mis lisab köögile stiili ja isikupära. Siin on mõned võimalused, kuidas köögisegisti saab olla disainielemendina kasutatud:
Värv: Köögisegistite valik on palju laiem kui varem, võimaldades valida erinevate värvide vahel. Näiteks võib segisti olla kuldne, roosikuldne, pronks, must või hoopis erksates värvitoonides. Õige värvitooni valimine võib luua köögis silmatorkava aktsendi ja sobituda ülejäänud köögi interjööriga.
Kuju: Segistite kujundused varieeruvad lihtsatest ja sirgetest joontest kuni keerukamate ja kunstiliste kujundusteni. Näiteks võib segisti olla modernne, minimalistlik, industriaalne või traditsiooniline. Köögisegisti kuju võib olla suurepärane võimalus köögi üldise stiili ja kujunduse rõhutamiseks.
Materjal: Materjal, millest köögisegisti on valmistatud, võib samuti olla disainielemendina oluline. Näiteks võib segisti olla roostevabast terasest, messingist, pronksist, kroomitud messingist või hoopis mõnest teisest materjalist. Õige materjali valik võib luua köögis segisti ümber erilise atmosfääri ja tunde.
Funktsioonid: Köögisegistid võivad olla erinevate funktsioonidega, nagu näiteks käsidušš, väljatõmmatav otsik, filtrisüsteem, termostaadiga segamistemperatuur ja palju muud. Need funktsioonid võivad lisada mitte ainult praktilist väärtust, vaid ka visuaalset huvi köögile, muutes segisti disainielemendiks.
Detailid: Köögisegistite detailidel, nagu käepidemetel, nuppudel ja kinnitusel, võib olla suur mõju segisti üldisele disainile. Näiteks võib käepide olla eriline kujundus, millel on omapärane muster, tekstuur või värv, mis annab segistile unikaalse ilme.
Kõiki neid võimalusi saab kasutada, et köögisegisti oleks rohkem kui lihtsalt funktsionaalne element, vaid ka pilkupüüdev disainielement, mis täiendab köögi üldist stiili ja väljanägemist. Oluline on valida köögisegisti, mis sobib kokku ülejäänud köögi kujundusega ja rõhutab selle iseloomu ning vastab ka sinu isiklikele maitse-eelistustele.
Damixa Fern köögisegisti kroom, L-Spout LM
Artikli number 68066
- Viimistlused Kroom
- Standardfunktsioonid
- Keraamiline tööorgan.
- Põletuskaitsega
- Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save.
- Twist & Save
- Pööratav jooksutoru.
- 120° pöördepiiraja.
- Kummiaeraator – lihtne puhastada.
165,00 €
Damixa Fern köögisegisti, C-Spout kroom LM
160,00 €
Damixa Fern köögisegisti, C-Spout, pesumasinakraaniga kroom
Standard features
235,00 €
Damixa Fern köögisegisti, J-Spout, pesumasinakraaniga kroom LM
Standard features
235,00 €
Damixa köögisegisti Clover Easy kõrge, x-change, kroom/must LM
230,00 €
Damixa Osier köögisegisti, kroom LM
- Keraamiline tööorgan.
- Põletuskaitsega
- Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save.
- Külm start.
- Pööratav jooksutoru.
- 120° pöördepiiraja.
- Kummiaeraator – lihtne puhastada.
230,00 €
Damixa Slate C tila köögisegisti X-Change ühendus, kroom/must LM
- Ceramic cartridge
- Scalding protection (38ºC)
- Eco-Save water saving feature
- Cold-start
- Swivel spout
- 120° swivel limitation
- Rub-clean aerator
285,00 €
Damixa Slate köögisegisti x-changiga kroom/must LM
- Keraamiline tööorgan.
- Põletuskaitsega
- Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save.
- Pööratav jooksutoru.
- 120° pöördepiiraja.
- Kummiaeraator – lihtne puhastada.
350,00 €
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5626
Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap.
Single hole deck-mounted mixer with slimline control lever.
Supplied with F3/8" flexible hoses and non-return valves.
