59.98 EUR
2665.7 EUR

Mähkimislauad Seinale Kinnitatavad ja Mähkimisalused

Mähkimislauad Seinale Kinnitatavad ja Mähkimisalused

Mähkimislauad on spetsiaalsed lauad, mis on mõeldud beebide mähkimiseks. Need võivad olla seinale kinnitatavad, volditavad või statsionaarsed, et pakkuda mugavat ja ohutut kohta lapse mähkimiseks või riietamiseks. Mähkimislauad on sageli varustatud erinevate funktsioonide ja omadustega, et muuta beebi hooldamine lihtsaks ja mugavaks.

Seinale kinnitatavad mähkimislauad on populaarne valik, kui ruumi on piiratud või kui soovitakse säästa põrandapinda. Need võivad olla valmistatud vastupidavast materjalist, nagu näiteks plastik, laminaat või puit, ning neil võib olla kinnitus, mis võimaldab neid turvaliselt kinnitada seinale. Seinale kinnitatavad mähkimislauad võivad olla volditavad, nii et neid saab kokku panna, kui neid ei kasutata, et säästa ruumi.

Mähkimisalused on eraldi alused, mis võivad olla kasutatavad koos mähkimislauaga või iseseisvalt, näiteks voodi, diivani või muu pinna peal. Need võivad olla valmistatud pehmest materjalist, nagu vaht, vatiin või plastik, et pakkuda beebile mugavat ja pehmet alust mähkimiseks või riietamiseks. Mähkimisalused võivad olla erineva suuruse, kujunduse ja omadustega, et vastata beebi vajadustele ja mugavusele.

Mähkimislauad ja mähkimisalused on praktilised ja mugavad abivahendid beebide hooldamisel, pakkudes turvalist ja mugavat kohta beebi mähkimiseks või riietamiseks. Need võivad olla suureks abiks vanematele, kellel on imikuid või väikelapsi, ning tagada beebi mugavuse ja ohutuse igapäevastes hooldustoimingutes.

PEGU.EE meie valikus on ca 60 mudelit baby mähkimislauda.
Sisekujundajale idee: SPA, Haigla, restorani, avaliku wc-see jne
Lapsehooldusruumide Mähkimislauad: Praktilisus ja Mugavus

Kui tegemist on väikeste imikute hooldamisega, on oluline tagada, et kõik oleks mugav ja praktiline nii emale kui ka lapsele. Üks oluline element nende hooldusvajaduste rahuldamisel on lapsehooldusruumide mähkimislauad. Need lauad on hoolitsevate vanemate jaoks hindamatud, sest need pakuvad turvalist ja mugavat kohta lapse mähkimiseks, riidevahetuseks ja hügieeni hooldamiseks. PEGU.EE veebipoe kaudu leiate laia valiku mähkimislauakesi, mis sobivad nii avalikesse kohtadesse kui ka kodudesse.

Miks Valida Mähkimislauad Avalikesse Kohtadesse?

Avalikes kohtades, nagu kaubanduskeskused, restoranid, hotellid ja avalikud tualettruumid, on lapsehooldusruumide mähkimislauad hädavajalikud. Need võimaldavad vanematel hoida oma lapsi puhtana ja kuivana isegi siis, kui nad on kodust eemal. Kui olete ettevõtte omanik või rajatise haldur, on see ka teenus, mida teie külastajad ja kliendid hindavad. PEGU.EE pakub erinevaid stiile ja suurusi, et need sobiksid ideaalselt teie ruumi.

Mähkimislauad Kodukasutuseks

Kuid mähkimislauad pole vaid avalike kohtade jaoks. Need on sama kasulikud ka kodudes, eriti vastsündinud beebidega peredele. Kodune mähkimislaud pakub mugavust ja efektiivsust, kui tegemist on lapse igapäevase hooldusega. PEGU.EE valikust leiate lauad, mis sobivad erineva stiili ja ruumi suurusega, muutes need suurepäraseks lisaks igale beebitoale.

Kuidas Valida Õige Mähkimislaud?

Mähkimislaud peaks olema ohutu, vastupidav ja mugav. Siin on mõned peamised tegurid, mida kaaluda:

  1. Ohutus: Kontrollige, kas mähkimislaud vastab ohutusstandarditele. See peaks olema stabiilne ja varustatud turvavööga, et laps püsiks ohutult paigal.

  2. Mugavus: Valige mähkimislaud, mis sobib nii lapsele kui ka teile. See peaks olema õigel kõrgusel, et välistada seljavalu. Samuti võib lisafunktsioonide, nagu riiulid ja sahtlid, olemasolu olla praktiline.

