Süvistatud Dušisüsteemid, Sisseehitatud Dušihkomplektid | PEGU.ee

Süvistatud dušisüsteemid ja dušikomplektid Damixa on suurepärased lahendused, mis tagavad luksusliku ja nauditava dušikogemuse. Damixa on tuntud Taani kaubamärk, mis on tuntud oma kvaliteetsete sanitaartehniliste lahenduste poolest. Süvistatud dušisüsteemid ja dušikomplektid Damixa pakuvad mitmeid funktsioone ja omadusi, mis muudavad duši all käimise mugavaks, efektiivseks ja stiilseks.
Süvistatud dušisüsteemid on disainilahendused, mis on paigaldatud seinasiseselt, luues minimalistliku ja kaasaegse ilme. Need sisaldavad sageli termostaatseid segisteid, käsidušše, peadušše ning muid dušikomponente. Damixa süvistatud dušisüsteemid pakuvad tavaliselt erinevaid funktsioone, nagu temperatuuri- ja rõhu reguleerimine, veevoolu lülitamine erinevate dušikomponentide vahel ning mitmekülgne dušikogemus erinevate pihustusmustrite ja veesurvega.
Dušikomplektid Damixa on valmis komplektid, mis sisaldavad sageli termostaatset segisti, käsidušši, peadušši ja teisi komponente, mis on sobitatud disainilt ja stiililt omavahel ning loovad ühtse ja tervikliku dušikogemuse. Damixa dušikomplektid pakuvad erinevaid stiile, viimistlusi ja funktsioone, et rahuldada erinevate klientide maitset ja vajadusi.
Damixa süvistatud dušisüsteemid ja dušikomplektid on tuntud oma kõrge kvaliteedi, vastupidavuse ja disaini poolest. Need sobivad suurepäraselt nii kodustesse vannitubadesse kui ka avalikesse ruumidesse, tagades luksusliku ja meeldiva dušikogemuse. Damixa tooted on saadaval PEGU.EE e-poes ja teistes tuntud müügikohtades, pakkudes klientidele mitmekülgseid valikuid ja usaldusväärset valikut süvistatud dušisüsteemide ja dušikomplektide osas.
Damixa Silhouet seinapõlv käsiduši hoidikuga must 1/2"
Damixa Süvistatud termostaat peitsegisti 2 väljandit LM
Thermostatic 2-Way built in Shower Mixer Box chrome
Lars Lindegaard
530,00 €
Check valves
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Thermostatic 2-Way built in Shower Mixer Box .
310,00 €
Dušiotsik Presto läbi seina 29120, antivandaalne, sein 1,5-200mm 1/2"
189,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE HS1 kroom/hõbedane voolik
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Pine HS 1 - concealed shower system
Pine HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
Standard features:
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metalBuild-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Silhouet SR1 - concealed shower system polished brass pvd
667,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE HS1 matt must
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Pine HS 1 - concealed shower system
Pine HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
Standard features:
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metalBuild-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
1033,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE HS1 steel PVD
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Pine HS 1 - concealed shower system
Pine HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
Standard features:
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metalBuild-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
1033,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE HS2 kroom/hõbedane voolik
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Pine HS 2 - concealed shower system
Pine HS 2 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
Standard features:
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
667,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE HS2 matt must
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Pine HS 2 - concealed shower system
Pine HS 2 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
Standard features:
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
1033,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE HS2 steel PVD
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Pine HS 2 - concealed shower system
Pine HS 2 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
Standard features:
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
1033,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE SR1 kroom/hõbedane voolik
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Pine SR 1 - concealed shower system
Pine SR 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
Standard features:
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
710,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE SR1 matt must
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Pine SR 1 - concealed shower system
Pine SR 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
Standard features:
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
1134,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE SR1 steel PVD
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Pine SR 1 - concealed shower system
Pine SR 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
Standard features:
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
1134,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE SR2 kroom/hõbedane voolik
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Pine SR 2 - concealed shower system
Pine SR 2 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
Standard features:
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
710,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE SR2 matt must
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Pine SR 2 - concealed shower system
Pine SR 2 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
Standard features:
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
1134,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa PINE SR2 steel PVD
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Pine SR 2 - concealed shower system
Pine SR 2 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
Standard features:
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 6 l/m
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
1134,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS1 harjatud grafiithall PVD
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 1 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Vihmadušš max. 9 l/m / Käsidušš max. 9 l/m 1500 mm dušivoolik
Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box.