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Reinforced, food-grade black flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5626
Connector | F3/8" |
Height | 1105-1225mm |
Drop height | 340 - 580mm |
Flow rate | 9 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35-162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
946,00 €
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5625
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap.
Single hole deck-mounted mixer with slimline control lever.
Supplied with F3/8" flexible hoses and non-return valves.
Bib tap with swivelling, tubular spout L. 200mm.
- 16 lpm full flow rate achieved within the first 90°.
- Valve head with reinforced mechanism and ergonomic control.
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Reinforced, food-grade black flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5625
Connector | F3/8" |
Height | 1105-1225mm |
Drop height | 340 - 580mm |
Flow rate | 16 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35-162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
1189,00 €
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5630
Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap.
Deck-mounted single hole mixer with:
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms and ergonomic control levers.
- F3/8" flexibles and non-return valves.
- Reinforced fixing via 2 threaded rods with back-nuts.
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5630
Connector | F3/8" |
Height | 1080-1200mm |
Drop height | 315-555mm |
Flow rate | 9 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35-162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
920,00 €
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5632
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap.
Deck-mounted single hole mixer with:
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic control levers.
- F3/8" flexibles and non-return valves.
- Reinforced fixing via 2 threaded rods with back-nuts.
Bib tap with swivelling, tubular spout L. 200mm.
- 20 lpm full flow rate achieved within the first 90°.
- Valve head with reinforced mechanism with ergonomic control lever.
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5632
Connector | F3/8" |
Height | 1080 - 1200mm |
Drop height | 315-555mm |
Flow rate | 20 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35 - 162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
1152,00 €
Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5633
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap.
Deck-mounted twin hole mixer with 150mm centres with:
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic control levers.
- Offset inlet connections with M1/2" tails.
Bib tap with:
- Swivelling, tubular spout L. 200mm.
- 25 lpm full flow rate achieved within the first 90°.
- Valve head with reinforced mechanism with ergonomic control lever.
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5633
Connector | M1/2" |
Height | 1110 - 1230mm |
Drop height | 345 - 585mm |
Flow rate | 25 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35 - 162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
1281,00 €
Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5633UK
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap.
Deck-mounted twin hole mixer with 180mm centres with:
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic control levers.
- Offset inlet connections with M1/2" tails.
Bib tap with:
- Swivelling, tubular spout L. 200mm.
- 25 lpm full flow rate achieved within the first 90°.
- Valve head with reinforced mechanism with ergonomic control lever.
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5633UK
Connector | M1/2" |
Height | 1110-1230mm |
Drop height | 345 - 585mm |
Flow rate | 25 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35 - 162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
1293,00 €
Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5634
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap.
Wall-mounted mixer, F3/4" with adjustable centres with:
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic control levers.
- M1/2" M3/4" offset connectors.
- Non-return valves integrated in the mixer.
Bib tap with:
- Swivelling, tubular spout L. 200mm.
- 25 lpm full flow rate achieved within 90°.
- Valve head with reinforced mechanism with ergonomic control lever.
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L.0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5634
Connector | M1/2" |
Height | 860 - 930mm |
Flow rate | 25 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35 - 162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
1104,00 €
Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5636
Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap.
Wall-mounted mixer, F3/4" with adjustable centres with:
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic ball levers.
- M1/2" M3/4" offset connectors.
- Non-return valves integrated in the mixer.
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5636
Connector | M1/2" |
Height | 860 - 930mm |
Flow rate | 9 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35 - 162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
829,00 €
Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5680
Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap.
Deck-mounted twin hole mixer with 150mm centres with:
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic control levers.
- Offset inlet connections with M1/2" tails.
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5680
Connector | M1/2" |
Height | 1110 - 1230mm |
Drop height | 345 - 585mm |
Flow rate | 9 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35 - 162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
1079,00 €
Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5680UK
Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap.
Deck-mounted twin hole mixer with 180mm centres with:
- Valve heads with reinforced mechanisms with ergonomic control levers.
- Offset inlet connections with M1/2" tails.
