7167.5 EUR

Avalike Tualettruumide Tarvikud: Kvaliteetne Valik | PEGU.ee

Avalike Tualettruumide Tarvikud: Kvaliteetne Valik | PEGU.ee

Avaliku Tualettruumi Tarvikud: Mugavus, Hügieen ja Stiil

Avalike tualettruumide varustamine sobivate tarvikutega on võtmetähtsusega, et tagada kasutajatele mugavus, hügieen ja stiilne keskkond. Pegu e-poes pakume laia valikut kvaliteetseid ja funktsionaalseid avaliku tualettruumi tarvikuid, mis vastavad erinevatele vajadustele ja standarditele. Olenemata sellest, kas tegemist on hotelli, restorani, kontori või muu avaliku koha tualettruumiga, leiad meie valikust kindlasti sobivad tarvikud.

1. Vannitoa Sisustuselemendid, Paber ja Aksessuaarid TORK: TORK on tuntud oma kvaliteetsete ja stiilsete vannitoatarvikute poolest. Meie valikus on erinevad kätepaberidosaatorid, tualettpaberid ja muud hügieenitarvikud, mis mitte ainult ei täida oma otstarvet, vaid lisavad ka elegantsi sinu tualettruumile.

2. Desinfektandi Dosaatorid ja -desinfetseerimise Tarvikud: Hügieen on tänapäeval eriti oluline. Seetõttu pakume laia valikut dosaatoreid ja tarvikuid desinfitseerimisvahenditele, mis aitavad hoida bakterid eemal ja tagavad kasutajatele ohutu keskkonna.

3. Föönid, Juukseföönid kodukasutuseks (hotellidele): Hotellidele mõeldud föönid pakuvad külastajatele mugavust ja stiili, olles samas vastupidavad ja kvaliteetsed.

4. Föönid üldkasutatavad PRO (Basseinid, SPA jne): Avalikele basseinidele ja spaa-dele mõeldud professionaalsed föönid tagavad efektiivse kuivatamise ja vastupidavuse.

5. Joogifontäänid: Pakume erinevaid joogifontääne, mis tagavad külastajatele värsket ja jahutatud vett avalikes kohtades.

6. Kindakarbihoidikud ja Kinnaste Dosaatorid: Hoidke kätekaitsed käepärast ja hügieeniliselt, valides meie valikust kindakarbihoidikud ja dosaatorid.

7. Kätepaberi Dosaatorid, Lehtpaberihoidjad, Paberrätiku Hoidjad (lehtpaberile): Pakume mitmesuguseid kätepaberi dosaatoreid ja hoidjaid, mis sobivad erinevatele kasutuskohtadele.

8. Kätepaberi Dosaatorid ja Paberrätiku Hoidjad (Rullrätikud): Rullrätikute dosaatorid ja hoidjad tagavad käte kiire ja tõhusa kuivatamise.

9. Kätekuivatid Elektrilised: Kiire ja keskkonnasõbralik lahendus käte kuivatamiseks avalikes tualettruumides.

10. Mähkimislauad Seinale Kinnitatavad ja Mähkimisalused: Laste hooldamiseks mõeldud mähkimisalused tagavad mugavuse ja ohutuse.

11. Sankotikandurid ja Hügieenitarvikud: Hoidke avalikud tualettruumid korras ja mugavad, valides meie valikust sobivad tarvikud.

12. Seebidosaatorid Vedelseebile ja Seebidispenserid: Tagage kätepesu mugavus ja hügieen, valides meie valikust erinevad seebidosaatorid.

13. Seebidosaatorid Kontaktivaba: Kaasaegne ja hügieeniline lahendus, mis aitab vähendada bakterite levikut.

Olenemata teie avaliku tualettruumi vajadustest, leiate Pegu e-poest kvaliteetsed ja stiilsed tarvikud, mis vastavad teie ootustele. Külastage meie veebilehte ja tutvuge täieliku valikuga juba täna!


Kuva: Nimekirjana / Võrgustikuna


Reframe | Toilet paper holder

Toilet paper holder Brushed steel

The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7050 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
143,65 € (10%)
159,62 €


Reframe | Toilet paper holder

Toilet paper holder Polished steel

The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7051 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
164,70 € (10%)
183,00 €


Reframe | Toilet paper holder

Toilet paper holder Brass

The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7052 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
164,70 € (10%)
183,00 €


Reframe | Toilet paper holder

Toilet paper holder Copper

The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7053 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
164,70 € (10%)
183,00 €


Reframe | Toilet paper holder 

Toilet paper holder Black

The toilet roll is held in place with a removable part which is optimised in terms of friction so the paper rolls off perfectly. The toilet roll holder is reversible, and the removable part is magnetic, so it can be turned round quickly and easily.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7054 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
164,70 € (10%)
183,00 €


Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder 

Spare toilet paper holder Brushed steel

The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7060 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
142,74 € (10%)
158,60 €


Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder 

Spare toilet paper holder Polished steel

The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7061 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
164,70 € (10%)
183,00 €


Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder 

Spare toilet paper holder Brass

The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7062 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
164,70 € (10%)
183,00 €


Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder 

Spare toilet paper holder Copper

The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7063 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
164,70 € (10%)
183,00 €


Reframe | Spare toilet paper holder 

Spare toilet paper holder Black

The extra holder has a separate rubber element which adjusts to the inside diameter of the roll so the roll does not slip to the side but always stays centred.

The pack contains fittings, screws and an Unbraco key for assembly.