  3. Lihtne Puhastada: Kuna mähkimislaudadele satub sageli mustust ja vedelikke, veenduge, et see oleks lihtsasti puhastatav ja desinfitseeritav.

  4. Materjal: Valige vastupidav ja kvaliteetne materjal, mis peab vastu igapäevasele kasutamisele.

  5. Paigaldus: Veenduge, et valitud mähkimislaud saab paigaldada turvaliselt ja sobitub teie ruumi.

PEGU.EE veebipoest leiate erinevaid mähkimislaudu, mis vastavad nendele kriteeriumitele. Oleme pühendunud pakkuma parimaid lahendusi nii avalikele kohtadele kui ka kodudesse, et tagada nii vanemate kui ka laste mugavus ja ohutus.


Lapsehooldusruumide mähkimislauad on hädavajalikud seadmed, mis tagavad mugavuse ja praktilisuse nii avalikes kohtades kui ka kodudes. PEGU.EE veebipood pakub mitmesuguseid mähkimislauakesi, mis sobivad teie konkreetsetesse vajadustesse. Olge valmis hoolitsema oma lapse eest kõige paremal võimalikul viisil ja investeerige kvaliteetsesse mähkimislauda.

Kui soovite rohkem teavet meie mähkimislauakeste valiku kohta või vajate abi õige valiku tegemisel, võtke julgelt ühendust meie klienditeenindusega. Oleme siin, et aidata teil leida ideaalne mähkimislaud, mis vastab teie vajadustele ja eelistustele. Olgu teie beebi hooldusprotsess võimalikult mugav ja hõlbus!



Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna


The wall mounted dispenser for paper towels is a practical and hygienic solution for commercial sanitary facilities. BJÖRK dispensers have a functional, modern design and perfectly complement the award-winning BJÖRK baby changing station.

BJÖRK dispensers provide one-at-a-time dispensing that reduces paper consumption and improves hygiene. The paper towels offer surface protection of the baby change unit.

This paper dispenser holds about 30 multi-fold paper towels, which can be ordered directly from DAN DRYER (refills to fit the dispenser).

When you choose to purchase a BJÖRK paper dispenser you receive a stack of paper towels free of charge.




The simple look of the BJÖRK range is carried through to the new products in the collection. Therefore, all the details that have no function are simply done away with. Simplicity and shape are keywords behind the award-winning BJÖRK range of toilet equipment. So far, the collection includes hand dryers, soap dispensers, baby changing stations and two sizes of toilet roll holders. The range is complemented by a hygiene bin and a waste bin.



• Practical and hygienic solution securing a clean changing surface at all times.

• Equipped with safety lock

• Holds multi-fold paper towels 34 x 20.3 cm.

• Get your paper towels from DAN DRYER, item no. 3265

• Available in white, matt black and all RAL-colours

• 2-year product warranty


Product number: 3260 / EAN no. 5-709818-032603
Technical data:

BJÖRK paper towel dispenser in 1.5 mm powder coated stainless steel. Holds 34x20.3 cm paper towels. With safety lock.

Dimensions H: 211 mm, W: 290 mm, D: 62 mm
Weight: 2.5 kg
Colour: Optional RAL-colour
Tootekood: DAN3260 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
585,30 € (5%)
616,10 €


The wall mounted dispenser for paper towels is a practical and hygienic solution for commercial sanitary facilities. BJÖRK dispensers have a functional, modern design and perfectly complement the award-winning BJÖRK baby changing station.

BJÖRK dispensers provide one-at-a-time dispensing that reduces paper consumption and improves hygiene. The paper towels offer surface protection of the baby change unit.

This paper dispenser holds about 30 multi-fold paper towels, which can be ordered directly from DAN DRYER (refills to fit the dispenser).

When you choose to purchase a BJÖRK paper dispenser you receive a stack of paper towels free of charge.



• Practical and hygienic solution securing a clean changing surface at all times.

• Equipped with safety lock

• Holds multi-fold paper towels 34 x 20.3 cm.

• Get your paper towels from DAN DRYER, item no. 3265

• Available in white, matt black and all RAL-colours

• 2-year product warranty


Product number: 3255 / EAN no. 5-709818-032559
Technical data:

BJÖRK paper towel dispenser in 1.5 mm powder coated stainless steel. Holds 34x20.3 cm paper towels. With safety lock.

Dimensions H: 211 mm, W: 290 mm, D: 62 mm
Weight: 2.5 kg
Colour: Matt black, RAL 9005, gloss 10
Tootekood: DAN3255 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
475,19 € (5%)
500,20 €


The wall mounted dispenser for paper towels is a practical and hygienic solution for commercial sanitary facilities. BJÖRK dispensers have a functional, modern design and perfectly complement the award-winning BJÖRK baby changing station.