Black, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Black, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 5680UK
Connector | M1/2" |
Height | 1110 - 1230mm |
Drop height | 345 - 585mm |
Flow rate | 9 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35 - 162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
1085,00 €
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 6692
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap.
Deck-mounted single hole mixer with slimline control lever.
Supplied with F3/8" flexibles and non-return valves.
Bib tap with telescopic, swivelling spout L. 200 - 290mm.
- Flow rate 16 lpm at the outlet.
- Valve head with control knob.
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Reinforced, food-grade, white flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 6692
Connector | F3/8" |
Height | 1105-1225 mm |
Drop height | 340-580 mm |
Flow rate | 16 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35-162 mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
1073,00 €
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 6693
Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap.
Deck-mounted single hole mixer with slimline control lever.
Supplied with F3/8" flexibles and non-return valves.
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
Reinforced, food-grade, white flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. 6693
Connector | F3/8" |
Height | 1105-1225 mm |
Drop height | 340-580 mm |
Flow rate | 9 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35-162 mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
836,00 €
Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. G6432
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap.
Wall-mounted F3/4" mixer with 150mm centres with:
- Valve heads with control knobs.
- Non-return valves integrated in the mixer.
Bib tap with:
- Telescopic, swivelling spout L. 200-290mm with 25 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
- Valve head with control knob.
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable spray and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
White, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. G6432
Connector | F3/4" |
Flow rate | 25 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35-162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
989,00 €
Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. G6433
Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap.
Wall-mounted mixer, F3/4" with 150mm centres with:
- Valve heads with control knobs.
- Non-return valves integrated in the mixer.
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
White, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Wall-mounted pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. G6433
Connector | F3/4" |
Flow rate | 9 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35-162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
785,00 €
Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. G6532
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap.
Deck-mounted twin hole mixer with adjustable centres 100 - 240mm with:
- Valve heads with control knobs.
- Offset inlet connections with M1/2" tails.
Bib tap with:
- Telescopic, swivelling spout L. 200-290mm with 25 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
- Valve head with control knob.
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
White, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. G6532
Connector | F3/8" |
Height | 1125 - 1245mm |
Drop height | 360 - 600mm |
Flow rate | 25 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35-162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
1092,00 €
Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. G6533
Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap.
Deck-mounted twin hole mixer with adjustable centres 100 - 240mm with:
- Valve heads with control knobs.
- Offset inlet connections with M1/2" tails.
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable spray and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
White, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Twin hole pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. G6533
Connector | M1/2" |
Height | 1125 - 1245mm |
Drop height | 360 - 600mm |
Flow rate | 9 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35-162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
885,00 €
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. G6632
Complete pre-rinse set with bib tap.
Single hole deck mounted mixer with:
- Valve head with control knob.
- F3/8" flexible connectors and non-return valves.
- Reinforced fixing via 2 threaded rods and back-nuts.
Bib tap with telescopic, swivelling spout L. 200 - 290mm.
- 20 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
- Valve head with control knob.
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
White, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. G6632
Connector | F3/8" |
Height | 1105 - 1225mm |
Drop height | 90 - 330mm |
Flow rate | 20 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35 - 162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
1045,00 €
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. G6633
Complete pre-rinse set without bib tap.
Single hole deck mounted mixer with:
- Valve head with control knob.
- F3/8" flexible connectors and non-return valves.
- Reinforced fixing via 2 threaded rods and back-nuts.
White, scale-resistant M1/2" hand spray with adjustable jet and 9 lpm flow rate at the outlet.
White, reinforced, food-grade flexible hose L. 0.95m.
3/4" brass column.
Adjustable wall bracket.
Stainless steel spring guide.
Pre-rinse set with mixer
Ref. G6633
Connector | F3/8" |
Height | 1105 - 1225mm |
Drop height | 310 - 550mm |
Flow rate | 9 lpm |
Width to the wall | 35-162mm |
Finish | Chrome-plated brass |
835,00 €
IB Bold köögisegisti. Harjatud nikkel B2370SS
Kögisegisti Damixa Clover GREEN 228 mm tilaga teras LM
Köögisegisti, sisaldab X-ChangeTMühendust
- Artikli number 6004710
- Viimistlused Kroom, Teras, Kroom - Eco, Teras - Eco
- Standardfunktsioonid
- Keraamiline tööorgan.