Tootekood: UN-7064 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
164,70 € (10%)
183,00 €


for PP102e-7S
140 x 20 x 195 mm

Order numbers:
satin finished: 923136
RAL-powder coated: 923136-RAL

Tootekood: WAG-923136 ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
81,13 € (5%)
85,40 €


for WP/PP102e
110 x 450 x 120 mm

Order numbers:
satin finished: 923139
highly polished: 923139-HGL
RAL-powder coated: 923139-RAL

Tootekood: WAG-923139HGL ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
72,44 € (5%)
76,25 €


for WP/PP102e
110 x 450 x 120 mm

Order numbers:
satin finished: 923139
highly polished: 923139-HGL
RAL-powder coated: 923139-RAL

Tootekood: WAG-923139 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
57,95 € (5%)
61,00 €


for WP 121
150 x 410 x 260 mm

0,5 kg

Tootekood: WAG-727131 ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
84,03 € (5%)
88,45 €


for WP 120
150 x 365 x 260 mm

0,5 kg

Tootekood: WAG-727130 ,   Tarneaeg: 14 päeva
78,23 € (5%)
82,35 €

Bin TORK 5 Ltr B3, san. prügikast, must plasticMaterjal: plast.

Värvus: must.


Length 16 cm

Width 19 cm

Height 33.8 cm

Tootekood: TOR-564008 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
65,55 € (5%)
69,00 €

Bin TORK 5L B3, san. prügikast, valge plastic

Bin TORK 5 Ltr B3, san. prügikast, valge plastic

Materjal: plast.

Värvus: valge


Length 16 cm

Width 19 cm

Height 33.8 cm


Elevation-disainiga Torki 5-liitrist prügikasti saab kasutada tavaprügi jaoks väikestes pesuruumides või hügieenijäätmete jaoks WC-kabiinis. Isesulguv kaas ja peidetud prügikott tagavad hügieenilisuse ja mugavuse. Tork Elevation-sarja jaoturite otstarbekas ja kaasaegne disain jätab külastajatele meeldiva mulje.
  • Jätab tänu lihtsale hooldusele ja paindlikele paigaldusvalikutele puhta mulje
  • Väike suurus on piiratud ruumi korral ideaalne
Tootekood: TOR-564000 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
65,55 € (5%)
69,00 €

BINOPTIC Delabie 512051BK sinale elektrooniline seebi dosaator, 230/6V, 1L mahuti matt must


BINOPTIC wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512051BK

Wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser.
Liquid or foam soap or hydroalcoholic gel dispenser.
No manual contact: infrared cell detects hands automatically.
Matte black 304 stainless steel spout.
No waste pump dispenser.
Independent electronic housing and removable tank enable installation beneath the washbasin.
Automatic soap dispenser: mains supply with 230/6V transformer.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specific foam soap.
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel
Total spout length: 115mm.
Supplied with 1-litre tank.


BINOPTIC wall-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512051BK
Supply Mains 230/6V
Technology Infrared sensor
Height 333mm (tank + electronic unit)
Length 115mm
Spout length 98mm
Volume 1 litre tank
Finish Matte black 304 stainless steel


Tootekood: DE-512051BK ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
445,30 €

BINOPTIC Delabie 512521BK pinnapealne elektrooniline seebi dosaator, 230/6V 0.5L mahuti matt must

BINOPTIC deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512521BK

Deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser.
Liquid soap, foam soap or hydroalcoholic gel dispenser.
No manual contact: hands are automatically detected by infrared cell.
Spout made from chrome-plated 304 stainless steel.
No waste pump dispenser.
Separate electronic unit and removable tank for installation under the basin.
Automatic soap dispenser: mains supply with 230/6V transformer.
For vegetable-based liquid soap with a maximum viscosity of 3,000 mPa.s or specialist foam soap.
Compatible with hydroalcoholic gel.
Spout length: 105mm.
Supplied with a 0.5 litre tank.


BINOPTIC deck-mounted electronic soap dispenser

Ref. 512521BK
Supply 230/6V mains supply
Technology Infrared sensor
Drop height 58mm
Spout length 105mm
Volume 0.5 litre tank
Finish Matte black 304 stainless steel
Tootekood: DE-512521BK ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
512,40 €


The wall mounted dispenser for paper towels is a practical and hygienic solution for commercial sanitary facilities. BJÖRK dispensers have a functional, modern design and perfectly complement the award-winning BJÖRK baby changing station.

BJÖRK dispensers provide one-at-a-time dispensing that reduces paper consumption and improves hygiene. The paper towels offer surface protection of the baby change unit.

This paper dispenser holds about 30 multi-fold paper towels, which can be ordered directly from DAN DRYER (refills to fit the dispenser).

When you choose to purchase a BJÖRK paper dispenser you receive a stack of paper towels free of charge.




The simple look of the BJÖRK range is carried through to the new products in the collection. Therefore, all the details that have no function are simply done away with. Simplicity and shape are keywords behind the award-winning BJÖRK range of toilet equipment. So far, the collection includes hand dryers, soap dispensers, baby changing stations and two sizes of toilet roll holders. The range is complemented by a hygiene bin and a waste bin.



• Practical and hygienic solution securing a clean changing surface at all times.

• Equipped with safety lock

• Holds multi-fold paper towels 34 x 20.3 cm.

• Get your paper towels from DAN DRYER, item no. 3265

• Available in white, matt black and all RAL-colours

• 2-year product warranty


Product number: 3260 / EAN no. 5-709818-032603
Technical data:

BJÖRK paper towel dispenser in 1.5 mm powder coated stainless steel. Holds 34x20.3 cm paper towels. With safety lock.

Dimensions H: 211 mm, W: 290 mm, D: 62 mm
Weight: 2.5 kg
Colour: Optional RAL-colour
Tootekood: DAN3260 ,   Tarneaeg: 14-21 päeva
585,30 € (5%)
616,10 €
Projektide hinnapäringud ja tooteinfo kättesaadavusega seotud küsimused palume saata e-mailile info@pegu.ee