BJÖRK dispensers provide one-at-a-time dispensing that reduces paper consumption and improves hygiene. The paper towels offer surface protection of the baby change unit.

This paper dispenser holds about 30 multi-fold paper towels, which can be ordered directly from DAN DRYER (refills to fit the dispenser).

When you choose to purchase a BJÖRK paper dispenser you receive a stack of paper towels free of charge.



• Practical and hygienic solution securing a clean changing surface at all times.

• Equipped with safety lock

• Holds multi-fold paper towels 34 x 20.3 cm.

• Get your paper towels from DAN DRYER, item no. 3265

• Available in white, matt black and all RAL-colours

• 2-year product warranty


Product number: 3250 / EAN no. 5-709818-032504
Technical data:
BJÖRK paper towel dispenser in 1.5 mm powder coated stainless steel. Holds 34x20.3 cm paper towels. With safety lock.
Dimensions H: 211 mm, W: 290 mm, D: 62 mm
Weight: 2.5 kg
Colour: White, RAL 9003, gloss 75
Tootekood: DAN3250 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
475,19 € (5%)
500,20 €

Walking aid holder, 100 x 150 mm

100 x 150mm, made of Aluminium, with a scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection. Available in the Cavere® colour range. For depositing walking aids, for wall-mounting, easy fixing. Concealed screw fixing.

Supplied with stainless steel Torx screws 5mm x 60mm dia. and plugs for solid masonry.

Product code 7500410

Product group 7010

Cavere white (092)

Satin beige (093)

Silber Metallic (096)

Anthrazit Metallic (095)

Carbon black (091)

Tootekood: NB-7500410091 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
87,84 € (10%)
97,60 €

Walking aid holder, 100 x 150 mm

100 x 150mm, made of Aluminium, with a scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection. Available in the Cavere® colour range. For depositing walking aids, for wall-mounting, easy fixing. Concealed screw fixing.

Supplied with stainless steel Torx screws 5mm x 60mm dia. and plugs for solid masonry.

Product code 7500410

Product group 7010

Cavere white (092)

Satin beige (093)

Silber Metallic (096)

Anthrazit Metallic (095)

Carbon black (091)

Tootekood: NB-7500410092 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
87,84 € (10%)
97,60 €

Walking aid holder, 100 x 150 mm

100 x 150mm, made of Aluminium, with a scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection. Available in the Cavere® colour range. For depositing walking aids, for wall-mounting, easy fixing. Concealed screw fixing.

Supplied with stainless steel Torx screws 5mm x 60mm dia. and plugs for solid masonry.

Product code 7500410

Product group 7010

Cavere white (092)

Satin beige (093)

Silber Metallic (096)

Anthrazit Metallic (095)

Carbon black (091)

Tootekood: NB-7500410093 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
87,84 € (10%)
97,60 €

Walking aid holder, 100 x 150 mm

100 x 150mm, made of Aluminium, with a scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection. Available in the Cavere® colour range. For depositing walking aids, for wall-mounting, easy fixing. Concealed screw fixing.

Supplied with stainless steel Torx screws 5mm x 60mm dia. and plugs for solid masonry.

Product code 7500410

Product group 7010

Cavere white (092)

Satin beige (093)

Silber Metallic (096)

Anthrazit Metallic (095)

Carbon black (091)

Tootekood: NB-7500410095 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
87,84 € (10%)
97,60 €

Walking aid holder, 100 x 150 mm

100 x 150mm, made of Aluminium, with a scratch-resistant powder coating with antibacterial protection. Available in the Cavere® colour range. For depositing walking aids, for wall-mounting, easy fixing. Concealed screw fixing.

Supplied with stainless steel Torx screws 5mm x 60mm dia. and plugs for solid masonry.

Product code 7500410

Product group 7010

Cavere white (092)

Satin beige (093)

Silber Metallic (096)

Anthrazit Metallic (095)

Carbon black (091)

Tootekood: NB-7500410096 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
87,84 € (10%)
97,60 €

Laste hoiuiste, vertikaalne seinale

KB102-INB.   Lapse turvaiste. Seinale kinnituv

Mõõtmed: 311 mm (laius) x 476 mm (kõrgus)

Sügavus: 143 mm (suletuna)

Väljaulatuvus: 311 mm (avatuna)

Värvitoonid: kreemjas


Tootekood: BOB-102-00-INB ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
362,19 € (5%)
381,25 €


Luxury baby changing mat to fit DAN DRYER's baby changing stations, model BJÖRK and model 659/660. 