Silhouet HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
- Exposed kit - Thermostatic
- Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
- 1500 mm Hose
- Wall Mounted Shower Arm
- Silhouet Hand Shower
- Silhouet Head Shower (250mm)
Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.
With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.
1119,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS1 harjatud messing PVD
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 1 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Vihmadušš max. 9 l/m / Käsidušš max. 9 l/m 1500 mm dušivoolik
Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box.
Silhouet HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
- Exposed kit - Thermostatic
- Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
- 1500 mm Hose
- Wall Mounted Shower Arm
- Silhouet Hand Shower
- Silhouet Head Shower (250mm)
Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.
With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.
1119,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS1 harjatud vask PVD
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 1 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Vihmadušš max. 9 l/m / Käsidušš max. 9 l/m 1500 mm dušivoolik
Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box.
Silhouet HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
- Exposed kit - Thermostatic
- Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
- 1500 mm Hose
- Wall Mounted Shower Arm
- Silhouet Hand Shower
- Silhouet Head Shower (250mm)
Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.
With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.
1119,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS1 kroom/hõbe voolik
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 1 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Vihmadušš max. 9 l/m / Käsidušš max. 9 l/m 1500 mm dušivoolik
Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box.
Silhouet HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
- Exposed kit - Thermostatic
- Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
- 1500 mm Hose
- Wall Mounted Shower Arm
- Silhouet Hand Shower
- Silhouet Head Shower (250mm)
Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.
With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.
667,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS1 matt must
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 1 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Vihmadušš max. 9 l/m / Käsidušš max. 9 l/m 1500 mm dušivoolik
Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box.
Silhouet HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
- Exposed kit - Thermostatic
- Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
- 1500 mm Hose
- Wall Mounted Shower Arm
- Silhouet Hand Shower
- Silhouet Head Shower (250mm)
Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.
With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.
1033,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS1 poleeritud messing PVD
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 1 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Vihmadušš max. 9 l/m / Käsidušš max. 9 l/m 1500 mm dušivoolik
Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box.
Silhouet HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
- Exposed kit - Thermostatic
- Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
- 1500 mm Hose
- Wall Mounted Shower Arm
- Silhouet Hand Shower
- Silhouet Head Shower (250mm)
Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.
With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.
1033,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS1 steel PVD
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 1 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Vihmadušš max. 9 l/m / Käsidušš max. 9 l/m 1500 mm dušivoolik
Please note: This shower kit is without the thermostatic mixer box.
Silhouet HS 1 built in bathroom concealed shower system consists of:
- Exposed kit - Thermostatic
- Outlet Elbow with Shower Holder
- 1500 mm Hose
- Wall Mounted Shower Arm
- Silhouet Hand Shower
- Silhouet Head Shower (250mm)
Slim. Scandinavian. Attractive.
With its pure, inviting design Silhouet fits beautifully in the kitchens and bathrooms of today as well as tomorrow. For the bathroom sink, Silhouet is available in three different heights to ensure you can also use it with a tall, tabletop mounted vessel sink. The stylish Silhouet shower system features a showerhead that due to its ultra slim design appears to hover for an even more sophisticated look. Silhouet is the essence of timeless Scandinavian design and outstanding Damixa quality.
1033,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS2 harjatud grafiithall PVD
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 2 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Standard features:
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 9 l/m
1119,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS2 harjatud messing PVD
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 2 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Standard features:
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 9 l/m
1119,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS2 harjatud vask PVD
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 2 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Standard features:
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Head Shower max. 9 l/m / Hand Shower max. 9 l/m
1119,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS2 kroom/hõbe voolik
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 2 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Vihmadušš max. 9 l/m / Käsidušš max. 9 l/m
Silhouet HS2 - concealed shower system chrome/silverhose
667,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS2 matt must
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 2 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Vihmadušš max. 9 l/m / Käsidušš max. 9 l/m
Silhouet HS2 - concealed shower system matt black
1033,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS2 poleeritud messing
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 2 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Vihmadušš max. 9 l/m / Käsidušš max. 9 l/m
Silhouet HS2 - concealed shower system polished brass pvd
1033,00 €
Süvistatud dušisüsteem Damixa SILHOUET HS2 steel PVD
Tähelepanu! Seinasisene dušisüsteem on ilma seinasisese tööelemendita.
Silhouet HS 2 Süvistatud dušisüsteem
Check valves
Cover plate and handle in metal
Build-in depth (min. 73mm - max. 104mm) Ceramic Parts
Vihmadušš max. 9 l/m / Käsidušš max. 9 l/m
Silhouet HS2 - concealed shower system chrome/silverhose
1033,00 €