- Põletuskaitsega
- Veesäästu funktsioon Eco-Save.
- Külm start
- Pööratav jooksutoru.
- 120° pöördepiiraja.
- Kummiaeraator – lihtne puhastada.
220,00 €
Köögisegisti 9000XE harjatud kroom FM Mattson
9000XE köögisegisti 9000XE köögisegisti U-kraanikaussiga harjatud kroomis sobib igas suuruses kööki.
See köögisegisti on plii-vaba ning varustatud meie nutikate, innovaatiliste ja energiasäästlike funktsioonidega nagu külma veega käivitus, pehme sulgemine, temperatuuripiirangu funktsioon ja energiat ning vett säästev aerator.
Selle ajatu ja praktiline disain muudab selle funktsionaalseks ja esteetiliselt vastupidavaks lisandiks igale kaasaegsele kodule.
Artikli number: 86100013
Vooluhulk 3 bar juures: 6.0 l/min
Kirjeldus: Harjatud kroom
• Külma veega käivitus
• Keraamilise kassetiga pehme sulgemisfunktsioon
• Reguleeritav voolu- ja temperatuuripiiraja
• EcoFlow (energiasäästlik aerator)
• Pööratav kraanikauss, piiranguosa 60°, 85°, 110° või 360° kaasas
• Pehmed SoftPEX® voolikud 3/8" ühendusmutriga (roostevaba terasest punutud) • Pliivaba materjal • Auku diameeter Ø34-37mm
Кухонный миксер 9000XE Кухонный миксер 9000XE с U-изливом в матовом хроме подходит для любой кухни, независимо от её размера. Этот кухонный миксер не содержит свинец и оснащен нашими умными, инновационными и энергосберегающими функциями, такими как холодный старт, мягкое закрывание, функция ограничения температуры и энерго- и водосберегающий аэратор. Его вечный и практичный дизайн делает его функциональным и эстетически прочным дополнением к любому современному дому. Артикул: 86100013 Производительность при давлении 3 бар: 6.0 л/мин Описание: Матовый хром • Холодный старт • Керамический картридж с функцией мягкого закрывания • Регулировка расхода и ограничитель температуры • EcoFlow (энерго- и водосберегающий аэратор) • Поворотный излив с ограничителем 60°, 85°, 110° или 360° в комплекте • Мягкие шланги SoftPEX® с гайкой 3/8" (плетеные из нержавеющей стали) • Материал без свинца • Диаметр отверстия Ø34-37мм
9000XE kitchen mixer 9000XE kitchen mixer with U-spout in brushed chrome suits any kitchen, whatever its size. This kitchen mixer is lead-free and equipped with our smart, innovative, energy-saving functions such as cold start, soft closing, a temperature limiter function and an energy- and water-saving aerator. Its timeless, practical design makes it a functional and aesthetically durable addition to any modern home. Article number: 86100013 Flow 3 bar: 6.0 l/m Description: Brushed chrome |
Köögisegisti Core Kroom
Standard features:
1 handle
Ceramic cartridge
Water consumption max.6 l/min 110° swivel limitation
Damixa Core'iga oleme loonud kõikehõlmava lahenduse ehitusprojektideks, mis rahuldab nii kliendi kui ka lõppkasutaja vajadusi. Lahendus, kus saame märkida kõik keskkonna- ja dokumentatsiooninõuded tööstuses, ja samal ajal täiendada seda esmaklassilise teenindusega.
Core by Damixa räägib kasutajasõbralikku funktsionaalset keelt, millest saavad kõik aru, ja te ei saa midagi ette heita ajatu kinnitusdisainiga, mis on saadaval nii mati mustana kui ka kroomina. Seeria on loomulikult saadaval nii köögi, vanni kui ka duši jaoks ja on seega täielik alates tarnimisest kuni kasutamiseni. Projekti seeria, mis on viimistletud kõige detailideni. Kogu olemus. Lõigatud südamikuni.
130,00 €