This mat is hand sewn and the highest attention has been paid to every detail. It is extremely durable; coated with 100% Oeko-Tex certified PU-leather on both sides, filled with foam and a felt sheet on top. A high-quality foam pad ensuring utmost hygiene and comfort for the baby while changing the diaper. 

The mat is attached to the table changing surface with Velcro to provide optimum safety.

It can be cleaned with 70% alcohol without the need to clean it afterwards with water. 

Product number: 3236 / EAN nr. 5-709818-032368
Technical data: Baby changing mat in PU-based artificial leather with foam filling
Dimensions L: 650 mm x W: 450 mm x H: 20 mm
Weight: 0.95 kg
Colour: Illusion PU Grey Nimbus 53593
Tootekood: DAN3236 ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
405,65 € (5%)
427,00 €


Luxury baby changing mat to fit DAN DRYER's baby changing stations, model BJÖRK and model 659/660. 

This mat is hand sewn and the highest attention has been paid to every detail. It is extremely durable; coated with 100% Oeko-Tex certified PU-leather on both sides, filled with foam and a felt sheet on top. A high-quality foam pad ensuring utmost hygiene and comfort for the baby while changing the diaper. 

The mat is attached to the table changing surface with Velcro to provide optimum safety.

It can be cleaned with 70% alcohol without the need to clean it afterwards with water. 

Product number: 3237 / EAN nr. 5-709818-032375
Technical data: Baby changing mat in PU-based artificial leather with foam filling
Dimensions L: 650 mm x W: 450 mm x H: 20 mm
Weight: 0.95 kg
Colour: Illusion PU Black 00110
Tootekood: DAN3237 ,   Tarneaeg: 14 -21 päeva
405,65 € (5%)
427,00 €



The replacement changing mat suitable for kawaform midi changing tables

This changing mat can be used for all kawaform midi models from our online shop. To be sure, you can compare the dimensions of your changing mat with the dimensions on the product photo.



  • PU leather (PVC-free, resistant to fat and oil)
  • Wipeable with disinfectant
Tootekood: TM-100128-1 ,   Tarneaeg: 5 nädalad
90,25 € (5%)
95,00 €

owo HPL / birch

changing mat for our latest model from the shop.

100017GUV: blue

Tootekood: TM-100017-11 ,   Tarneaeg: 5 nädalad
90,25 € (5%)
95,00 €


  • CE marked on the basis of product tests performed acc. to EN 12221-1 + A1.

  • Strong material with rounded edges for optimal safety.

  • Ideal for toilets with limited wall space.

  • Torsion springs makes it easy to open and close the baby changing station.

  • Available in black and white as standard, but can be ordered in any RAL colour.

  • Moreover, the serie consists of matching Björk hand dryers and Björk soap dispensers.

  • 2-year warranty.


Product number: 3205 / EAN no. 5-709818-032054
Technical data: Wall mounted baby changing station. RAL-colour: 9005, gloss 7-12. Carrying capacity max. 80 kg.
Dimensions Closed: H: 771 mm , W: 552 mm, D: 100 mm / Open: H: 304 mm, D: 751 mm / Changing surface: L: 700 mm, W: 510 mm 
Net Weight: 17 kg
Tootekood: DAN3205 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päev
1981,89 € (5%)
2086,20 €


  • CE marked on the basis of product tests performed acc. to EN 12221-1 + A1.

  • Strong material with rounded edges for optimal safety.

  • Ideal for toilets with limited wall space.

  • Torsion springs makes it easy to open and close the baby changing station.

  • Available in black and white as standard, but can be ordered in any RAL colour.

  • Moreover, the serie consists of matching Björk hand dryers and Björk soap dispensers.

  • 2-year warranty.


Product number: 3210 / EAN no. 5-709818-032108
Technical data: Wall mounted baby changing station. Optional RAL colour. Carrying capacity max. 80 kg.
Dimensions Closed: H: 771 mm , W: 552 mm, D:100 mm / Open: H: 304 mm, D: 751 mm / Changing surface: L: 700 mm, W: 510 mm 
Net Weight: 17 kg
Tootekood: DAN3210 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päev
2097,79 € (5%)
2208,20 €


  • CE marked on the basis of product tests performed acc. to EN 12221-1 + A1

  • Strong material with rounded edges for optimal safety.

  • Ideal for toilets with limited wall space.

  • Torsion springs makes it easy to open and close the baby changing station.

  • Available in black and white as standard, but can be ordered in any RAL colour.

  • Moreover, the serie consists of matching Björk hand dryers and Björk soap dispensers.

  • 2-year warranty.


Product number: 3200 / EAN no. 5-709818-032009
Technical data: Wall mounted baby changing station. RAL-colour: 9003, gloss 75. Carrying capacity max. 80 kg.
Dimensions Closed: H:771 mm , W: 552 mm, D:100 mm / Open: H: 304 mm, D: 751 mm / Changing surface: L: 700 mm, W: 510 mm 
Net Weight: 17 kg
Tootekood: DAN3200 ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päev
1981,89 € (5%)
2086,20 €


• Unique carrying capacity of up to 400 kg!

• For wall mounting.

• Made of cleaning-friendly materials.

• Space-saving; folds up against the wall when not in use.

• Strong, safety strap and rounded edges for optimal safety. 

• Comes in white as standard.

• Also available in all RAL colours and coated with different prints.

• Can be combined with matching paper roll holder.

• 2-year warranty.


Product number: 659 / EAN no. 5-709818-006598
Technical data:
Wall-mounted baby changing station in white-painted aluminium and brushed stainless steel. Carrying capacity: 400 kg.
Dimensions H: 782mm, W: 967mm, D: 100mm (closed) / 626mm (open). 790 mm long changing surface - total length incl. mountings: 950 mm
Net Weight: 22 kg
Tootekood: DAN659 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päev
2370,16 € (5%)
2494,90 €
Tootekood: MCP0016H ,   Tarneaeg: 7-14 päeva
445,50 € (10%)
495,00 €

Mähkimislaud Mediclinics horisontaalne plast ioniseerijaga + AISI304

Seinale klapitav mähkimislaud; horisontaalne, ioniseerijaga;

materjal-polüpropüleen / AISI 304, roostevaba teras-harjatud; 

kaal 12,3 kg; 

mõõdud: L 860 x S 570 x H 100 (klapituna seinale 565) mm


Horizontal surface-mounted baby changing station made of bacterial-resistant polypropylene and with AISI 304 stainless steel exterior, satin finish. It also assembles an ionizer that eliminate microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.

• Horizontal wall-mounted baby changing station made of white polypropylene and AISI 304 stainless steel satin finish, with built-in antibacterial additive and an ionizer that eliminate microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.

• BabyMedi® changing stations offer a very high level of safety and cleanliness being the ideal solution for public spaces such as, shopping centers, airports, public buildings, childcare centres, etc. Models suitable for high traffic facilities with high strength and durability.

• Their trendy and stylish design, allow these baby changing stations to blend into any space perfectly.

• Biocote® antimicrobial additive, based on ion silver technology, is embedded into its own surface, promoting an easy cleaning and reducing the growth of odor causing and staining microbes.

• This model of baby changing station is supplied with an ionizer ("Ion Hygienic" technology) ) that neutralizes virus and bacteria thanks to the negatively charged particles (anions) it emits, helping to maintain the baby changing station free of these harmful microorganisms for the baby health. The effectiveness of the ionizer, against virus and bacteria, has been tested and approved by TÜV Rheinland (Microbiological Test Report number 60329708-001) .

• BabyMedi® baby changing stations are supplied (inside the packing box) with child protection straps made of nylon.

• A pair of bag hooks (one at the right side and the other one at the left) help to keep personal belongings close and at hand.

• BabyMedi® units fully comply with the EN 12221-1 and EN 12221-2 standards that require baby changing stations be able to support a 50 Kg static load test during one hour. Moreover, units tested in our own laboratories have withstood loads over 100 kg.


Tootekood: MSC0016HCS-I ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1169,10 € (10%)
1299,00 €

• Horizontal surface-mounted baby changing station made of bacterial-resistant polypropylene and with AISI 304 stainless steel exterior.

BabyMedi® changing stations offer a very high level of safety and cleanliness being the ideal solution for public spaces such as, shopping centers, airports, public buildings, childcare centres, etc. Models suitable for high traffic facilities with high strength and durability.

• Their trendy and stylish design, allow these baby changing stations to blend into any space perfectly.

• Biocote® antimicrobial additive, based on ion silver technology, is embedded into its own surface, promoting an easy cleaning and reducing the growth of odor causing and staining microbes.

• BabyMedi® baby changing stations are supplied (inside the packing box) with child protection straps made of nylon.

• A pair of bag hooks (one at the right side and the other one at the left) help to keep personal belongings close and at hand.

• BabyMedi® units fully comply with the EN 12221-1 and EN 12221-2 standards that require baby changing stations be able to support a 50 Kg static load test during one hour. Moreover, units tested in our own laboratories have withstood loads over 100 kg.

Tootekood: MCP0016HCS ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
1103,40 € (10%)
1226,00 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee